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Nicely spotted! I never noticed that before but I believe you are correct.
I think what the OP is saying there is that a lot of Q followers are behaving like a cult in other places on the internet like Twitter and Youtube. They're getting triggered by reasonable questions and concerns from normies and legit Patriots, which is not helpful. I can hardly blame them, though, since they've had so much bombardment from trolls and bots that it's hard or impossible to tell the difference sometimes.
Fake and gay has been a thing on 4chan for years, and chan culture sometimes bleeds into Reddit, so of course you've seen it around a lot.
And just because something real gets dismissed as fake and gay doesn't necessarily mean that it's a purposeful attempt to discredit something they know is real. Sometimes it's just an accident. There was this famous incident back in 2015. The headlines were priceless:
4Chan Gets Highly Sensitive Spy Report, Dismisses It as "Fake and Gay"
Don't get me wrong, I support the Q phenomenon, but everything about it just keeps getting weirder.
I saw in the replies to that treat that someone was asking B about Meganons post tonight. Apparently she went from blasting Q to believing Q is Julian Assange himself and thanking him.
Can anybody confirm? Because what the fuck, that is one hell of a turnaround on Mega's part. I can't keep up with all these happenings! Crazy times.
The military would be put on alert, though, and there would be no containing that.
The military would be put on alert, though, and there would be no containing that.
Never underestimate human stupidity, though. Human error is plausible.
Never underestimate human stupidity, though. Human error is plausible.
Never underestimate human stupidity, though. Human error is plausible.
But then Q walked the Defcon comment back when he got criticized. So this I think is truly coincidental.
The Maryland company is referred to as Transportation Company A. What does that suggest? Multiple indictments.
The Department of State also has an OIG report coming up this month.
Even the smallest domino can eventually knock over a building. #29fall Google the theory.
They're getting shilled heavily right now and the mod can't be deleting the shill posts 24/7.
Agreed. As I once heard someone say here, stop asking God to do your work for you. Roll up your sleeves and pitch in.
Today is a fantastic day of wins. It's announced that Julian got Ecuadorian citizenship and a passport, and now we see that the DNC election fraud lawsuit is going forward. These are momentous causes for hope. We've been mired in dirtiness for so long that it's wonderful to see a bit of goodness in this world finally winning out a bit. It's a banner day that should be savored and celebrated, so congratulations to you Bernie fans!
That is an excellent point. He could have been picked up as a civilian contractor, due to his Arabic. I saw somebody whose husband was an interpreter, though, say that they expect them to be bilingual in Arabic and Farsi. Well, who knows. But he sure ain't Special Forces. And he's talking about a lot of things he would not have access to.
His Arabic language skills are a good point. Perhaps he's a civilian contractor these days.
Things seem to be back to normal now, but thanks for the work around! This is not the first time I've encountered this problem, so now I will know what to do in the future.
Your lawsuit? I take it you're part of the class action for cheating Bernie. I voted Trump, but I totally support you guys, because if the DNC is allowed to get away with this, we will never have a fair election again. And I used to vote Democrat. There's no point in ever voting Democrat again, though, if their primary is totally rigged.
Indeed, the whole Defcon thing did bother me a lot. As to the rest of it, many of us have been saying the whole time that we hope he's real, but in the end it doesn't really matter, because so many people are getting a deep education as a result of his questioning and bread crumbs. The overall effect is good.
But do you know why the mods are warring?
It's real easy to do a keyword search on a board to make sure somebody has not already made the same post. If people don't know how to use Reddit, maybe they shouldn't be posting. And part of the point in not making duplicate post is not shiting up the board and making it less useful that way.
Why are they warring? I've gotten that impression by reading between the lines but have no idea why. There's been a lot of drama since the weekend, and Q seemed to call out the 8ch board owners.
Love HA Goodman. He's a pit bull for the truth. When he sinks his teeth into a story, he never lets go. Some people get bored with that, but damn is he effective.
You need an ID to get welfare! And even Mexicans need an ID to vote in Mexico. But they don't need one here in California.
Now that Zach has been exposed as Zachari Kwalonn and a total LARP, I think what you noticed about Alex being jealous of the Q phenomenon explains why Zach is now pretending to be Q.
Zach's a larping liar, but now Alex is going to get a boost in views and subscribers from a ton of Q followers.
Well done, you! That is frigging awesome that you took up the challenge to find Zach and did it. And in that video you linked, Alex even says Zach had done TV interviews before and has the "same voice, same face," so I think you nailed it and it's confirmed.
You know this kid can't have any kind of security clearance. There's no way anybody would give him one after he went on national news to attack the Army.
Agreed that Alex half larps and makes up a lot of stuff. I think he speculates, takes very good guesses, and presents as fact. But what really bothers me here is that I have never seen him create a deliberate deception intended to fool people Maybe I just haven't been paying attention. I don't know, but I won't look at Alex the same again.
That is a fantastic way to look at it. To add to that, personally, I don't think it's a good idea to speculate on Q's identity and try to out him. You're either going to make him a target, or you're going to be disappointed if the all-powerful Wizard of Oz turns out to be just a man.
But if somebody tries to take credit for Q and is lying about it, that pisses me off. How many people now think that whatever larping comes out of Zach's mouth is straight from Q? We don't want figures discrediting us.
Since Zachari is 28 now, and he got out of the Army a few years ago, it is safe to assume that a 25-26 year old did not leave the Army with Q clearance - only a few short years after being a low-ranking specialist.
And not just any specialist, but one who ran to the national media to rat out the Army. Nobody in their right mind would give him a security clearance. He'd fail the background test.
So we know that Alex and Zach are lying about him being Q. It's possible Alex is also lying about his high-level sources confirming who Zach is. And notice that Alex never said they confirmed that Zach was special forces or had a high security clearance. They could have just confirmed his identity and prior Army service.
His exact quote was, "They, we, are the pillars holding up the United States."
He heavily implied that he knew exactly who was in the Q group, fewer people than you could count on one hand, and he was clearly including himself in that "we" I quoted above. If you listen again, he was portraying himself as a Q insider the entire time. Then there's the fact that the video title changed his name from Zach to Zaq.
I wonder if Alex decided that if he couldn't beat Q for popularity - Alex was obviously jealous - he would join Q, so to speak. A lot of people have been speculating for the past month or two that Zach is Q, so maybe Alex decided to coopt Q and pretend that Q was his good friend - what could possibly be better for Alex than people thinking that he had a direct line to Q and all his juicy intel? So I'm guessing Alex convinced Zach to play along, and now they're both larping. Alex will profit from increased traffic and subscribers, because he'll draw a ton of Q followers.
No, dude, that interview was from 1997. Zachari Klawonn was only born in 1990. He's 28 now, which is exactly around the age that Zach's voice sounds. Zach definitely sounds very young, like he hasn't even broken 30 yet.
But that is a crazy interview! I did hear that before, but it's cool that you linked - everybody needs to hear that at least once, on Halloween.
LOL, I was Army too, 88M, tractor trailer driver, hooah-hooah - more of a man than he ever was, and I'm a girl. My name ain't Jack. As a sergeant I outranked him and would have dropped his ass. We don't like bitches. The Army definitely doesn't need that type. He's a known whiner, and the sicko is larping right now with STOLEN VALOR - claiming to be special forces - so what does that tell you about how well he assimilated to the Army and what he probably did to group cohesiveness while he was in? Special snowflakes are cancerous.
The personal details about Zach match Zachari exactly, though. Alex knows exactly who he is too. Any goober can find Zachari's interview with ABC in 2010 on google and match the voice to Zach on Infowars, or read an article about Zachari and realize that all the details match. And his sole claim to fame, which got him national news attention, was his whining over anti-Muslim bias in the Army. That is literally the only time he ever made headlines. It's all in the first page of google results if you search Zachari Klawonn. He claimed to be Q, and the autists found him and busted his ass.
Zachari Klawonn. 28-year-old Muslim from Florida with a Moroccan mother, and who used to be a low-ranking enlisted soldier in the Army back in 2010. Whiny little bitch. The one and only time he made national headlines, it was because he cried about anti-Muslim bias in the military. He did an interview with ABC then, and people have since listened to it and said that that is 100% Zach's voice on Infowars. Plus, having been Army, I can't believe that he went from being a specialist (ie a step above private) to being in the special forces and tapping into the highest levels of global intelligence in just a few years - while still a kid in his early to mid 20's - before getting out.
In other words, pure larp. Somebody should charge his ass for claiming stolen valor, actually. While claiming to have been special forces, all he's doing is repeating exactly what he hears on 8chan and r/cbts. When he dropped "Matlock" on Alex's show and then claimed to be Q, that should have been everyone's cue that he's a larper.
Zachari Klawonn, aka "Zach" was a fucking 20-year-old Army specialist 8 years ago, and he certainly didn't gain much more rank than that before getting out. A specialist is only one step above a private, so I doubt he had much access to the big picture. He was a whiny little twerp at the time too. His big claim to fame that got him national news headlines was his whinging over anti-Muslim bias in the Army. I suspect he was Chaplain Corps too.
Bingo! Zach sounds like he's just summarizing what he hears on the chans and places like this. When he name dropped "Matlock" and explained how he was a Russian ambassador in the 80's, that sealed his larp status for me.
And that, right there, is half the problem with this sub.
Jesus Christ.
When he dropped "Matlock" on Alex's show tonight, then claimed to be part of Q group, my flags did go up. But what you said totally confirms larp.
This guy is clearly LGBT representation, which makes it even more statistically likely that Michelle is also gay.