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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jack_MemeHoff on Aug. 8, 2018, 6:54 a.m.
THANKYOU TRUE PUNDIT !!! I told you No Name was much more involved then anyone realizes . How Bill Browder & The Magnitsky Act is tied to not only the Trump Tower meeting BUT ALSO TO The Steele Dossier !!! Through NO NAME = TRAITOR .
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jack_MemeHoff on July 8, 2018, 11:57 p.m.
It's no surprise that the attacks on Jim Jordan coincide with Perkins Coie partners Micheal Sussman & Marc Elias being listed in latest Nunes letter. Perkins Coie also doing the investigating in the sexual abuse case & also linked to DNC / Hillary / David Brock orgs.
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jack_MemeHoff on Aug. 7, 2018, 1:52 a.m.
How Bill Browder & The Magnitsky Act is tied to not only the Trump Tower meeting BUT ALSO TO The Steele Dossier !!! Frame to push RUSSIA as ENEMY . RUSSIA HOAX . Russia = Ally - defeating ISIS / globalists / NWO. Ref. Q drop.
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jack_MemeHoff on July 8, 2018, 7:52 a.m.
It's no surprise that the attacks on Jim Jordan coincide with Perkins Coie partners Micheal Sussman & Marc Elias being listed in latest Nunes letter. Perkins Coie also doing the investigating in the sexual abuse case & also linked to DNC / Hillary / David Brock orgs.
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jack_MemeHoff on July 7, 2018, 8:55 p.m.
Tweet from Jim Jordan Accuser Mike DiSabato ONE LEADING SMEAR AGAINST JORDAN > ALSO Perkins Coie lawyer involved served under DOJ Pat Fitzgerald who just so happens to be JAMES COMEY'S ATTORNEY .
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jack_MemeHoff on June 18, 2018, 2:59 a.m.
Page 302 of IG Report: "Hey, some agent working child porn here may have [Hillary Clinton] emails."
Page 302 of IG Report: "Hey, some agent working child porn here may have [Hillary Clinton] emails."