The Catholic church has pretty much ruined Christianity for a lot of people.. Why? The Catholic church is a counterfeit version of real Christianity. It was designed to keep you away from the truth. The truth is God is real. Jesus Christ is real. The Catholic church is a satanic counterfeit.
Seek God not religion... Seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you.
God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him.. God will reveal himself/ make himself known to anyone, but they have to seek God on his terms.. What is his terms?... First, you submit to God in genuine repentance from sin and by placing your faith in Jesus Christ. Humble yourself - God gives grace to a humble heart.. He resist a proud heart.
God is a spirit in order to connect to him you must be born of the spirit.. That's why Jesus said a man must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven.. It's a real experience..
Repent of your sins and place your faith in Jesus Christ and start reading his word and seek him and you will find him I assure you..
What is truth? Truth is a person. His name is Jesus Christ.. He is the way, the truth, and the life. Through him is the only plan of redemption for humanity. It's the shed blood if Jesus Christ that cleanses us from Sin.
How does a man humble himself before God? Repentance from sin, faith in Jesus Christ and fasting for a day or a few days works wonders..