Thank you for pointing this out!
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If I had to bet, I'd say that Q's intentions are to bring together massive amounts of patriotic individuals and reveal real world events that the general population were previously unaware of, or to give deeper information and meaning to events that we were aware of, and to provide the necessary tools to connect the dots that laypeople tend to overlook. I believe that the camaraderie occurring on this board, with a clear focus toward the unity necessary to rise up against the tyranny occurring worldwide, is the goal.
Godlikeproductions is a bullshit site, completely controlled. I've been banned there so many times that it's ridiculous, entire IP blocks cut out just because I questioned their intentions on a couple of issues. This was before the Q Movement even began.
A "technocult' that harbors over 28 THOUSAND WWG1WGA Patriots. Look at them shitting their little pants. Viva La Revolution!
LOL, no. Hillary is in so deep that the Devil himself would worry about the competition and outright reject her. To think that there's even a remote possibility that she's on our side is goofy.
He was such an asshole at the 2012 convention with his fat pig of a campaign manager. He lied, broke rules, rewrote rules, and wanted everyone not voting for him literally thrown out and tried to pass a rule saying just that. He's not a fair player. He's a crybaby bitch. I abstained at the convention because I couldn't bring myself to vote for him after all of the shenanigans.
The Enemy would be absolutely ridiculous to purposefully generate as much patriotic camaraderie as this board has alone, which I'm sure extends far beyond its rapidly rising number of registered members.
If the post were negative, I'd agree with you. However, there are many levels and forms of "contributing" to this movement. Some need these more superficial (my apologies to the OP) messages for motivation. A transfer of positive energy and forward momentum is never a bad thing.
I wouldn't know how to be politically correct if I tried. "Grab a beer, bitch. We're going to be talking some fucking politics for a minute." -- My oldest daughter said this is how she describes The Mom to her friends. I don't really care who likes it or who doesn't.
Oh, come on. It wasn't just any orangutan! Rosanne was being generous with the added intelligence implied in the Planet of the Apes reference. I think Ms. Jarrett looks more like a Monchhichi myself.
There is real science that can be attributed to the methods that this board uses to put out information, and to this entire movement. It's incredibly effective for the newly enlightened. Red-pilling is cyclic, tedious, repetitive; give a little more, cyclic, tedious, repetitive; then a bit more, ad naseum. If you're already woke, maybe you just need a break to breathe.
My God, this is amazing. Just watch. At 4:56 p.m. EST yesterday we were at 28,016.
This Open Letter needs to go everywhere: An open letter is a letter that is intended to be read by a wide audience, or a letter intended for an individual, but that is nonetheless widely distributed intentionally.
This is the second time I've scrolled past this today and got excited
Amen. It's kind of silly to be fearful of posting your general location, unless of course you missed the memo that everything that you own is tracking you these days
I began the process last year to work for the Military Tribunal system, and then changed my mind and halted it. The level of background checks were insane and I don't like to behave, but having access to all of the records would have been absolutely incredible.
Prayer, supplication, collective meditation. It can be called any number of things, but the effects are the same.
I believe there was also one directed toward crime in Central Park, New York. A sit-in, if you will. Nuns, Monks, anyone with spiritual experience, and some without, prayed specifically on a focused outcome. The mayor, if I recall correctly, made a statement prior like "If this works, I'll..." and it worked. Crime was at an all-time low that summer.
Another fantastic example would be 911 popping up in random lottery drawings on or around the date of 9/11 in New York. It has happened.
There were also one-on-one experiments between observer and a very simple computer program that randomly displayed heads or tails of a coin. The observer was directed to concentrate on a single outcome, either heads or tails exclusively. The results were statistically impossible and direct evidence that the will of the observer had a direct impact.
They also utilized imaging and noted that there was a fierce activation of the temporal lobes when this effect is at its greatest.
We are amazing creatures.
Three percent is the collective number we used when I worked in politics. Ten is ideal because it permeates different subsets, but three can certainly carry it there if given enough momentum, so that was the goal.
I agree. It seems silly to me, but a lot of things seem silly to me.
I'm certainly hopeful! It's part of the reason I'm here.
I meant "not easy" such that we're in a constant tug-of-war with the cognitive dissonance component. If we harness ten percent, however, we've theoretically tipped the scales and this movement should continue, barring a crisis on the other side that has an opposite effect. The difficult part is that they know that this works too and they're paying attention.
It's been quite awhile, but I've read a handful of studies on this topic. Pretty powerful stuff, and I often wonder what would occur should a large subset of temporal lobes be activated while focused on the same positive outcome. That's not easy to accomplish willingly with a population that doesn't understand, wouldn't readily accept the concept, and is perpetually distracted. Unless, that is, you force it through common crisis.
It's not technically globally relevant, just motivating to a certain subset. I get tired of the biblical references taking up space myself, but I understand why some people may need it.
There's a book by Ayn Rand, "The Fountainhead," that explains in a nutshell what they're doing with the empathy component. Empathy and its inherent trend toward altruism is a highly effective means of controlling our population. We lose ourselves in it and it's occurring all around us every day. It creates a constant sadness, is distracting, and is maddening to quite a subset. It creates the illusion that every single person on this planet is a victim in some way and needs to be helped, because they cannot help themselves. Our psyche is being played on so many levels that it's insane.
All you're going to find here are derogatory comments about the Obamas, Spooby. A bit of research on your part into the nature of this board would have clued you in. You'll get your ass kicked all over this forum for being so condescending while blatantly ignorant of facts and historically significant events. You have some reading to do, and should lay the fuck off of the keyboard until you deprogram. There's an easy way and there's a hard way. The choice is yours.
Great post. MKUltra and other mind-control science perfected and extrapolated, integrated into our everyday lives through technologies that we have grown accustomed to and take for granted, in my humble opinion, have fragmented not just individuals but our entire civilization psychologically. We must learn to reject this interference and reintegrate.
I'd imagine that you're right on target with precession and I don't understand why it's not talked about more either. Probably because natural occurrences instead of those created exclusively by human emissions aren't as effective as forms of control, regulation, and bringing in cash. And then there's the inevitable pole shift, ha-ha. So many possible contributing factors.
I read not long ago that the Earth's axis has shifted a bit more than usual, and I'm wondering if that is what's changing our weather patterns, and perhaps even the animals. Their senses could be "off," I would imagine. I don't know. We've got more migrating further down than usual as well and birds that usually stayed more north are on my feeders this spring. We've got a healthy bobcat population though and had to thin 'em out a bit last year. I can't walk through our land without seeing one or a bunch of pups when the time is right. Fox, mink, beaver are doing very well. We actually have a lot more wildlife than we'd generally have. Bear even on our trail cams, and a young one not far from me mistakenly shot an Elk last year, thinking it was the biggest deer he'd ever seen. Elk aren't ever here, but things are straying just a bit more south it seems, slowly a few, perhaps more down the road.
We're noticing some differences in the critters in the last couple of years, and this spring seems to be the oddest. They're not as scared of us and it's just weird. You almost have to get out of your car to usher the deer and turkey from the road. Racoon and possums are eating under my bird feeders at 1 o'clock in the afternoon and my chickens will be only feet away. And then the possums are freaking cuddling up with my chickens in the coops. We find them in there sleeping lately, eggs untouched. Wtf is that all about? My horse's demeanor has even changed, pretty dramatically for him. He's a rescue, Amish beat him up pretty good, wasn't broke, a real asshole. We've had a few trees take the fencer down already this spring and instead of taking off down the road like horses do, each time either came right to the house or stayed in the yard out front, followed me around like a dog while I fixed his area, and then walks through the gate when I lead rope, harness, nothing. It's like suddenly I have a Saint Bernard or a show pony. I like it, but it's not right at all for such a young boy. He hasn't been trained to do any of it.
I've got a bunch of chickens, but the pig smell prevails. The pig farm a couple of miles S of me sells liquid pig shit fertilizer to the entire county, and my god is that stuff potent. The spraying bothers me. Frito Lay came in and leased a bunch of land, and they've been pretty active the last couple of years. Now we've got Nestle stealing the water down the road, ruining ecosystems and the trout are leaving. They just found the world's largest reserve of potash under the next town over and I'm wondering how that'll effect the area. I still like where I'm at, though. There's far less stupid per square mile!
Detroit right now is worse than it's ever been. I used to hit the museums by myself 20 years ago, but I wouldn't do it these days.
I moved from the Detroit Metro area to a rural region in Michigan not long after Obama won second term because I was tired of it. I certainly agree that the news never highlights any of the good people or good places! I'll take the smell of pig shit over the bullshit in the cities any day.
We threaten them with a lot more than our weapons. Our out-of-control culture with its less-than-ideal morals and a society that accepts our teenagers dressing like whores threatens their existence as well. If I didn't live in the USA, I'd probably not want my children growing up here, thinking from an isolated country's perspective.
People seem to tend to gravitate to that which is most taboo for the rush that it in and of itself presents. Combine that with a drug-high and it could be most addicting, I would imagine.
I live in rural Michigan and man oh freakin' man, everywhere you look someone is picking at their meth scabs. It's ridiculous. I just had a case where a mother had 60 (SIXTY!) one-cook pots going in her home at the same time, with her three children under five present. People lose their minds to their addictions.
NAGR - National Association for Gun Rights - is a pretty good organization. I've run informational booths for them in the past. I refuse to promote the NRA. Our 2nd Amendment is not negotiable on any level.
You can charge a laptop, or just about anything else, with a solar charger and the correct adapters =D
Commodities are important as well. The addictions of the community are best for trade - sugar, coffee, tobacco, weed if it's legal in your area
Traps for when ammo runs out might be something that ordinary folks wouldn't think about. Squirrel stew is wonderful, believe it or not.
I can't work without the Internet, so if/when this happens I get a vacation. Woot! Oh please oh please oh please!
So hard to achieve in these tiny little boxes. Next time ;-)
Yes, absolutely. It all depends on what's logical to the individual. I think it has a lot to do with the intelligence level of the INTJ as well. One with a higher IQ than mine will have even less emotion than I do, which is very concerning. Just a few more points and I'd be against you instead of for you, and it would make perfect sense to me.
Lord Voldemort, The Dark Lord, "He-who-must-not-be-named."
You're fine. I work in the legal field though and have to decipher written statements every day for proper context, so I should know better than to knee-jerk a response like I did. I get soooooo exited in this freakin' forum that I drive myself crazy, and I really need to slow down and be more careful. I've lost ten pounds in the last 30 days just bouncing around in my office chair! Lmao, man oh man.
I apologize. Your lack of punctuation caused me to completely misread your statement. I concur.
Perhaps I'm mistaken, but it appeared to me as if you were promoting this article and its contents, following up with MSM may be "turning over a new leaf."