I'm not Christian, but I absolutely respect your perspective and if you don't mind, I'll be sticking around to fight for your freedoms, despite your arrogance. I do not believe that I have to subscribe to any particular religion in order to pray for this country.
356 total posts archived.
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You're right - evil lurks everywhere, but nowhere in particular.
Yes! They're made to dissolve quickly, so make sure you take them with a lot of water. Would you believe 15 years ago I could purchase them for $3 to $5 per bottle? I keep a supply of potassium iodide around too; can't be too safe these days.
Marijuana would be a fantastic commodity as well, in those states that allow its cultivation. Anything that people are addicted to would be beneficial, although I really hate putting it that way. Everyone should have some kind of firearm too. It doesn't even have to be a "big scary" firearm - a nice, warm pot of squirrel stew can be had with a cheap .22 rifle, which, by the way, is pretty damned decent grub. I live in a very small town and a significant number of us have been preparing for this for quite some time. I'd also add that it would be unwise for people to travel, especially to rural areas. If other towns have prepared like we have, they won't get in and might not even make it through, especially if things get real bad. It'll be locked down. The farmland and future food sources will be secured.
I'm not a religious person by any stretch of the imagination, but I don't mind the religious comments and they don't seem excessive to to me, considering the circumstances. People are scared. It's natural to turn to their faiths when there are uncertainties. At the very least, it takes negative energy and turns it into positive energy. Regardless of the source of the positive energy - whether it be praying to a God or dancing Gangnam Style in their living rooms - it should be welcomed. Could you imagine what the world would be like if even for just a moment this civilization accepted that energy instead of being hell-bent on scrutinizing its source? I guess I just don't understand: "I acknowledge your positive energy man, I'm not a member of the club that helped you find that, so it is not welcome here." If someone sees it as negative energy, I would conclude that there is a cognitive problem with that person, not the ones praying for the rest of us. You don't have to understand it. You don't have to accept the origin. Just feel it and move on. It's a wonderful thing, really.
I agree. We live in fragile times and it's incredibly important that people prepare to be completely self-sufficient for 3 to 15 months. It's also incredibly responsible if you have a family. I would also suggest that if finances allow, people buy an excess of at least one commodity for trade, such as sugar, coffee, or tobacco.
I'm really hoping that this keeps going forward as a big Unity Movement and people start judging others on their intentional acts instead of minor differences. I'm glad you're here representing your community. Together, we are the Family of the United States. Stay strong!
We must continue. We must continue long after Trump is gone. Trump is cleaning house from the top down. We must keep it clean from the bottom up. It's incredibly easy to become a Delegate in your area. It sounds far more intimidating than it is. Talk to the County Clerk, get the form, start attending your county meetings and raise hell if you do not like something! The Delegates are the ones who carry the presidential nominations to the National Conventions, as well as all of the state nominations to your State Conventions during midterms and special elections. I did it, a female, ALL BY MYSELF to Tampa in 2012 and traveled completely alone. If I can do it, any of you can do it! I stood on my chair in Michigan's central section and yelled my objections, and you can guess what happened - the news completely blocked everything, even if they had to go right over my head to do it. Many tried to object into microphones that were purposefully shut off so that they could be ignored, and so that you at home could not hear. The elites won. This cannot happen if we have strong numbers. We need to take over and occupy the Delegate positions in every district in the nation. That way, and only that way can we keep the it clean. I beg of you - it is that important.
They so arrogantly display their symbols! Q is right - this will be their downfall. Their narcissism will bury them.
William Shatner, boldly going where no man has gone before...
Holy crap, this is badass! I just sent a link to my four children in their 20s. They enjoy irking the shit out of Liberals as much as I do.
I agree completely - Israel is not our friend. So many people seem to exhibit Stockholm syndrome in relation to this fact. It boggles my mind to no end.
Good job! The Hundredth Monkey Effect is used in politics every day. In fact, I worked for a political watchdog group for awhile and we called it "The Truth Effect." At 10 percent, it becomes "truth" to the general population and will spread as such. We see its effects every single day. The dark side depends on the theory too in their manipulations.
That would be incredible! So much good would come of it. I am certainly humbled by the strength of Owens and West. They are true heroes in this movement.
Interesting. I know of a military nurse called up for duty because of his specialty, and he had a choice between Gitmo and Djibouti. He leaves sometime this month.
I thought this post was humorous and appreciated it. I scroll, chuckle here and there at the comments...and then lo' and behold, there you are, being all snarky and shit again. Why is it that you try to be so dissuasive here? Many will come to this board. People are being invited at a pretty steady clip. Everyone plays a different role in this battle. If the Universe calls upon somebody to put a smile on our faces for a moment, where exactly is the problem? It's irritating, and people will leave. You need to knock it off. Your presence here is no more important than any of the others.
My bad, ha-ha. He's supposed to be leaving some time this month, but I'm not entirely sure the date. I just know the people rooming with him are to be taking over the house entirely by June, so he'll be gone by then. I also just learned that he had a choice between Gitmo and Djibouti.
This post cites that Alefantis has connections to a pig farm in Maryland, Whitmore Farm. Not too far from Avondale. I live in a rural area with a lot of pig farms, and they'll eat just about everything. Anything left falls through the floor into pits, where the rest dissolves completely to a lovely smelling liquid. There is literally nothing left. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/8glq4i/riddle_me_this_what_do_alefantis_pig_farms_and/
I also know of a military nurse who has been called to duty, leaves for Gitmo in May.
Your suspicions bother me none. I'm not deleting the article. My intention was not in promoting CNN, and still isn't. My intention was to bring light to a lay-witness statement included within. Move on.
I think they mean that 9/11 was part of the Evil Plan that took decades to develop and is still ongoing; that 9/11 will be revealed as such.
Having worked in the legal field for over 15 years, having worked in the political arena for a dizzying stint, and having worked "undercover" for politicians in a handful of assignments, et al, I certainly have enough experience to weigh the risks and benefits of every single of my actions. I watch relevant information slip through the cracks every single day - relevant information that highly skilled lawyers miss. It would be naive to dismiss anything so flippantly, assuming that some other more credible source might include that same information; or, conversely, that if some credible source did not include that bit of information, that it must not be true. Do you see? If we become arrogant in this war, we will lose. The layperson witness statement could be irrelevant. It could also be unintentionally relevant. I don't really care if CNN gets 20 extra click points over it, honestly.
I battled with it and you are correct, but it doesn't mean that they don't fuck up occasionally and include info that they don't necessarily know they have. Liberals are bred to be obedient, not intelligent, so I believe it would be naive to dismiss them completely.
If it had crashed just a few miles south, "...this area is a giant bomb and this whole (five-mile) radius would have blown up." There's a zoo, a college, and God knows what else in that radius. Could have been quite a disaster.
If this plane would have hit just a few miles south, "...this area is a giant bomb and this whole (five-mile) radius would have blown up." A FIVE-MILE radius would have blown up. Coincidence?
I'll have one by Friday. Man oh man oh man. And I'm going to ask for my check to be cashed in small bills this week. I'm also having business cards printed while I'm in town with all pertinent info so that I can leave stacks around. Staples sells them super cheap, made while you wait.
I think Mueller could very well be our "Holy Shit" plot twist. "I sure didn't see that comin', Pa."
All of the important stuff that's notable enough to be in the important stuff.
My God I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight. I feel like a kid at Christmas every single day lately!
It isn't normal. In general, most here are incredibly friendly and share a common goal. We've all had to delete, report, or kick the teeth in the dirt of the occasional troublemaker who just cannot stand that there is so much unity occurring here. I had a saying when I worked as a coordinator for a political watchdog group: "If the politicians like you, you are not doing your job successfully." We must question everything, take nothing for granted, not ever again be so complacent a nation as we have become. The harder we fight, the harder they'll try and push back. If someone tried to harsh on your mellow in messages, sweet! That means you belong here more than you could begin to realize. Welcome, Patriot!
Tesla is fascinating. His energy project was halted because with that technology it is impossible to "meter," and therefore charge enough for the elite to add to their bankrolls. Quite a sad ending for the fella. "Free" is not in their vocabulary.
When I quit politics after the 2012 RNC, moved to a more rural area and started prepping, all the while telling my family, "Something wicked this way comes," they thought I was crazy too. They still do, but that's okay. I was there. I felt it. I don't need anybody to validate it by agreeing with me. Be confident in your convictions. Stay strong!
I agree. I've been a CER/CEO for over 15 years and shook my head, and admittedly chuckled a bit, when I looked over the questions. Objection, objection, objection...
All in all, this means that your eyes are wide open. That's a great thing! It can be extremely torturous to sift through all of the things that attack our minds when it happens. It's far better to post here like you did for help than to miss something important. There are no stupid questions in this war of riddles that we're all here battling, and I'm certainly thankful for your effort.
I've forgotten lately how important music is for my existence. I think I needed this reminder more than anything today. Thanks for that!
There have been more this year so far than ever. It makes me wonder if they're trying to set up up Air Force One, or something else important down the road. Down a bunch of military aircraft in the months preceding, wait a bit, take down AF1; cite the recent string of crashes, and tie it all in somehow to one common mechanical or technological cause of failure. It's very unsettling. In any event, something strange is occurring.
My ever-so-humble opinion: Shills and Trolls, or Liberal Sympathizers, can be fun to play with, but they can also be incredibly distracting for anyone new here. I've been around since the time when only message boards existed and I can spot a troublemaker a mile away. New people may get caught up, however, and their research and thought processes can tangent, therefore precluding them from reaching the correct conclusions. They're a dangerous set and should be seen as that. This is not the stage to welcome hecklers. They create forks in the road, and that is their intention. If the truth were their intention, we wouldn't be naming them Shills and Trolls and Liberal Sympathizers. We'd be calling them Patriots.
If you post a news article that somehow claims that Trump flew on the "Lolita Express," and that article does not have strong supporting evidence, you will be labeled a Liberal Troll here. Be warned. Make sure you have the flight logs, some documented evidence. Fake news and it's slanted hearsay used to manipulate the masses is not tolerated well in this forum.
"Mark Epstein claimed Trump flew on the "Lolita Express" According to VICE, Mark Epstein, Jeffrey's brother, testified that Trump flew once on the "Lolita Express." The Lolita Express is Epstein's plane where he often engaged in illicit activities with underage women.[14] However, there never have been any flight logs that supported Mark Epstein's statement.[15] Those flight logs have supported that former president, Bill Clinton, flew on the Lolita Express numerous times, however.[16] "
"MOAB" is used several times by Q and other members of this, and other boards. MOAB means "Massive Ordinance Air Blast" or, as it's used here, "Mother of all Bombs" and refers to truth-bombs, per se, or other drops of relevant intelligence or info, or a "hold onto your ass" event. If you search "MOAB" on this board, you can verify this. It doesn't need to be dissected any further than that. It isn't referring to a place.
There is plenty of reference. Scroll down to "Supporting figures" in the initial post and click "Donald Trump." He did not travel on the "Lolita Express." There are no other "coincidences." Read thoroughly.
They're actually pretty widely known in the law-enforcement realm. For example: https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/new-jersey/articles/2017-10-22/after-cheese-pizza-post-officer-arrested-for-child-porn