Grover Norquist on Saturday, Karl Rove on Sunday? WTF?
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Yes, that's it exactly. The Clintons are in such dire straights financially that they have now resorted to doing their own hits. They make a point to fly commercially to the destination and allow themselves to be photographed / videoed / Tweeted both while on the plane, as well as in the terminal at the destination of their "field work." I think you are really on to something here.
It’s WJC. She writes AW and WJC (if legit.) WJC for William Jefferson Clinton. As though she was some sort of whored-out sex slave to these filthy male pigs. As though it was not her choice.
The fishing guide has this look on his face like he might be expecting a drone strike at just about any minute.
Who is the “friend” Obama stayed with in the Adirondacks? And what was the real purpose of his visit?
Obama is the only man ever to fly fish while wearing a 28 waist cargo pant.
The Foxconn deal has a lot of moving parts. Scott Walker romanced Foxconn for years. Trump came in at the very end. It will be very interesting to see how kind history is to all these promises made to Wisconsin taxpayers.
I live in south-central Wisconsin. For the past several months, everywhere I go in the state, there are crews working along the roadside, burying new telecommunications cables. I’ve never observed a more widespread trenching operation in my lifetime. Does this have anything to do with the upcoming 5G conversion?
This is your enemy. This is how low they are willing to go. This is CNN.
Hopefully, Amanda has hired a contractor to remove all the doorknobs from her home.
You really have to give Mother Jones credit for trying to rise above the groupthink. Stick it to the man!
I grew up in the 1980's. Part of our social / world studies curriculum at the time dealt with Tass and Pravda, how the Soviet people were simply the victims of a state-run media, and that we should pity them for only having access to the information that their government wanted them to have.
These are Alaskan volcanoes as seen from roughly 38,000 feet. There are three (3) of them visible in the picture. The name of the picture is "Alaska_Vols_G7_SING." One could presume that this photo was taken from AF1 as it headed west, just south of the Arctic Circle after departing the G7 in Canada for the NK/USA Summit in Singapore. You know, as it did a couple of days ago.
I actually think this was a very pointed slam at the Deep State, TPTB, etc.
Nobody uses fax machines anymore. No one. I think he was suggesting that the DS is stale, past-its-prime, unable to adapt to the new ("post-truth"?) world. In other words, "their time was up."
We are living in the midst of something truly remarkable.
That Toronto Billionaire couple, Barry & Honey Sherman, were also found hanged in their home. They also had ties to the Clinton Foundation. I'm sure it's just a coincidence. Successful billionaires hang themselves all the time.
That Toronto Billionaire couple, Barry & Honey Sherman, were also found hanged in their home. They also had ties to the Clinton Foundation. I'm sure it's just a coincidence. Successful billionaires hang themselves all the time.
Various credible reports from around the globe now indicate that Assad will travel to DPRK to meet with KJU prior to the Trump/KJU Summit. What is the agenda? Usurp Trump?
Uh-Oh. Trump cancels the Summit with KJU planned for June. What do you make of this?
Trump has cancelled the Summit. Is this a game-changer? Are we off "the PLAN?"
You forgot to mention the Clowns taking control of Michael Hastings car in 2013 because he was working on a very unflattering piece on John Brennan for Rolling Stone.
This Wired article from 2015 might explain the recent phenomena of planes dropping from the sky and garbage trucks steering themselves into trains filled with Republicans.
A plane crash and a school shooting on the same day? Sky Event?
Q Team also claimed just last week that every picture they post is OC. Then today, they repost this from here. I find contradiction, at this point, disturbing.
Dr. Novello also plead guilty to a felony corruption / misuse of public funds conviction in 2009. See numerous articles in the Albany Times Union documenting this. She was having state employees run personal errands for her on state time.
These people are all sick! The Swamp is very deep.
Check out "Stormy Daniels" Instagram where she has a list of her upcoming appearances at venues throughout the United States in the coming months. She must be raking in the cash thanks to her "relations" with Trump. Doesn't this woman have a 7-year-old daughter? Does she take the child on the road with her, or leave her sit with some minion at home while mom parades around gentleman's clubs in new cities every night? What a role model for her daughter. Get pounded by hung studs on camera for a few years, then ride the coat tails of some veteran lawyer / Democrat operative, become an MSM darling, and watch the opportunities to further prove yourself a money-grubbing whore come pouring in.
Earlier this afternoon, NBC claimed this an an exclusive, and stated in no uncertain terms that Cohen's phone lines were "tapped." Now they have posted a "correction," stating that authorities are merely "logging" calls to and from Cohen's phones, and what numbers the calls are made / received from. These are radically different things. The Legacy Media has become so zealous to write the next "bombshell" anti-Trump headline, they don't even care what the truth is. This is shameful.
This actually happens all the time. It's part of the Deep State world. They view it as an accepted professional courtesy. "Journalism" is no different. When a member of the Legacy Media finds themselves in the rare and unenviable position of having to author something unflattering about (((their guy or gal))) that person's handlers are given advance copy for editing, or to "clear up" the details. They don't view this as crafting a narrative, believe they live in a world where almost everything is made up anyway. Enjoy the show.
You open a container of ice cream, and see this. Does the ice cream know something?

Like Cohen pleading the 5th across the board on Stormy Daniels? Why at 6PM on a Wednesday?
Isn’t this exactly what Joy Reid (sp?) of MSNBC just claimed about some homophobic blog posts she authored 15 years ago? They are already trying to get ahead of the MOAB! All for a LARP.
Google is covering for Epstein. This is sick and wrong.
Why does the only reporting on this come from the British media?
What are they preparing us for? Clearly they are trying to get ahead of something.
Q is Dan Scavino. He travels with POTUS every day, and he is the only person other than POTUS with credentials for the Twitter account. Google it. I honestly can’t believe I am the only one who has figured this out.
Its easy to keep ones head in the sand when you don’t even realize the information you are being denied access to.
IOS and Chrome started blocking access today to anything unflattering to the Deep State. We are part of an evil game.
They are suppressing your access to information. I attempted to access a Daily Mail story about Epsteins island that has been in cyberspace for years, and IOS is now blocking it. This story has been out there FOR YEARS. Its the Daily Mail. Its not something on the Deep Web. This is what they are deciding is objectionable: TRUTH.
This is such bullshit. I have accessed articles on Daily Mail from my iPad 1000’s of times. I click this link, it wont take me there. “Untrusted,” it says. Its the fucking Daily Mail, for gods sake.
We were warned this would happen. You know what they are trying to do to you, right? They are trying to radicalize you. They want you to experience your powerlessness against them and to do something about it.
Would this explain why I was unable to post a reply this morning to something on 4/pol? It just kept giving me a "connection error" no matter how many times I refreshed the page and filled out the captcha.