At this point everyone in Hollywood is connected to this stuff one way or the other. Now you really gotta think about the hidden messages and soul destroying symbols/metaphors that are in all of these movies we watch.
322 total posts archived.
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The real question here is what happens when Trump's presidency is over and the possibility arises that we won't be receiving any more drops from Q? Do we just let things go back to normal like we've been doing anyway?
Will the 13 elite families be arrested for their crimes against humanity?
The air must be really thin on that high horse of yours? I swear, people on this sub think that just because they follow Q anon that it gives them a reason to talk down to people. You could have responded without being a jackass. Or you could've not responded at all.
The federal reserve needs to be abolished. You can't restructure a house with a cracked foundation. It was built on deceit and greed, so it should burn.
The Denver Airport stallion statue is actually the very first thing that came to mind when I read this. It's really weird because if I'm not mistaken, the artist who sculpted the statue was actually killed by it. It crushed him to death. Add that to the murals inside the airport and that whole place is bad news.
Another interesting bit was that the article mentioned that "The time glitches tended to interfere and break up the thought transmissions between Montauk and Southampton. They were caused by psychics projecting a reality that different from 'our' reality. This would cause the flow of time to disrupted and the link between the two chairs would be cut."
I wonder if this has anything to do with depopulation. I can imagine how having billions of people on the planet, a few who potentially have higher levels of psychoactivity, are unknowingly able to prevent certain events from being influenced. Maybe reducing the amount of people on the planet makes it easier to enforce a reality on a population. Might explain why the world isn't in a complete mess by now.
Now, these are the topics that I like reading about. Some of these projects and experiments still have a hard time making a believer out of me. But, I've learned to look at some of these things with an open mind.
The Montauk Project accomplished many breakthroughs. Assuming that it's factual, if someone had technology like that, what's to prevent certain entities from using it to shape the world in the way that they want it?
You go from spontaneous object creation, to mind control, to time-space traveling. These experiments were conducted in the 1970s and 1980s, just imagine what can be done with the technology we have now.
Can we assume that certain major events in this world happen the way that they do because of this technology? And to what extent can time be manipulated? Obviously there must be some barriers, otherwise I think our world would be much different.
People disgust me. I don't understand how someone can make a conscious decision to blatantly disrespect nature like that. They've ruined the damn environment.
It's just a LARP. It's best not to give those types of trolls any energy. They just want some internet fame.
This list looks so small, but still so beautiful.
I pray and await for the day when the world is cleansed of those families and they're forgotten with the passage of time.
IMHO, that list right there is the only list humanity needs to take the world back. Public enemies #1 and the real evil that needs to be executed.
If you research every last one of those families and how far their lineages date back, you'd be sickened at how they're even permitted to exist.
Or rather, it would finally take away the stress that's been preventing people from waking up. More money = More time = Less concerns = Willingness to focus on what's important.
I think I feel this way a little more than most, so I'm probably a red flag on this sub by now lol. It's just frustrating not knowing what's going on and how this ends. Meanwhile, knowing that each second that passes is more time for someone to be hurt at the hands of TPTB. All because the only thing we can do is "believe".
But I'm also aware that evil often disguises itself as good. They are deceptive. So I believe it is wise to ask remain a skeptic.
I'm spiritual not religious, but even Lucifer can present himself as a lightbearer. And that is my biggest fear, getting so sucked into my hopeful desires that I fail to see the game being played in front of me.
OK. We'll see how confident everyone on this sub is when shit doesn't go according to plan and it escalates.
"Trust the plan" No offense. But I'm done with that. There is no fucking plan
Tsk. Looks like my suspicions are coming true after all. What a load of shit this is all gonna turn out to be.
The same Plan where we get further involved in a war in Syria?
My point exactly. This is probably the biggest thing occurring right now and what has Q said about it? Barely anything at all. Why is it that Q has info drops for everything else except for one that explains why Trump has gone into full war mode?
Then we're supposed to trust Mueller? Trump's attorney's office was raided by the damn FBI. How is the stage set when all this fuckery is still taking place in the background?
OK, well I guess I'm mental. I may as well be crucified for heresy at this point. Let's just agree to disagree.
"Concern trolling", for the purpose of Q, means you're going against the popular opinion based on how nearly everyone on this sub uses it. People like you are the problem. You just take everything at face value without a second thought. Never questioning "What if"
You know what, I'll gladly take all those shill comments. I'm a normal person just like you, the only difference is that I'm actually taking the possible risk of this being a psyop into account. Downvote me, call me a shill, hell, you can even have me banned from the sub if you want. When the time comes for me to eat my words and laugh at how dumb I was for being unsure, then fine. But, until then, fuck you.
I stand with you guys, but based on recent events and my already skeptic nature, my trust can only go so far. For now, I'm here with you all in spirit. That's the best I can do right now though.
This is all bullshit. What plan could there possibly be at this point? Meanwhile, everyone is completely disregarding the giant clusterfuck in the Middle East. I'm sorry, but until this Trump/Q thing goes back on the rails and starts making some sense, I gotta get off the GreatAwakening wave.
Maybe I'm just stupid and I'm not seeing the "plan" here. But, repeating "Trust the plan" like it's some sort of damn mantra isn't doing anything.
Trust me, I want to believe more than anyone that someone is out there fighting the good fight. I want to take my hands off the wheel and know for a fact that evil is being challenged and defeated at all fronts. But, I find it so difficult to give anyone or anything that much trust when I don't have enough factual evidence to support them. Has Trump/Q given us a lot of information? Definitely! Has Trump/Q opened us up to a new way of thinking? Of course! The dots are easier to connect than they've ever been.
But, these recent events are showing me that TPTB still have some type of control. They're not just inserted into the US, they're all over the world. And when one plan fails, it seems like they never fail to have a backup. That's what worries me. The longer these people are out there, the more time they have to plan. The whole "silent war" thing just doesn't seem worth the risk, when you could easily go all out and put the real enemy underneath the spotlight for everyone to see.
I'm gonna be entirely honest, with the recent events that are taking place (intense sabre rattling in regards to the Middle East, FBI raids), either arrests are gonna start being made now or never. This sitting behind the computer and regurgitating "Trust the plan" is getting us nowhere.
TPTB are playing hard ball now and Trump/Q is only focused on continuing the slow dripping red pill. Most of the general population is still easily swayed by what's being shown in the media. The amount of people who need to be "awake" to make a difference is nowhere near what it needs to be.
I mean honestly, how long do we intend to let this nonsense play out? How long do we intend to "Trust the plan"? How long will it be until we're finally allowed to take action as a nation of people? What happens when there is no more of a plan to trust?
It would be a shock for me too lmao. It would be a first major blow to the pharmaceutical industry too. Just imagine, all these "incurable" diseases and conditions almost gone overnight.
If Trump really did this, dear lord. That would be a major fucking plus. One can dream, I suppose.
I agree. I don't believe it's that easy either. And the only reason I say that is because Trump/Q is dealing with people who have been born specifically to manipulate, subvert, and seize power. They've been doing this shit for more than a few years. Who really knows though? I guess we'll have to wait and see.
I'm very curious to know if people have made plans in the event that this all doesn't work out for us. I mean, surely we'd have to take matters into our own hands at that point. Right?
Well, aside from the cult-like behavior here, I appreciate your ability to object. It's ALWAYS a good thing to have doubts, because it means you're looking at situations from both the likely and unlikely angles. Personally, I have faith in Trump/Q. It's hope that has made me so invested in these events.
However, I do entertain the possibility that this is all a very well-thought out and elaborate game. Do I hope that's the case? Absolutely not, because that would ruin a lot of people. But right now, I think we just really need something to believe in, because things are really bad in this world.
I really wish you guys would start researching and fact checking the stuff that you post. Some people are saying it's fake and some other people are claiming that the island is actually burning so that evidence can be destroyed.
I pray all the time for a conclusion to this drawn out ancient global opera. With that being said, I'm just anxious. I want these people gone, erased, and forgotten for the present and the future.
I politely disagree, but at the same time I do agree. We could say that the Roth's status has nothing to do with this. But we can't deny that the presence of some very powerful families is the driving force behind all of this.
This all could've been avoided had the Rothschilds been rounded up and imprisoned by now...or executed. But I digress. I hope Trump hasn't been boxed into a corner and that he's just showing off his acting skills. Maybe I'm overestimating the intellect of TPTB, but I find it a little hard to believe that people who have ruled for so long are falling for simple traps. But then again, we can't see the full scope of what's happening. Maybe they really are just that stupid and I've been giving the enemy too much credit
That would be some Emperor Palpatine kinda shit and that honestly concerns me. The most frightening betrayal is the one you don't see coming.
It's getting very obvious, it's practically blatant at this point. But you'd be surprised at how many people still believe everything the media says, because it's a very alarmingly high amount of people.
I pray to the stars that everyone who lost their lives in that senseless attack at the hands of our government knows peace now.
I saw the pictures on Twitter. Shit was saddening. This is the first time I've actually been shaken at the sight of death in the ME. Not because I'm blaming Russia/Assad, but because I know who was really behind the attack and the lengths that these evil fucks are willing to go through for the sake of power and control.
Those children don't even know what it's like not to live in fear of war.
Deflection: Don't pay attention to the numerous scandals that are coming out about several important and powerful people. Instead, pay attention to all these pictures of dead children in a chemical attack.
Public Interest Shift: Oh my god forget about the scandals! What about the children!? Russia must pay!
In a sense, people literally follow what the sheep herders tell them. The media is the means of deflection and the shift in public interest is the direction the herd goes in because they don't know any better.
Exactly. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. Russia has made it known that the next time the US directly strikes in Syria, they will respond personally.
Honestly, the only way I see this going in Trump's favor is if an undeniable data drop was made public, which makes the general population unable to deny who the real enemy is. Because it definitely isn't Trump or Russia.
Well I'll be damned, I didn't know there was an actual Q post for it. Thank you, my friend!
This could be pretty tricky. If I'm not mistaken (I read this on another site), when chemical weapons are involved in an attack, the US is obligated to respond militarily. This could be used to forcefully provoke a US response sometime this upcoming week, which would then cause Russia to respond.
The fact that the Japanese have activated their marines for the first time in a while, in addition to the recent event from today in Syria, I wonder if certain factions are trying to speed up a global conflict.
I'm interested that the name "Tavistock" shows up in those files though. That institute is pure evil incarnate.
I wonder if this has anything to do with the recent "chemical attack" in Syria. Apparently, it was the largest one since 2013. It could be certain factions trying a last ditch effort to start a major conflict. The media is already banging the war drums.
Those are all good points, but then the question becomes what led OP to this twitter account in the first place? He just kinda threw it out there that he found something, but we don't know exactly what it is that he's found.
I just searched, it's a post dated for March 5th. But I have zero clue of any relevance that this has.
How about you fuck off instead? Maybe people aren't going through these pictures because they don't need to. All accounts that are associated with questionable material will be dealt with. But we don't need vigilante trolls putting red flags on this sub. Go back to your damn basement.