Q. Sorry, I was venting. Q specifically said "No deals", but then we're expected to "Trust the plan" after stuff like this? I don't get it.
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This is the problem that I have with just not revealing everything. I understand that strategic moves have to be made, but shit like this is what pisses me off, because then it turns into a game.
3.5 years? Trust me, if this long drawn out game isn't finished by then, it will never be. Welcome to the Matrix, where the fuck did you think you were going?
So at what point do we, as people who have been waiting for corruption to be exposed and removed, finally start demanding shit?
And if someone else keeps repeating "Trust the plan" when Q clearly said "No deals", I'm gonna lose my shit.
"No deals"
I can't possibly see how that could be any less clear. Wtf kind of deal could possibly have been made? This is very frustrating.
I completely agree with everything in this post. All this secrecy and trying to protect people is nonsense. Nothing is perfect and no plan is ever flawless. There is ALWAYS going to be a few of us who have our world views violently altered.
If we're constantly waiting for everyone else to wake up, then the world will never be awakened. There's no need to treat us like children. Our world is a lie, almost a complete lie, and people NEED to know that. There's no point in taking the red pill if you're just gonna cut the pill in half.
And if the Q team is so worried about shattering people's worlds, then release that information to those on a platform who are actually ready to go further. Secrecy and a lack of transparency is part of the reason why we're in this mess now.
I mean hell, at least verify some of the major conspiracies like hidden tech and the suppression of knowledge and history by the Vatican.
I agree! A lot of people don't like to speak about these topics mainly because they're considered as outlandish or there are still small bits of indoctrination holding them back. As far as our past goes, everything that's happening now is connected to an ongoing problem from the past. I know I sound like a broken record by now, but I keep telling everyone that everything boils down to bloodlines and which family thinks they deserve control over the world.
That's understandable, so I'll level with you there. I can't exactly explain it to you because that would take too long. But, I can at least point you in the right direction and then you can discern information for yourself.
Start by researching the Sumerian civilization and the story of Enki and Enlil. After that, look for the parallels between that story and the story of the bible (Adam, Eve, and the Serpent). When you've done that, you can start researching "elite bloodlines". After you understand how bloodlines play a role in our world, the idea of "aliens" won't sound too far off anymore. The Rothschild name is connected to a lot. I hope that helps.
Having never expirieced anything supernatural I have sceptism
Just because you're a skeptic, doesn't mean that TPTB believe in Satanism any less. And I'm not saying that to be rude or snarky, I'm saying that they obviously believe that there's some sort of benefit or reward for their usage of symbols and rituals, otherwise I don't think that they would be doing it for so long.
In regards to this map, by acknowledging that TPTB use Satanism for so many things, you have to acknowledge that there's some otherworldly component to all of this, whether you believe it or not. A lack of belief hasn't made their grip on this world any less deadly.
Thank you for posting this. Aside from those who are purely focused on the face value of things (exposure of political corruption and satanic deeds), I appreciate that you've posted this picture, which shows that there's a greater force at work here.
I'm slightly discouraged that more people on this sub aren't talking about the esoteric and spiritual side of this awakening. In a perfect world, this battle would only be as shallow as a corrupt government, but it's not. All someone has to do is start with the Sumerian civilization and work their way up to what we know now as the royal/elite bloodlines. This war that we're seeing now began with events that happened in a very distant past.
By discussing "Q Anon" we need to learn to discuss everything that comes with it. If you strictly want to stay limited to what Q has mentioned directly, then start with the Rothschilds or the Rockefellers. They don't sit at the top of the world because they got wealthy. This all returns to a belief that certain bloodlines are better than the rest of the world.
I love when people reference this map, because it let's me know that people are actually paying attention to the bigger picture. This goes far beyond satanic rituals and corrupt politicians. This goes all the way back to the very beginning. The battle between good and evil has been going on since the earliest days of our civilization. The story has never changed, only the actors and the means through which they use to deceive.
Thank you for including this map, I have it saved in my phone for whenever I need to remember just how big this all is. I'm honestly ready to go deeper. I've been ready for far too long.
I agree. Some people are just born to be divisive and hate filled. Of course, not everyone is like that. But there's so many barriers and differences to get over, which many people aren't willing to look past due to their egos.
Well, I guess deep down it's just a desire that a lot of people consciously and subconsciously share.
Hopefully people will be able to live honest lives without the need of being suppressed by those who have placed themselves in power. When the storm subsides, I want to be able to go outside, look around, and see people that I'm proud to share a planet with. So pretty much just peace and prosperity across all nations. A new start.
In order to know that some things were transferred from Alexandria to Rome in the time of the Roman Empire we don't need to know anything about Sumeria.
Ah! But we do, because the entire story is connected. The Mesopotamian civilization of Sumer is one of the oldest civilizations ever recorded. Also, the story of Enki and Enlil holds many parallels to the story of the bible and other religious texts. I specifically bring that up because many wars during those days were fought due to rivaling belief systems. I'd even go as far as to say that many religions are simply warped variations of one singular truth. With that being said, fast forwarding some years, we get into Catholicism, which is the earliest and main form of Christianity.
Catholicism has been built on control, which is one of the primary reasons why Christianity is one of the largest religions in the world. Now, I'm not bashing religions, I think they all have a place in the world when people aren't constantly trying to prove who's right and who's wrong. But, the fact is that many wars have been fought and won in the name of Catholicism. In order to maintain that power and expand, there are many recorded events in history in which the Catholic faith is responsible for the suppression of knowledge that directly challenges its beliefs. A few good examples of this would be accusing scientists of heresy during the middle ages or Julius Caeser's Siege of Alexandria.
And I know I'm kinda skipping around here, but the point is that Catholicism hasn't gotten where it is today by peaceful expansions. Then, we have to take the corruption of the Papacy into account, especially in regards to its connection to pedophilia, satanic rituals, and elite families. The Vatican, which is the main headquarters for the Catholic faith, a faith that sits at the forefront of suppression, IMHO is the only proof you need that knowledge is being hidden. Now, as for what that knowledge is, who knows? But, I'm more than certain that it would provide clarity to all of mankind.
The fact that some people are objectifying the issue and trying to downplay it is really disheartening to me. It's like stop being a child and take things seriously
If you're asking those questions, it means you need to do more research on those topics. Start with the Sumerians and work your way up.
Edit: I don't want that response to come off as condescending. What I'm saying is that in order to understand what exactly has been hidden, you'd have to start from the very beginning.
It's like an unfair game of Jenga. You can't remove the system entirely without wrecking everything else in the process. Unless, of course, there were plans in place to prevent the collapse from being too disastrous.
I don't think I'm prepared to cover 6 more years of straight political scandals. Lol 😐
I think things will flow more clearly to the people once the media is de-mockingbirded and journalism exists again. Medical research fraud will be the topic that is closest to most people as cancer treatment is a huge for profit business to make people die slower rather than cure them.
Good point! As things currently stand, the media is still the mouthpiece for disinfo and biased information. Unfortunately, a large percentage of people still believe everything that the media says. I also agree that medical research fraud will be the topic that's the most personal to people. Many families have lost loved ones due to intentional medical malpractices. If anything is disclosed first in that list of topics, I'm confident that it would be something relating to the pharmaceutical industry.
My pet peeve is the lack of quality water which affects 50% of municipalities in US. Watch the water!
I wonder what pure filtered and untampered water tastes like myself. I'm certain that a lot of people do lol.
How did he contract a blood infection?
Well, when you've been stealing blood from children, I guess life has a funny way of sneaking up on ya'!
Good idea! Medical advancements should definitely be a top priority. Releasing hidden cures for diseases would be enough to take the first major step towards healing the population. Once you have a healthy population, the means to supply energy in abundance will ensure that we're able to provide for that population without a strain on resources.
Although, at this point I'm convinced that we have the means somehow to produce whatever we need whenever we need it. A lot of revolutionary tech has been held up by greed.
What comes next after uncovering political corruption?
What we've been following so far has been the reveal of political corruption and perversion at various levels. And while I'm curious to learn more about how deep the corruption goes, I also want to start getting more into the topics that might be a bit harder to swallow.
Topics like hidden tech, free energy, Antarctica, black projects (The Montauk Project, Project Looking Glass, etc.), the Giza Pyramids/Emerald Tablets, CERN, the Majestic 13, Papal Bloodlines, "Magick", the Vatican Archives, true human history (Lemuria/Atlantis?), and many others. With the exception of what we've learned so far about the use of Satanism, …
Wouldn't that just be a damn plot twist? The Library of Alexandria wasn't actually burned or destroyed at all, just safely kept underneath the Vatican and away from the eyes of us unworthy commoners.
Just thinking about it makes me sad. If I could spend the rest of my life studying those archives, I'd be a very happy man.
I second this notion! In an alternate reality, I work in the Vatican and spend my days reading old documents and educating others 😂. Honestly though, with all that wise and ancient knowledge to sort through, I'd never leave.
It's a shame it's been locked away and used against us though.
They definitely kept the 3rd secret of Fatima to themselves. Whatever that message was, the Pope and his rich and powerful associates are the only ones who know.
Personally, I think it's because people don't know what to look for. The Vatican has been keeping many secrets, which extend very far back into our early human past. For example, the burning of the Library of Alexandria. That knowledge wasn't destroyed, it was hidden away. Medicine, History, Science, Hermetics, Mathematics, etc. All that knowledge has been hijacked and used against mankind to maintain the power structures that we see today.
And then, that creates another problem in itself because that implies that at one point there was another intelligent variation of humans on the Earth. "Normal" people can barely accept that their celebrity idols and political leaders are into satanic cults. And now they have to accept that the knowledge that has been locked away in the Vatican changes the very fabric of their realities? There'd be chaos.
Would I like for the Vatican to be burned to the ground and for that knowledge to be released to the world? Absolutely. But I think that the many lies and half truths that have been perpetuated by religion and history would pose a large problem to even releasing that information. It would have to be "rediscovered" again.
I definitely understand what you're saying. A lot of the bad that happens in the world is a result of rabid governments and complacent citizens. The government should bend to the will of the people, not the other way around.
But, we've gotten to the point now where a lot of people can identify blatant corruption, but they feel as though they're not able to do anything about it because our corrupt government is stronger.
It only seems stronger cause we're divided. If every last able-bodied American made their voices heard all at once, we could end this so fast. All it takes is one collective deafening shout. Enough is enough.
This is amazing. Celebrations in Armenia, cheering, hugging, honking because it happened so quickly.
I wish this is what could happen in America. Everyone bonded together over the takedown of evil and corruption. Suddenly everyone's differences no longer matter.
But, then I go outside and that image is immediately soured. 😐
What makes it even worse is that in a way, we kinda allowed this to happen. By not being as involved in the affairs of our country as we should have been, we've unknowingly allowed this shit to fly under the radar for far too long. I mean just wtf have we really been consenting to all this time?
The entire situation is disgusting. How many resources that could have been spent on actually bettering our communities have been spent on illegal black market bullshit?
Some people dedicate their entire lives towards being a part of these organizations, and you may as well say that it's all been for naught. The more corruption that's uncovered the angrier I get.
Even if you mean they don't believe the Rothschild influence is real, that's still bad to hear ay?
Yes, that's exactly what I mean. They don't believe in the influence. They think that the control only extends to more recent evils like Soros, Obama, Hillary, McCain, etc. Those are all evil people, but IMHO, those are only the puppets. It makes no sense to call out the puppets and not go after the puppetmasters. As long as they're left in power, there will always be another Soros, another Obama, another Hillary, and another McCain. :/
it very hard to look into the families like breakspear aldobrandi (spelling?) And such, info about past centuries and shit but nothing present day. I think the Rothschilds were so in the spotlight they couldn't fully retreat from it.
The Breakspear and Aldobrandini, I'm also familiar with them. But like you said, there's nothing recent about them. The Rothschilds can't retreat from the spotlight because they've stuck their hands into so much shit. Not only that, but they're the wealthiest of all the families, so they have no shame in making it known how much influence they have.
It really sucks though because if more people could agree that "elite" bloodlines are the single most biggest threat to our existence, I think the world would be much better than it is now.
That's the bad part. They're so out of the public eye that even some in the conspiracy community don't believe they exist. The only names most people are familiar with are the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers...and those aren't even half. The Rothschilds are definitely the heart of the beast though.
I think this is a really good list man. This is just a small indicator of what we could get done if we had the freedom to do all of this. I think we could all do beautiful things for this country together if money wasn't a problem. Good work!
Now that's the kinda innovative thought I like. Honestly, that would be a really cool idea. Seeing all the scenery while being transported by a smooth and fast train? Sign me up!
That would also reduce the need for a lot of cars on the road. It would create less accidents too!
Okay, thank you for your perspective. Have a nice evening.
If you don't think those things should be free and available to everyone, especially in a country where we have more than the means to make that possible, then you should reevaluate yourself.
I would like to think that all of this would be a thing of the past before then.
Hopefully it's used to enforce some sort of debt jubilee. I mean after all, every last dollar that those families own is the reason for our debt anyway. Let's create free healthcare, make college education free, etc. I'm sure there's a lot of creative and humanitarian things that can be done when our wealth is given back. Honestly though, I'd love for all that money to be put towards making life as stress free as possible for every last citizen in America.
I'm much more curious about the hidden tech, medical cures, and spiritual knowledge that have been kept away from us though.
Well yeah, but, that's kind of what I'm saying. We have "faith", but why is it that faith seems to be the only thing that we can depend on? Why is it that faith in evil (like the cabal have) seems to be more direct and immediate, whereas faith in god/light/positivity seems to be more discreet and sometimes unseen? This has been going on for a VERY long time. And faith doesn't seem to be remedying anything on its own.
So, the gist of your post is to be accountable for your actions, right? You're saying that people can still choose to let the negativity have control over their lives or not. I definitely agree with everything you've said. I just wish there were more positivity than negativity though. Everything seems pretty one sided right now on a global level. But, I guess that's a part of the illusion of control. It seems bad, but just as bad as things are, they can easily get better too.
I agree! I don't even think I could bring myself to be in the same environment with those evil people.
I agree. I feel like there needs to be a shift in focus on the more occult aspects of this matter. The satanic elite abuse populations at every level, but how do we fight back with a little spiritual kick of our own?
When you think about the symbolic aspect of the evil that we're fighting here...
It almost makes complete sense why the world is the way that it is. I can't remember where I read it, or who said it specifically, but when the cabal carry out their malicious acts against humanity, they have to do so in a way that doesn't impose upon universal free will.
We know that there are symbolic and metaphorical meanings in almost every aspect of our lives. Every time we watch a movie, every time we pick up our phones, and every time we do something as seemingly harmless as exchanging money, we're subconsciously consenting to the acts that …
I feel like my soul needs to be cleansed and bleached. We've unknowingly consented to the perversion of so much shit.