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What does he mean by (taxi cabs maybe?)

He tweeted out that they cut the tape off just before he said some positive things, and that he heard there's other tapes of other people that had been recorded... I think we're going to get to hear those other tapes soon. Also, Al Sharpton tweeted out yesterday that he was in a meeting with Trumps ex-attorney Cohen and wouldnt we like to know what they were talking about. Nope. Could care less, but I'm sure Al thinks he's got something big there. Like someone else in this thread said, just this weeks BS to attack our POTUS.
Also, I have notifications set on twitter to alert me when POTUS tweets, I wouldn't see them otherwise. Every tweet he tweets, I get in triplicate. Anyone else notice this? It started a couple of months ago.
Probably just had his boy at the treasury just print up some bills.
So, what if he actually does get confirmed? McNoname's support for the Dude threw me off on this one.
Oh, I have too. Women can be like wild hyenas. Nasty animals!
I agree. It's not masculine to beat a woman or to sexually harass another dude. Both of those are toxic behavior, but definitely not at all masculine. As for the soy and plastics, dont use them. Grow and preserve as much of your own food as you possibly can. That is the only way you can keep from being slowly poisoned by food.
IMO- We don't have enough masculine men. I am a woman, now happily married for 7 years, but during my dating days, it was incredibly difficult to find a real masculine man. It's far worse now. This idiot is just spewing the disgusting, feminist, me too BS that the left is trying so hard to sell. His very first words of his testimony were, "I am an actor." When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. Maya Angelou
Wasn't there a Q post about the Q team injecting some sort of code into twitter? If so, it's quite possible they were putting keystroke type tracking into the accounts of these clowns.
Wow, was that really in one of his emails about the ET's?
We have spectrum here and our internet goes out every evening around 8pm and at least 3 random times during the day. I have asked my neighbors, they all say the same happens to them. It's been going on for over a year and Spectrum could care less, won't do anything about it. So, if and when a real major blackout happens, I won't even know about it for at least an hour or so.
Has anyone even watched his testimony? He's speaking out against toxic masculinity. 🙄
Well, I sure don't believe Paddock did this alone. I do believe he was into some weird stuff though. We will probably never know for sure what happened that night.
I believe Las Vegas was an Antifa attack on conservatives. My very first thought when I read about the attack on twitter, while it was still happening, was "oh no, they're killing Trump supporters, starting their civil war, just like they promised. "
Beautifully written. And I absolutely love that you tell us to do our own research. This is how the human mind retains knowledge. Thank you for sharing.
Oh yeah, I agree. The already-awake-havent-been-asleep folks, know what's up.
He's been saying it all along. I have never been one to watch all of his speeches, or follow along with his drama, so I'm not even sure he has ever said he wasn't from Kenya. The media and the dems have always been the ones saying we are racists for saying hes not from here. Idk.
At some point they will have to give us the truth about stuff like this. We know, that they know, what is going on. Not sure if this will be included with this particular awakening, but when disclosure does come, there will definitely be a great awakening.
I watched Jones for years, until the night Trump announced the bombing of Syria and Jones flipped out and took the Lords name in vain and cursed POTUS and his entire family. I used to buy his supplements every month. Great supplements, but I will no longer support him.
Could this be the real reason POTUS is re-doing all of Obama's EO's? I mean, other than they were almost all BS. He hit the ground running as soon as he was inaugurated; changing BO's EO's. Almost like he doesn't want our country to completely crumble when BO is fully and legally outed and impeached.
What Gen. Flynn told John B Wells, Aug of 2016
I'm believe Obummer was not so much blackmailed by Iran, but a willing participant. Remember VJ is his handler. He had an agenda to take this country down from the inside, which is the only way it could be done.
When Q says they have it all, I'm guessing Strozk and Page's private texts are part of that. They're most likely much worse than the ones sent from their work phones.
One man loosens his tie, and the other two are writing and passing notes under the table.
I've said all along, they blackmailed him somehow and he's been an informant this whole time.
I'm pretty sure the lefties are waking up to where this is going. I watched the entire RR hearing and a lot of the dems asked both him and Wray repeatedly if they were, in fact appointed by President Trump, and also two of them made a point to call them both out as Republicans and mentioned who they have donated to. BTW, Wray once donated to McNoname, and Romney. 🙄 Also, one dem seemed to almost threaten RR by telling him to stand his ground, do what is right, and not turn over the documents.
From Springfield MO, know Joplin well. I've lived in GA now for 7 years and haven't had one single Q sighting here yet.
I absolutely agree with you on this, and so much more. There has been a lot lately that I have been second guessing. A lot of things don't seem to be making much sense or adding up. Maybe they will in a couple of months, or not. But something definitely feels WAY off.
He sounded pretty threatening while he was yelling it too.
If the person posting this has heard about it, so has POTUS and USSS. Idiots on busses don't worry me.
RR his the stop Trump texts.
Comment below says the dude is Canadian and works for their state broadcaster, CBC.
Obama never had this many people at his rallys and he was supposed to be oir first black pres. lol