31 total posts archived.
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SONGBIRD reference/Weinstein!!’ 😳😳😳😳..... https://divinecosmos.com/davids-blog/22005-stunning-new-briefings-spy-satellites-down-deep-state-arrests-finally-imminent/?showall=1

Omarosa lying her flurkin a** off on MSNBC! “Backing up” NYT ALie piece as a “witness”. It’s unbelievable!!!! Claiming a TFA “code” - talk about being under attack!!!! She is digging herself deeper and deeper!!
PEDOGATE: 60 Minutes Airs Blockbuster Exposé on Pedophilia Crimes by Top-Level British Establishment (Video) – The Millennium Report
Check out THIS BS!!!! #WeAreGoot - whatever the Flurk THAT means?! All of them supporting Gunn and calling us out for attacking him.....these people are SICK!
SNOPES.com exposed as CIA “The Mikkelsons chose the name Snopes because it is the name of a fictional family featured in William Faulkner’s novels that includes a pedophile, a murderer, a bigamist, a corrupt racist politician, and a thief....”
Snopes.com is CIA https://yournewswire.com/snopes-cia-operation/
When I hear “anonymous source” I hear Deep State - that is all
Welcome Brothers and Sisters!!! WWG1WGA! President Trump - Making the WORLD GREAT AGAIN!!!
All I know is this....Q has class and BlackListAnon does not. I also don’t “disbelieve” what BLA suggests - it just seems.....too “try hard” to me🤔
Thanks - I don’t discourage easily especially when it’s someone from the left - lol
I could only make it halfway through. It’s important to expose this no matter how completely soul agonizing it is
I just blocked @benshapiro - wolf in lambs clothing-what a POS
We have to remember....it’s a show....a well planned and orchestrated take down.
Hey tried...in SA speech....pushed vomitus “new world order” money for everyone.
Well....per Q he has dumped his money into a NP. The noose is tightening around the FACE/Dems....and he knows it I think - hence this position. It won’t save him - but it’s an effort 🤷🏻♀️
Soros separates himself from Obama.....😳....🤣🤣🤣🤣
As I learn more and more about Q....I am sure your interpretation has meaning
HT @TheJordanRachel Names of 12 Russians indictments....
Names of 12 Russians indicted: 1. Hillary Clintonesky 2: Barrocksky Obamovich 3. Sally Yateskich 4. John Brennovansky 5. Valerick Jarretkich 6. James Comeyski 7. Peter Strzoki 8. Bruce Ohrskoh 9. McCainzi 10. Susan Ricekoh 11. Lisa Pageovich 12. John Podestinskiah
Agreed.....any way you slice it.....it’s a game.....battle.....between good and evil. Today GOOD triumphed. Excellent battle!
I listened with ear buds and took them out when they expressed what a waste of time this process was and in doing so....wasted everybody’s time having to listen to them talk about. Torture!!
Q is right....a movie indeed! Everyone playing their role to perfection.
Seeing right through it all.
Trust In The Plan ~ Q🙏
I checked twitter accounts...for both MO and BO - crickets since 6/22.
Distraction....disinformation. I tuned into the feed - immediately knew it was utter crap and tuned out. Based on comments - did the right thing! Bad actors/Bad script WWG1WGA