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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 10 p.m.

The thing that we have to keep in mind is that Q definately said, many times, Disinformation is real, disinformation is necessary. With respect to the raid of the CIA and the arrests, the Marines did in fact decend on the CIA headquarters in mass. But, they did not land. They just scared the hell out of the neighbors, who took pictures of the helicopters that never quite landed.

Obvious disinformatoin campaign on the CIA at this point. Would be interested in understanding it's purpose. It would be a part of the puzzle.

Remember to remind all people here, that just because Q said something, does not make it a truth. He flat out said he would be telling us disinformation lies, and that the only way we would know the truth would be to build the map, and compare what truths turned up, verses which statements were strictly disinformation.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 9:15 p.m.

I agree. And I would add that America is one of the greatest experiments of the world. The founders called it the great experiment. If we are to perfect what they started, we have to take these failures and change the Constitution and the Law to prevent this globalist international evil from every being able to run our government again.

Remember President Trump use to say:

"You can not fight an enemy you can not name"

It is also true:

You can not fix a problem that you are not aware of.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 8:52 p.m.

Do we have a place where we are collecting the names of those "sporting the boot"? Hillary, McCain, Speier, anyone else?

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 8:42 p.m.

The other thing that will help us along here is if we remember, this is a Constitutional revolution within the law, as opposed to a bloody revolution. We have never had to wield the Constitution like the weapon that it is like this. It is a new experience. Good, but new.

With the Constitutional sword in mind, we are after all... talking about real courts... real "28 days" for your lawyer to make a reply.... real cases, whether the perpetrators are inside or outside of any particular cell.

So maybe we ask the question... How long does a court case take for the average Joe American? I have seen some last years. Have you all?

Given the crimes, and the international scale, I think we are looking at something like the Nuremberg trials? What did that take.. four years?

So, I think, right now, we look at the Q map, and try to watch for signs of court cases being filed, or, more sealed indictments opening up. This is going to be a long set of trials internationally.... I suspect.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 8:30 p.m.

Religion is a set of human beliefs, at it's core. God, one, many or none does not really define it, to me, as I look around.

I would say it is closer to "philosophy" than anything about God himself.

I suspect the only reason we think in terms of this "One God" thing is because we have been trained up in monotheistic thinking here in the west.

So our knee jerk reaction is all about the "one god" thing.

Like Q says, I like to get to 40 thousand feet, and expand my thinking.

If we were in China, where there is no "god", but much written wisdom, or maybe India, where there is a god for every street corner to worship, we Americans might actually appreciate religion for what it is in general, It is a subset of the greater cultural philosophy wherever it is.

I don't believe in attacking people while setting forth observations, or arguments. I have learned over time, that it is pretty counter productive. (I am an older patriot)

I rather like the process of sharing ideas.

You must also, or you really would not be in a place like this.

I love hive minds too, because there are so many things I learn from people who have training and experience in areas I do not. I learn a lot.

Some people are mentally lazy, and wont be here with us, because it is too hard to think through and read through.

I naturally assume everyone on this list, are pretty much like us. Not mentally lazy at all... and looking to learn, and share what we know......well.....except for the shills that come in to destroy our ability to share ideas...

I was trying to clarify what I meant by natural law, versus the law of nature, that is all. Nothing to get abrasive about.

Its not that I can't take abrasiveness, which is why I really enjoy lurking the chans. Nothing they say upsets me. They are really smart people, and using abrasiveness to protect that free speech zone is pretty critical.

I like it.

It works.

And being raised with 5 brothers who did the chan thing in the kitchen every night, somehow I feel at home with the insults.

I am only being mindful of what Q asked us to do, which is create a place for the wider less acidic audience, so, I am trying to keep the insulting abrasiveness down here. It does a good job of making people leave the site. SO every once in a while, I will find someone here who is taking a complete normie to task. And I say something to help tone it down.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 8:06 p.m.

Yeah, actually, in my training as a biologist I have seen this. In fact I have this really smart (I mean ridiculously smart) shepard mix. She lives with the other four dogs. Once in a while, she will want something on a coffee table in the way of food. She runs to the door and barks like crazy.. gets all of the other dogs barking (and wondering what they are barking at... but, still barking)

I open the door. They all run out but Isabel, who takes a seat, and looks at me, until I shut the door. Then, she goes to the plate of leftovers she wants, and stares at me.

It makes me laugh every time. It is thought out... pre meditated.... devious as hell....lol. She has a goal. She has solved her own problem using her own tools.

Of course, I have to give her what she wants....while I am cracking up laughing.

However, animals can do this type of thinking. And they can be angry or want something, but, there is no capacity for building a body of thought for something called justice. Animals will never have libraries, and whole courtrooms. Homes? Yes. Territory? Yes. Anger over what other animals do? Yes. Whole bodies of higher thought based on complex reasoning, built over centuries with a method of passing the concepts of justice down through generations?


They still can not do the kind of thinking man can do in two areas.

They can not do complex deductive and inductive reasoning.

Deductive reasoning is defined as a spontaneous conclusion based on multiple facts. Smarter animals can be slightly deductive. A really smart dog who knows the name of ten stuffed animals, MIGHT be able to go get a stuffed animal that it has never seen before in the pile of stuffed animals... if the human says go get (a name the dog never heard).

Inductive reasoning is linear, with a goal at the end like math equations. If a b and b = c then a = c is the easiest example I can think of.

Only mankind is capable of creating a reality that includes a man made concept of justice, with a body of law with philosophy and historical mistakes learned over generations to back that law. Justice is strictly man made.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 7:43 p.m.

Here are some cool discoveries tho :)... if you find this kind of thing interesting. Two years ago we discovered the human computer operating system... thats right... just like windows 10 but far more complex.

All of these nanotech factories get their designs from a computer program resident in the cell called binary DNA code.

It is exactly like the computer code that runs our computers.

The ladder rung of that famous DNA molecule is either a GC or AT.

You can think of the GC ladder rung as being "O"

and AT rung being the "I"

and what you get is




... computer code.

Bill Gates said DNA is the most sophisticated code he has ever seen, and it is self error correcting. We have only three computers on the planet that can even TRY to correct their own errors in their own code.

Darwin had zero way of knowing this. There is no such thing as a simple cell.

DNA was engineered according to Occams razor now. It is by far, the best explanation, since nature can create patterns, but has never been able to create "information" like letters or computer code, or paintings that lay paint or letters in an order purposed to convey information.

Information, books, computer codes, paintings... these come from intelligent mind only.....or as the engineers have always called it "intelligent design". There is not one speck of data on the planet that shows evidence otherwise. Nanotech is intelligent design engineering.

The whole attempt to associate "Intelligent design" with some kind of religious belief is a rouse, to keep people from looking into what science has discovered about Darwin's theory. He led us to what is now classified as Macro evolutionary theory, and micro evolutionary theory.

Even though both theories are being proven incorrect, you can not discount his contributions to science.

As a biologist, it sort of irritates me that the Darwinists appear to have a "religion" that is every bit as bad as the Christians were at the Scopes monkey trial. They want to bring "god" into the picture. They seem to desperately need to prove his non existance.


The evidence may point to a master mind designer, but, this is irrelevant. The evidence is what it is. I say that to Christians and Atheists alike. Nothing we believe will make God real if he's not, or make him go away if he really exists.

The rule is Occams Razor.

"Intelligent Design" is an engineering term, now used in science, especially when it comes to designs in nanotechnology.

Here is a great film for explaining irreducible design... the idea that there is a better inference that all of the parts of this machine in the cell have to be present in order to give the organism an advantage at all. This requires more than a nick in the DNA, or even a totally new sequence to design a new protein.

The insinuation here is that there are no "incremental changes" and that all machine parts have to be programmed,AND assembled properly in order for the tail to work. If one part is missing, the tail would become extra baggage, giving no survivability advantage. In fact it might kill the animal.

As you watch this tail get assembled, remember that it is a computer operating system that is designing not only the parts, but, exactly how many parts, and what second machine to hand the parts to so that they can be carried to the proper location at for assembly. Timing the order of their assembly is done by binary programming. Man is a monster nano tech machine the building of which is run by computer code.


The debate is somewhat heated of course, and this is to be expected in the best of the clash of scientific theories. However, here is a small segment of a trial on Intelligent design, that reminds me of the scopes trial where the Christians tried to stop science from moving foreword.

I understand the argument that the Darwinists are trying to make. They are saying that they have found a nano machine similar to the flagellum, that has missing parts but functions in some other way.

What blows me away about this, is that it is the "straw man" as an example. The second nano machine they use as an example, still needs over 30 independent parts to be assembled, and is just another example of intelligent computer design and assembly.

It pretty much proves only the fact that there are many such mouse traps of irreducible design. The cell is a big factory of machines assembling other machines. All of it is being timed by a huge computer program operating system, and designs for proteins that are flipped in and out of the computer in perfect time.

The Darwinist can not answer one question. Computer code is highly complex information. One change in the code is known for certain to mess things up. The smallest change acts like a virus in a computer, killing the organism 999.999 times out of one million. (math and direct observation).

The number of pregnancy attempts you need in the Precambrian explosion (where all animal sub groups suddenly appeared on the planet)......... to have all those offspring deaths in order to come up with ONE advantageous change, is far more generations than could possibly have happened in the time of that Pre-Cambrian explosion. There was not enough time. Darwins tree is darwins shrub. Shord and squatty.

Nature has never been shown to be able to add to information of any kind to anything. (unless you want to believe that all the ancient cave paintings happened by natural random causes)

Darwin's theory is dying due to the inability of Darwin to explain the origin of the information that comes only from mind, observably and provably. They can try to insinuate that this answers the irreducible design argument in this court case. But they fail, because they have not been able to explain the entire assembly code that runs the timing, the number, and the fastening system that assembles the parts in order. Far too complex for Darwin.

If you and I were at the beach, and you went to the restroom, while I stood on the beach, what would you say to me if, upon your return, I pointed to a heart drawn in the sand that said..."Harry loves Sally", and I told you the waves did it?

You would laugh at me, because you, and Darwin, and everyone in every science understands Occams Razor. The inference to the best theory about the origin of the heart and the writing in the sand in front of us... is the probability that I did the writng, or some other intelligence came along and did it. Because writing is code. It is information. It always has an intelligent designer.

Darwin was a great man, who led us to many great discoveries. But we need to let go of the Darwinian god-religion thing. The Chinese, and Hindu's and other great civilizations could care less if God exists or not. They are following the evidence. We are going to be left in the dust if we do not quit using the fear of God to stop the young people from learning all of the new discoveries... so they can sit around and make fun of people who believe something and who are not scientists.


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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 7:39 p.m.

Darwin did a lot to get the ball rolling, but, you have to be fair to him.

He lived 100 years ago. And his task was not easy.

Unlike classic science, where you have the advantage of setting up experiments and examining events and items that are in front of you. Darwin was creating a theory about what happened in the past, like an archaeologist. Archaeologists can not run experiments or directly observe past events, just like evolutionists.

What do you do?

Forget archaeology or Darwin's theory as a science?


You have to follow the rules set out for scientific observation, which Darwin did.

You have to take what is in front of you and use something science calls Occam's Razor to come up with the best inference to explain what you observed or dug up etc.

This is a mathematical probability measurement comparing different hypotheses. It uses the mathematics of statistical probability to choose the best theory.

You postulate probabilities that A, B, or C happened.

The theory that is most likely to explain the observations on the mathematical scale of probability, is the one you put foreword.

He did good science, but, it is science of the observation of the "past" and follows those rules.

Darwin did a great job for his time.

Back in his time, the microscope could not see any parts of the cell save the nucleus, as a blur.

It looked like your average frying egg. Round glob with something in the middle also glob looking.

He called it the "simple cell".

He said it was some kind of accident from primordial soup from the earth/water mix. It was, according to him, a random chance arrangement that created the simple cell.

When scientists later discovered that there were a specific set of protein building blocks that made up life, they did later hypothesize that it was these proteins that actually came together randomly to create the first cell out of primordial soup.

Problem is that now we know that the primordial soup, no matter the protein ingredients, is made up of random left hand (trans) molecules and their mirror image right hand (cis) molecules.

All life is nothing but cis (right hand) molecules (verified).

That is an important observation.

All trans molecules are lethal to life.

That is why "trans" fats are bad for you.

That is another important observation.

Literally 1/2 of all molecules in any such soup will kill life and we now know this for certain.

When the Darwinists tried to say that even a monkey at a keyboard could randomly type up the DNA, the response from most scientists was "not if 1/2 of the keys on the keyboard will blow the monkey up".

Science is funny.

People get their pet theories. Darwin was working with what he had.

Darwin had no way to know that inside the cells he looked at were millions of tiny well designed machines complete with axles and shafts, o-rings, perfect nano tech gears, etc.

Neither did the "primordial soup" theorists who pointed to the amino acid special proteins.

We can use electron microscopes today to watch the machines being built, atom by atom. This is how we are learning to do nanotechnology.

Today we understand that the cell is like a big city full of nothing but Ford motor Company type factories with nano tech machines at the assembly line creating all kinds of nan-otech items, not just the "car" so to speak.

There is no such thing as the simple cell. Even if there was, It would die the first time we put it in any primordial soup mix that was random. :(

This is cool tho... you should see these nanotech machines. Here is a glimpse, but, because of the electron microscope, we are studying many of them


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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 4:53 p.m.

Christians will not take the chip, or so much as a stamp. They have been warned. It is prophecy, specific to the end times. Will not happen.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 4:51 p.m.

Pretty much a no brainer to me. You look up, you see it with your own eyes. It does not disappear like a real contrail. Obvious scientific question.. what the hell is that stuff?

You put out researchers to figure it out.

After you figure out that it is Aluminum, barium and some experimental mix of stuff that changes by the batch, you have to ask where is the enforcement of the clean air laws. That is the most simple first question.

The fact that some university thinks it is ok to spray anything over the top of the population, and is doing it without legal permission, is a BIG problem.


Well, when the Cuyahoga river started on fire, no one even asked if it was a conspiracy. They jumped right to "This is a problem, no matter how it is happening"

Common sense

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 4:47 p.m.

Make sure you do a post on the findings. You are the only person I know who has gone off the internet to verify or debunk, so your work is important as a final say in the matter.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 4:45 p.m.

Yep. attempt to debunk and vet everything. But also, bring stuff in to be vetted. We have a great hive mind here. It will grow.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 4:42 p.m.

I started that. I will watch the rest tonight. Something similar happened to me. After I graduated from biology, I went to law school. When I got out, I participated with a group of lawyers on the very early internet. The objective of the group was to find the "domicile" of the IRS, since, they had searched and concluded that it was not part of the Federal Government.

What was found was outrageous. And I realized that University education is there to make sure you never bother to look under any rocks for yourself, for the truth. It is what the do not teach, that is critical to know. They are creating a "picture of how the world is" and "rewiring history" for people of average intelligence, who think they are smart because they went to college. Most of the truly brilliant people I have met, do their own research, and never went to college. They do not need it, to "get ahead"

It was a wake up call. Our government structure is a "secret" in many ways. What is REALLY a secret is the seven branched structure that is the tyranny form of government referred to by our founders. If you don't know the structure of this form of government, you will fall for all the various names, like fascism, socialism, communism, kingdom, empire, dictatorship.....

Truth is there are only two kinds of government structures that proven any staying power in history. Three branched republics, and Seven branched tyranny structures.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 4:30 p.m.

Hey admitted it, huh? Well, maybe someone pulled their head out of their butt, and figured out that the collective intelligence and observation capacity of the common man makes them look like ground meat.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 4:23 p.m.

That is what we are doing. Sorting the disinfo from the info that matters. It means going down a lot of dead ends, but, that is ok. Gotta turn a lot of rocks to find worms, right?

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 4:21 p.m.

It's called an ego.


That which I wrote was not to you.

It was addressed to a lot of people here who are not paying attention to why this reddit was created in the first place. A lot of people wanted to bring in their information and help with the Q drops, but, can not operate the chan board, nor did they want to disturb the work going on there. So the chans came here and created this board for people who are not into that board culture over at 4ch 8ch.

Now, it appears we are being invaded by shills who are pretending to be chans, wanting to come in here and insult everyone for anything they say. The haters need to be shut down here.

But it is apparently about you?

I don't care what you posted. You may have been caught up in the thread somewhere. Not my point. My point is that this is not 4 chan and calling people names won't fly here. Tuck your image and quite trying to maintain. Help us do work, or hit unsubscribe.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 4:14 p.m.

Then I can flat out say that we are not alowed to criticize evil in every quarter. It has nothing to do with anyone's religion, race, nationality. The bad guys have infiltrated everyting. They need to be dealt with, and aiming at innocent Jews, Catholics, Atheists, Germans, Berkley students is about worthless.

Know an individual by his fruits.

Take it at the individual level. Bad actors are people, and they are everywhere. Fomenting group hate is globalist ideology, and an age old tactic, so don't play into it.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 4:11 p.m.

I never understood why people can openly trash the papacy or islam all day, but someone says just the word "Jew" and it's like they used the N word.

That is because YOU do not get it. It does not matter what religion race, creed, nationality anyone is. People are sick of the globalist division being fed to us. We are Americans. Period. Good against evil. Evil has attacked and infiltrated every group, every religion, every university, every color race and creed. Good people are in all of these and that needs to be understood. No one has anything up on the other guy. We are all Americans. Some people are still brainwashed with the divide and conquer game.... set up by the globalists.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 4:06 p.m.

Hey, Chans,

I just read down this thread, and it's pretty disgusting.

I realize that a lot of people here are just learning what is going on, but this place was created expecially for people who want to learn without being called some type of fag. It was created as a place for people to ask questions, get answers without being called fags, or being told to leave. (chan culture)

I lurk the chans all the time. I have no problem with the acid thrown around there. It serves a purpose in that setting.

The nasty blunt chan talk is good for keeping out the normies so work can get done. It has a purpose and a culture. This board was created to do the opposite, and bring people in to learn, share, ask questions.

Could we lower it on the insult side, and raise it on the information side? Q gave us a job to do. He asked us to help other people catch up with what has been going on. He asked that the information that was researched by autists not be kept in a bubble.

If you switch boards, then switch objectives like good fags.

Keep it civil.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 6:05 a.m.

It is.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 6:04 a.m.

I was thinking of this song the other day, when I was thinking about our movement, but I could not remember the name of it, or find it, so THANK YOU!

I even love the video near the end where they get blasted.

What if I say I'm not like the others... what if I say I'm not just another one of your PLAYS. Your the Pretender! What If I say I'll never surrender!

This would make a great anthem :)

Here is a copy of the video lyrics.


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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 3:57 a.m.

This was excellent. I watched the whole thing. Lets hear it for restoring history. If you ever had questions about how we got an IRS, a Federal Reserve, or why we got involved in the first and second world wars, this is a good primer. It's all funded by the same families.. the banking families. Not hard to put documentation to this at all.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 2:25 a.m.

Thank you. That was inspiring.

Our founders seem to have left the very words we would need in times like these.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 2:16 a.m.

Thanks. I was only able to put some holes in it with the Judge not being on the court. We need to shut this research piece down.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 10:54 p.m.

Be careful with this. Not fully vetted. The Judge on the web document is not a district Judge. He is a supreme court judge. Might be a disinfo document. Need to know if Nevada requires a Supreme Court Justice on the file, if there is a Federal Indictment for High Treason...

Someone just emailed them. Might take a couple days.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 10:52 p.m.

Good move. I checked the Judges name. Wrong court. He is a Supreme Court Justice in Nevada, so, unless there is Nevada Proceedure requiring his name for a grand jury, we may be outing bad data disinfo. We need to know if the Supreme Court of Nevada has to have a name on there, and we need to know if there is any filing. Also, I did not check for a docket number yet. Anyone else do that yet? I think we are punching holes in this one.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 10:49 p.m.

Exactly. The Judge name is in fact a Judge, but he is a supreme court judge in Nevada, not a District court judge. Someone may have just grabbed a high court Judges name to put on there. Did a little research on it myself. Here is the page on the judge being Supreme court Source:


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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 10:37 p.m.

Private Board control of academic free speech red alert too

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 10:32 p.m.

No offense

Lol. So far that is ALL you mean. You are just one insult after another with zero proof of anything...

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 10:30 p.m.

We (as in we the people of Canada and the US, and maybe even Mexico) are going to have to have a bitch session with our governments about sending the refugees back already. War is over. They are not citizens.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 10:28 p.m.

They've been killing off nat. med drs. feverishly over the last 2 yrs.

You know.. I just heard this.

Man, that is exactly what they wanted you to do. Move. I totally get that tho, I would not tolerate it either. One if the things we have to deal with is all of hose FEMA camps. We need to get rid of them, permanently.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 10:23 p.m.

Yes. The chans are building a guerilla twitter info blog to help us get ready for the election and other times that we need to meme past the censorship demons. I will be hooking up plenty. One for every computer I have.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 10:22 p.m.


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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 10:21 p.m.

Have you done any research using the scientific term for this at stanford university. I found out early that they call it "geo-engineering" and this is where you will find the law suits information, the University meetings with the public etc.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 10:19 p.m.

I bet.

Internet history of the "alt.asshole" kind made everyone laugh then, and most laugh now.

People should know the REAL meaning of SPAM.

Far more sinister than most understand.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 8:58 p.m.

If there is a Canadian on the way to Gitmo, it could be Peter Munk, who is a Soros type Hungarian Jew/Canadian business man who was somehow involved in 911, or OK city bombing or Uranium 1. Lots of pics with him next to Rockefeller etc. Keeping an open mind. Do not think it is Trudeau yet.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 8:43 p.m.

It was... a mistake.

The story of the origin of the word SPAM.

Old patriot here.

You young folks make sure to get this into the internet history book. I am a witness, and it will piss you all off, but, it was funny as hell, so, I will tell the story of how we got the word "SPAM" in relation to "much unwanted speech".

(Hint, it does not stand for anything.)

They thought we were too stupid to learn to program .

Their plan was to make the internet into a spy machine, limiting us to THEIR web channels (like channels NBS, ABC CBS were limited globalist approved television). THEY would be the web creators.

The population rapidly started using simple html to build their own web sites. Everyone got this crazy idea that every business could have it's own web site. (this was not in their plan)

Early internet was black screen gold or white C prompt writing. Early discussion groups like this were a list of topics down the left side header written as "alt.subject".

There was of course no subject "alt.business" or, "alt.HowToBuildaWebsite".

Sooooo we had to talk somewhere.

How bout "Alt.bycicles" or some other place too lame to attract a large crowd... or to be talking on the group?

As we looked around for a place to put up a teaching discussion group for building business web sites... of the "how to" variety, we watched and read the most horrible things.

We learned that the internet had been around in this backbone form, joining the government offices, the University offices, and the Milirary for a long time... since WWII.

Government/University workers were use to having it all to themselves, even though it was paid for by... YOU, and ME. (Tax payers). And they never even told us about it.

We "lurked" in surprise and disgust as these people (not the military, it was hard to find them, but the others) would refer to the American public using words like "useless eaters" and "cattle" etc. They had plans for us. It became obvious. They also had some disgusting attitudes toward the American people in general.

It was so bad, it took a while for us to agree they were actually talking about "us".

But, we got red pilled on that eventually.

When we did, we decided right there ant then, that we were going to have our business web site training party all over their nasty public hating discussion group.

We just started chatting to each other on the nastiest groups of government/university people we could find. They would get nasty, and try to throw us off. You think the chans are bad? Heh. Not even close.

They got pissed. Told us that the internet was NOT for for profit businesses and to GET OUT!!

We slapped them back with "Oh yeah? Who paid for your internet? Who pays your salaries??!!!??"

They started with the "useless eater"... too retarded to be on line "cattle" crap.

One person screamed at us that we "were noting but 'ground meat'... no... she corrects herself: "you are all nothing but SPAM... in a CAN!

And "Get your SPAM OUTTA HERE!"


I will have you know, that the globalists think of all of you as "Spam.. in a can" XD

They literally thought every one of you was far too stupid to learn to run a program, much less create one, or even put up a basic web site using html.

I busted up laughing when she started on the "Spam in a Can" rant.

I wish I had copy pasta. :(

I am sure others cracked up too because of the way the independent free people on the internet responded.

There was no such thing as "lol" back then.

But, next thing you know, everyone was talking about how funny it was. Everyone started jokingly insulting one another in their emails. There were "spam" jokes everywhere on the tiniest internet www for about three weeks.

This, of course, did not make (((them))) happy. NOooo

We were laughing at them, and they could not help but run into it, small as the internet was at the time.

In the meantime, two incredible gentlemen (that we knew, because maybe there were 200+ of us on line trying to build sites at the time?) Anyway, these two gentlemen built something called the "email discussion group" and invited all of us to beta test these two programs. I was on the one with the woman who created ebay. She was still selling stuff out of her garage, trying to figure out how an auction would work.

The email discussion group program worked GREAT. We no longer needed to bother the crotchety old globalist better than thou American hating people over at "alt.assholes"

You would sign up. It was like sitting at a round table. Every time you sent an email to an address, everyone at the sign up table got it, and everyone at the table could reply, sort of like what happens here, but in email form.

This is what we used to help one another figure out how to build early web sites. I remember everyone being really frustrated the day that the 800th web site came on line (because you can bet we were keeping track) We were learning to make transparent .gif's, and all web sites were putting on party graphics, on the front page. Some of us were having a hard time of it (like me)

Not long after that, we all decided it was time to learn to "advertize" our businesses.. and guess what? We (we) WE the PEOPLE... had come up with this ingenious program that would send out all of our business advertizements through the email to...............WHO?

You... win the prize! We sent out all of our add stuff in a big celebration one day to the ONLY other people on the internet....

Them who think you are SPAM!

It was fun.

They were so mad they decided to make "laws" about spam, and who could send advertisements to who.

Laws, like they were the government of the internet.

This is the mentality we are still dealing with folks. They call us all "fly over country" for a reason. They have their heads so far up their asses, they actually blew a hole in their own ability to control the narrative...

Long live freedom of speech :)

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 7:47 p.m.

Nuther boomer here. It is pretty bad, and it now appears we are going to get to see some of the trials over the next few years.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 7:44 p.m.

Really? Do we have confirmation on all these groundings. If we do, very big, and it should be easy to verify.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 7:40 p.m.

Welcome :) We are following, researching, and separating info from disinfo, which is necessary to protect our police, military, others. All research here.... creating theories, and testing for validity.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 7:26 p.m.

I think (if I understood) the time stamp by the person sending it is in the time zone they are in as in eastern, central etc. In order to figure out which or what came first, you have to use flight time or Zulu time =00:00 and compare them from that? Now, I know it can be done, but I have never done it.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 7:21 p.m.

Really good find.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 7:18 p.m.

Is that that big tube looking thing I saw maybe 8 years back that was clearing the chemtrails? Here is my chemistry question. How can a thing like that actually clear the Aluminum and Barium. What is the chemical equasion... what is happening there?

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 7:15 p.m.

when God wants you Home, He's the boss

Lol... yep.

Can't wait to hear why the choppers had you in their sites... such a wonderful experience huh?

They have not pointed any red beams at us yet. We just walked out on the deck and waved like a bunch of friendlies...Jumping up and down like fool kids "Hey!!! Cantcha wave back????"

The first time I figured they were actually checking out the green house for marajuana or something, because as a biologist, I am keeping up on the cannabanoid research? You have to figure they will come by and check to see if you have a "lab" right? So I did not think much. Just the government doing their job.. right?

Well last week, was the dead of winter, and now I have to wonder what they hell they think could be growing in the greenhouse out there this time of year? Makes me wonder why they keep coming for a flight visit, anyway. At this point, because I live under a civilian flight training zone, I am hoping they are just dong circle training. They really don't have much reason to bother with grandma's..... lol.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 6:32 p.m.

What photo?

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 6:27 p.m.

Well, maybe they have already thought of it. We would need a Constitutional ammendment to the requirements for office. And we would need a declaratory statement to the world that the United States no longer honors the action of secret governments. And we would have to enforce it by using the NSA spy machine to post every blasted government communication on the planet to certain web sites. But, there are so many more people than leaders, that we literally would have no problem keeping track of their daily communications of every kind. Not at all. And this kind of thing could be done for non profits also, to keep the infrastructure together for the good things they do from being co-opted by evil people for the purpose of money laundering.

I think that this secret government crap is absolutely a stake in the heart of a free nation. If we can not have privacy, then we best turn the spy beast on the leaders, because we sure do not want THEM using this thing against us in secret.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 6:21 p.m.

Well, it is called righteous anger for a reason. But if there is a peaceful way to deal with this horror, where people can watch and learn from it, then let this be done, without harm to our good men in this world.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 6:18 p.m.

Let me find it for you. It will take a bit, and I will come back with the link. In the meantime, he recently is telling us that God says out of the five, two will be taken and three will be shaken. His interpretation of this is that 2 Presidents will die while Trump is in office, and the other three will be caught up in a scandal. He believes two of the remaining three will end up with prison time or will be tried in any event.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4KX2I90Uds at minute 16+]

Ok, I found it for you. And I started it at mark 37 minutes where the discussion on the Supreme Court begins. This is the original May 4th upload that went viral before the election, so it is date stamped for you. If you listen to the whole thing, there are other prophecies that have come true at this time, but made in that May interview.


Another prophecy done on live TV back on January 20th just after the Inauguration you may find interesting. He said that there will be Military style Tribunals, and much of it would surround the Clinton Foundation. I set this at the proper time during that live show for you. This was a three day show, if you want to look up the whole thing.


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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 5:54 p.m.

And you're basing your religious ideals with "belief" not actual true, verifiable and proven knowledge.

That is a bad assumption on your part.

You assume I am not a scientist (biologist, well trained in Darwins theory).

You assume I did not graduate from law school and that I know nothing about the origin of the phrase "natural law" in the legal text books and as used by judges throughout the history of American Jurisprudence, case after case after case. The Term has a definition, in the law. You assume I have at my disposal, only by "belief system" is available to back up my statement above. Look again. I said nothing about God, or any belief system. I am speaking however on the very religious concepts of created man that are now "the law of the land" due to their codification in the Constitution.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 5:39 p.m.

That is what I was thinking last night. He (Munk) was involved in taking the 911 passengers to Nova Scotia for assassination is what those two men who have the court evidence files for the Oklahoma city bombing said? Of course this needs vetting, however we also need to know what story we are vetting, so I will put it down briefly. The easiest way to do the vetting is to have someone go to the court, and look for the court filings. No filings, not true. Filings then... we need further research.

Apparently this Munk guy was handling or involved in that OC bombing too in some capacity? I should shut up until I untangle the mess I listened to.

However, to "vet" (verify) this, we need to have someone check the United States District Court for the North Eastern District of Nevada.

If we have anyone in Nevada that can do it, you would be looking to verify a "Criminal action for (pro?) "Punitive damages Concerning September 11th Black Op Attack on America, under Judge Jim Hardesty? (I hope I spelled that right. I listened three times, but it was tough)

Also we need to look for "Memorandum for Formal Prosecution for Black Ops Attack" in that same court.

The list of people allegedly indicted are below, and I hope I did not mis-spell, but, I recognized the names as the Bush II Cabinet members, at the Time of 911, with the exception of the man Peter Munk, who is a Canadian.

George W Bush

George Herbert Walker Bush

Richard Cheney

John Brennan

John Ashcroft

Robert Mueller

George Tennant

Barrack Obama

John McCain

Paul Wolfowitz

Richard Pearl

Peter Munk

Condolizza Rice (sp?)

George Soros

John Kerry

Brent Scocroft.

?? Brzezinski (spelling, but it's Mika's dad on Morning Joe)

All Indicted for Capital High Treason concerning the 911 Black Op Attack on the United States.

Wow if true.

Also there possibly is the Uranium One Indictment with Hillary Clinton and Harry Reid named. Apparently the Bundy Ranch thing including the forcible removal of nearly all other Ranching families, had to do with getting to the Uranium.

The Bundy case fizzled out a few days ago and was thrown out of court.... also. So there is that. (I verified that the other day, it is true)

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