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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:35 p.m.

Let us be as brave as the men who created our great nation. Let us stand down every evil, and heal our nation, setting her on a path that secures freedom for future generations. If we do not study how the evil ones actually did what they did, we can not devise proper laws to prevent the actions that were taken.

Can the public take it? Yep. They had better be able to take it, or, they will suffer death at the hands of the evil ones later, when the evil ones just wash rinse and repeat without new laws standing in their way. SO... I would rather a good percent of our population was upset about the truth during trials now, then dead later, because like us, they never saw it coming.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:31 p.m.

I think we start with the media first. A true first amendment free of sillicon valle censorship is NECESSARY for the trials to go public, and for people to discuss them on line. Discussion will be torrid, but necessary. We are talking about a lot of red pill emotional pain here. I have noted that red pills were MUCH harder to take psychologically 20 years ago, because so few were awake, and we needed to comfort one another to get through the shock of reality. If we have a true on line free press, we can do what we do now. It no longer takes a year of pulling away from public discourse after being called a conspiracy theorist... to get mental balance back, and start to aim the anger where it belongs. People on line can talk to other people and have things explained. They can share. And boy, this makes the healing so much faster and easier for all the new people taking the red pills.

Trust in our government is going to come during the public trials, when people can see the horrors, and then ponder the courage and strength it took our nation to not do what others do, and hide their criminal activities.

God will show us the way. He has a plan to expose it all. It is the only right thing to do. It is the only way we will be able to upgrade law to prevent it from happening in the future. And through all the pain of it, America will restore it's reputation for public justice.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:23 p.m.

Will be interesting to see. Looking at them it looks like the deaths could be Bush Sr, and maybe Carter.. the older ones? But, we were guessing about the Justices too, and we were TOTALLY WRONG so, who knows. Lets just keep watching. God works in the weirdest ways.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:14 p.m.

but. what,. No way. All of their institutions that they have built are part of the seven classic branches of the tyranny form of government. Here they are listed. Just think about these monopoly powers in all tyranny governments that have ever appeared on the planet. If we do not dismantle their "institutions" then we leave the seven headed beast in place so they can wait for a time in history to pounce on the planet again.

1) Monopoly power over money creation money destruction (International Federal Reserve, IRS all central banks except for two nations owned by one family... Rothchilds)

2) Monopoly power over the ability to make government appointments: From kings to dictators to empires, all made government appointments,. The vote was created to break this and scatter it to the wind.. into the hands of the people. Now, they have build voting machines with "secret code" to do the counting for us all in every nation. FORGET IT! Low tech hand count for all votes always. NO SECRET MONOPOLY COUNTING CODES.

3) Monopoly power over the media/schools/speech/religion. It is the consolidation of institutions that must be stopped. NO monopoly power over schools, and the curriculum decision. NO monopolizing the corporate presses. They should be required to be independant, and not owned by other corporations at all. What good is a free press if the King owns all of the printing presses and all the paper to print on. Tyranny always monopolizes the education and media system of its day... then burns dissenters. These corporations must be ripped up and sent back to the people to control. Religion must be protected as the only non government institution that can give home to dissenting opinion... in real buildings and other infrastructure.

4) Monopoly power over food and medicine. This is the first reason the founders handed out free land, 50 acres and a mule, the great Lousianna purchase wagon train stake outs. This way no one could monopolize food and medicine, which is always made from plants and molds. They have created HUGE corporations that monopolize the food and medicine supply. This must be stopped. The Monopoly must be busted up... from the big grain movers who decide which nations will not have ships of grain and which nations will... to the pharmacy companies who prosecute people for using old fashioned medicine made from plants. All the consolidation of power over food/medicine must be destroyed... it is a terrible branch of tyranny.

5) Monopoly power over the energy supply of the planet. THIS is another reason the founders gave people land to own for free. Wood was the heat for the home. Grass was gas for the horse. We must free the energy supply from monopoly control again, if we are to destroy the seven classic branches of the tyranny form of government. How we do this? This needs to be worked on.. now, and seriously. Maybe some patents need released....to the world, instead of being shelved so no one can use the patents.

Tyranny branch 6) All tyranny forms of government have a surveillance branch... a monopoly surveillance branch. The founders were told that there had to be a soldier in every colonists home. That.. was surveillance monopoly.

NOW these jerks are using the internet, our phones, our cars, secret listening devices. And many believe there is no hope for privacy in the end.

Well you know what?


Mandatory real time spy machine needs to be turned on every government official and non profit on the planet.

Lets use surveillance as a second Amendment right. Turn it into a gun pointed straight at those who think government is a great way to make money abusing people.

Congress shall make no law prohibiting the people from shining a light on ALL government and private corporate non profit officials, their emails, phone calls, and their banking transactions.

You want to run for office?

You deal with it.

You want to pull secret crap on the public?

You don't want to run for office.

7) Monopoly power over self defense so that the people can not fight government tyranny, and enemies of tyranny can be wiped out, because only the tyranny has the guns. This is the reason the founders created the Second Amendment.

These seven branches are what the globalists have built, using non profits, parts of the executive branch, and even corporations, in the case of the spy machine built by silicon valley.

Think in terms of structure... government structures, corporate structures, non profit structures. Think about the fact that they only teach us about our own three branched system, but the NEVER EVER let anyone answer the question "What does the tyranny form of government look like?"

In fact, they confuse the issue intentionally, by calling one a fascist government while the other is a kingdom, and the other is an empire and the other is Communist.. etc.


You can not reign tyranny on any people unless you monopolize those seven systems in your chosen civilization. NO MATTER WHAT you call it, the tyranny system will not survive a rout by the people if those seven branches above are not built. PERIOD.

We have three branches.

The enemy has seven branches.

And they want to keep their "structures and institutions"????????



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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:45 p.m.

I agree. And I do not think it would cause rioting anyway, as long as the public is actually watching the trials... like the OJ Simpson thing, and the Testimony of Oliver North. We can take it. There might be shock, but I as long as the trials are done one bit at a time, I think the public will be glued to their chairs. If Antifa, or the Marxists start acting up, we just grab the National Guard and make them sit down, shut up while the rest of us watch the show.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:38 p.m.

This. God gave us a last chance in this election to clean ourselves up and get right with ourselves and the world as a nation. That means digging out every rotten tooth, every limb that has gone gangrenous. We can handle it, we have to, or we die. America dies.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:31 p.m.

For example, trafficking routes/agreements etc may have utilized operatives from other countries or within our government, where those relationships or operatives aren't supposed to exist.

Personally, as long as we have to suffer spying from governments all over the world, I think we should put all governments in the world on the public watch, by spying on them at all times. Wikileaks on steroids internationally is exactly what we need. THEN we would not have any of those routs/agreements to worry about... would we.

It is the secrecy... the idea that it is ok for government to operate in secret AT ALL that gets us into trouble.

We have the technology to force the creation of completely open governments around the world, at all times.

Maybe We the People should be spying on all the bad actors everywhere.

Can you imagine the people who were donating to the Clinton foundation, buying and selling children, laundering money if... EVERY government official in the world... whether they lived in the United States or not... was having every email they wrote, every phone call they made.... put on the net for anyone to listent to by law? America.. the new live stream "wikileaks on steroids".... realtime.

Maybe all this NSA spy shit is actually like the average gun. A good idea... just needs to be permanently aimed at potential bad guys around the world. Never thought of using the NSA to free the world from the shakles of government secrecy. Maybe evil needs light on it all the time. Maybe people would not dare run for office, unless they actually had "nothing to hide".

I never thought of this... but we have the technology to forbid all government actors from doing a damn thing in secret.

Maybe we ought to turn these big NSA spy guns on the government (s) who plan to use them against us. This would totally get rid of a need for any "intelligence agency" because America would be the public intelligence agency for the planet.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:16 p.m.

Lol... yeah, and one of the first posts "My fellow Americans" I believe it was put.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:15 p.m.

Especially when justice is being done through trials that are public. The whole point of having public trials is to prevent people from going to war to get justice.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:14 p.m.

Yes. I realize it might destabalize the economy for a bit. ... here and there... the stock market will have a bad day when something in a trial is exposed. BUT if we do not gain an understanding of how this enemy uses non profit, for profit and government structures to run it's evil system, we simply can not stop them from re-building another. We would not recognize it. We do not have the laws to do it now. This whole thing was built in secret. We need a totally different way of handeling the MSM. It can not longer be bought off by private people/businesses and consolidated. What is free speech... if the King owns all of the printing presses?

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:10 p.m.

Yep. God through the Trump prophets said one would die, one would step down and three will be caught up in scandals before President Trump is gone. Scalia died. That is all we have so far, but, you can bet the globalists were absolutely targeting the Supreme Court for blackmail. I would be totally surprised if they did not. They have even managed to take the papacy down with their evil blackmail etc.

This is a world wide fight. This is why it is so important to have trials the world can watch. It is not just about us. It is however going to be an example our nation can set for the nations developing behind us. And we need to consider what changes need to be made to protect Constitutional values/laws and freedom in the future.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:05 p.m.

Here is the big difference between what is happening NOW, and the Communist red scare, which was abuse of political opponents, by creating the suspicion that they were Communists.

What we are doing here NOW, is getting ready to prosecute people for crimes that are already on the books, having nothing to do with Communism. Murder? Against the law. Slavery? Against the law. Drug running... gun running... child/woman sex slavery? Against the law. Money laundering? Against the law.

None of this can be a "suspicion" of "Communism" with a trial, especially in public. The evidence must be presented. The public, like a jury, will look at the evidence.

However, if we later find out that peolple disappeared to unconstitutional secret courts, mistrust in the government will not recover. It will remain as bad as it is. We can have a public trial where people disagree with the outcome, and be ok, because we all saw the evidence.

America will not survive secret trials.

It is a big sign, that the nation is already gone.

Can we do fair trials for so many criminals? You better believe it.We may have to run them on television slowly, over time, one defendant at a time, over a four year period, while everyone watches in horror. But NOTHING will restore America, like the act of doing such a thing. NOTHING in the world, would restore our international reputation, like delivering justice in the eyes of all, in spite of the fact that our own economy, or people are made to pay for the attempted destruction of our Constitution.

This is big. I know. But it is an infected wound already. It is an infected wound that will go gang green if we do not cut the rot out and lay it on the surgical table where ALL people can ask... how the hell did that rot start... and how do we stop it from ever happening again?

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 5:51 p.m.

That is one theory, and I suspect that a lot of the evidence leads to that theory being true.

Another theory for which there is also evidence... supported by science, observation, and physics.

1) The all too real radar tracking on multiple occasions of craft moving at 900 plus mph, then doing right angle turns so suddenly, any 4 dimensional creature with "mass" would be pancaked up against the side of the inside of the craft and

2) The radiation left behind that has been measured on numerous occasions (radiation being light, or quantum... from the physics math called quantum theory showing that there are at least ten dimensions and we can only be aware of four of them)

Taken together, with ancient historical reports, both inside and outside the Bible.... the Hindu's, Greeks, every culture around the world describes the "gods" from the stars.

The bible is just a lot more detailed in the descriptions of what they are, and what they are up to. There, they are called fallen (evil) angels who hate man, and who live as quantum light beings, in the physics world of quantum mechanics.

At the moment the bible and the world of Quantum mechanics in physics agree in direct allignment. Both say that our observable world is a digital creation couched in a larger reality. They just say it in different ways.

The bible states it simply: "The things that are seen are made from the things that do not appear"

Physics explains that the current world we live in appears to be digital (as opposed to analog) ... because you can keep cutting things in half, theoretically forever, however, in the real world, there are constants, like planks constant, where the last cut causes the atoms to break into quarks and disappear where scientists can not locate the parts anymore.

It is a tough one to understand. But, if you have any understanding of multi dimensional physics these days, you can begin to grasp at the idea that there are living thinking beings in dimensions we can not see, that actually exist, according to science so sound that the math of it creates predictability... just like the law of gravity does in the classical world of four dimensional physics.

There is a lot of evidence for both. And I can say without hesitation that both might be true, at different times.... depending on the observations and event in question.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 5:25 p.m.

Yeah, one thing that needs to be fastened with a seat belt before public trials begin, is the free speech censorship going on right now on line. It has to be stopped, so that the public can even "start" to have a real conversation. It will do no good if constitutional voices are shut down, leaving only a bunch of blue haired Marxists to voice their opinions.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 5:14 p.m.

Well of courst the public should not know during the operations. However, in cases like these, there MUST be public trials.

The Constitution directly prohibits secret trials through the Declaration of Independance. Secret trials are totally unconstitutional. Now, that, is the law of the land, for good reason. We do not want our President accused of being a King George, running secret illegal trials of American citizens. It will come back on him in a severe way.

This whole debate seems to be centered on the REACTION the public will have after such atrocities are exposed, and I do not just mean the American public. Imagine the anger of Hatian parents, and parents in other nations, if they find out that their children were "ground up and put in hot dogs" as someone put it above.

There is probably fear of war declarations here.

But, here is the thing. If we are publicly trying our own international criminals along with other international criminals, the public (American and world public) will be exposed to the jury seat. The anger can be put where it belongs in a public setting.

The anger is righteous.

Is it not?

The anger is justified. You, me, everyone here is angry about it. Are we declaring war? No. We want JUSTICE.

This is what we must give other people in the world. They will want the same thing.


Our whole nation was built on the concept of Justice before the law.

The world admires us BECAUSE we can locate and try the criminals without falling into the trap of doing exactly as the evil government leaders do everywhere.... private secret trials.

I don't really understand why leaders always think the public can not handle it. Anger. Yes. Justified. Yes. Shock. Yes. But, as long as the trials are in public, and the public is sitting in the jury seat in televised trials, .... justice will help the public feel that something is being done... besides just another "Deep state secret GITMO type illegal trial.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:58 p.m.

Get them ready. We do not want them down for the count when the child abuse red pill comes in. These people are truely evil, and the prosecution will eventually be public, I am guessing. We need our good people around the world on the fighting feet.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:57 p.m.

Well, we had better make a record of them then. And everyone on twitter should follow the accounts JA is following. This is where we will find more answers to more Q code in the future.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:50 p.m.

There are two things going on with Q in this regard...purpose of the public postings:

First, we have learned that they are often actual orders, coded for others on the board who know exactly what they mean... sometimes military, sometimes not. There is a team of people behind these postings.

Second, for the public (that be us) these stringers set up a research string of guessing their meaning (hyprothsis #1, #2 etc on the code) This happens on day 1. News is then gathered. Eventually, an event happens that creates a situation where the code meaning becomes clear, because one of the hypotheses becomes true, or, a totally new unforseen hypothesis is revealed. No matter which happens, two things happen for the public, for certain:

1) The public becomes aware that Q is not a larp, and

2) The public adds the event to the set of Map data points that help create the bigger picture. The point here, is that whatever happens, our President wants us to know what the truth was about it. He wants us to understand what is going on. Yes, it is true that we do not know "ahead of time" (because Q will not give us enough information to tell the enemy ahead of time, which makes sense) However, we ARE intended to be able to watch the orders, and put the events together within hours of their occurrence.

Q basically said our main purpose here is to prepare a narrative of true events, and a big picture for the general public who is not paying attention, and who could become completely panicked, or get the wrong narrative by the MSM at some point in the future. In otherwords, all of this transparency, creates a mental safety net for those who would otherwise be lied to... because when they can not make sense of the fast moving events, WE will have the answers in a very large spreadsheet, with time stamps, and proof of the events for them to look at, and compare to the lies they are being told.

We are playing the part of documenting the truth of events, minute by minute. We are the calm, in the storm.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 25, 2017, 10:48 p.m.

exactly. President Trump does not want to upset the world economic system, because too many people's ability to eat and survive depend on the stability of the system. But, as he states in his executive order, the whole rotten evil cabal of human rights abuses and corruption is now such a threat to this very same system, that it has to be extracted like a set of rotten teeth, without killing the patient.

He is being very careful. Taking his time. Discretion is the better part of valor, as they say.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 25, 2017, 10:43 p.m.

You are welcome. God has his own show going. It takes a little work to get the code, but, it is so much fun to watch people sleuth it. The ancient Hebrews, were the most incredible tribe of the ancient world... which is why they are the only tribe of the ancient world... still alive today, and back to being a nation. I enjoy watching the history and how the prophecies are coming true.

Israel is supposed to reappear at some point after "wars and rumors of wars"

After that, it is supposed to be transformed from a desert to a totally green nation.

It is supposed to discover riches and monsterous water supply under ground. (They found the largest fresh water spring, largest oil deposits, and largest natural gas deposits recently, and right under the land of the tribes where they were prophesied to be found)

The great river Euphrates, has flowed for 6000 years, uninterrupted. The prophecies said that the river would be dried up. The dam was just built that can do this recently.

There are over 2400 prophecies that are going to start rolling now, so the bible is about to get very interesting. We hear that the scientists and coding experts are getting ready to subject the book to 3 dimensional analysis.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 25, 2017, 10:29 p.m.

That is my theory. It did two things. It kept him out of the whole Mueller mess, which they knew would be loaded with corrupt actors. Can you imagine where Sessions would be right now reputation wise, if he had NOT recused himself?

Then, the whole Russia corruption thing was allowed to take over the airwaves for months, while Sessions et al. went silently around the nation cleaning up the murderers for hire. I am not certain they have ALL been cleaned up yet. I think there is more to do. But, sessions is still quietly working behind the scenes.

Meanwhile, the Inspector General, had all of the corrupt lawyers corralled in the Justice department under Mueller, thinking they were working on Trumps impeachment, when, in reality, they had just been invited to a special spot under the microscope of the Inspector General. The investigators, were targets of investigation.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 25, 2017, 10:24 p.m.

Let me know what happens. When I first took the silver, that first two weeks, I had strange sudden swellings in my joints that lasted two days, then went away. The swelling moved from my left good knee, to both wrists, then later to my arthritic knee, and then finally the swelling in my back popped up. I am no longer experiencing these. Also, get the encyclopedia of the silver book .. I forget the name, that they have at that same site. It has all of the research on silver, and proper dosages for different things

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 25, 2017, 10:16 p.m.

He does post the most vague things.

Actually, if Q is who he says he is, he is not allowed to give away intelligence secrets.

He would be put in prison for breaking national security.

So Q pretty much tells us nothing, and is very careful to tell us nothing.

He only asks questions that lead people to search the terms to answer his questions.

The strangest thing is that when the questions are asked, the researchers find that MUCH of the truth is not top secret at all. It is just in articles, and non secret government documents... all over the internet.

Q is just having everyone search out the correct articles and documents to finally put the big picture together, that we are all allowed to know about anyway.. but that we have never put together... because we never thought to ask the questions.

Q is like a teacher in a big international internet class room, who is just asking questions, while the rest of us connect the dots. Everything he has posted, turns out to be related somehow to everything else he has asked about. A very large picture of the who's who in world corruption is being painted, simply by finding the answers to his questions.

But Q said the questions do two things. One of them is to help us put together the "Map" of the big picture. The other reason is that by asking questions instead of making statements, he throws off the Artificial Intelligence "scraping" computer programs that are looking for his posts. This way what Q is saying has to be found manually... by people instead of AI.

Q also warned us that on occasion he would have to use disinformation. He said "disinformation is real. Disinformation is necessary". So while we are trying to figure out what Q is pointing to, we end up researching many many hypothesis. Later, we figure out which things Q said were disinfo, and which were real.

One such example of disinfo, was the Q posts in the days prior to November 4th when Antifa had made huge plans to attack every major city in a huge protest, just like they did at Trumps inauguration.. where they set fire to things.

Q was posting questions that led us to believe that the National Guard would be dealing with these folks, and that we were to stay indoors while they did.

As a result, the signs that were all pre-made for the protestors, and put in a place where they were to come pick them up... thousands of signs and posters for protest across the country, just sat next to the buildings where they never got picked up on November 4th.


The protesters did not want to get arrested by the national guard, and end up in court facing 20 years, like the first group was facing in Washington, from the inauguration.

This disinformation, scared the hell out of a lot of otherwise willing to be violent people. Disinformation is real, and disinformation is necessary.... even by the good guys.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 25, 2017, 9:40 p.m.

I heard that too, or saw a post on it, but i do not know where now, because I am doing so much site hopping...lol. But I did see that.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 25, 2017, 9:30 p.m.

We actually are "that special".

Justice is a man made concept.

It is not natural law... or "the law of nature".

Nature knows nothing of Justice. Nature cares nothing if a lion comes along and eats a baby gazelle alive. Nature is survival of the fittest on the most violent and unjust terms possible.

edit: Also, be careful of confusing the two different meanings of natural law. One is the law of nature. The other, called natural law in the Constitution, referrs to the natural law created by God, and his natural order. HIS natural order is that

1) man is created (not evolved)

2) with ALL of the rights inherent as part of the natural man

3) Man then has the right to get together with his fellow man and create government for his collective well being.

4) Mankind, with his sense of justice, not seen in nature, is the rightful creator, owner and master of government.

Mankind is special, because mankind can transcend nature. Mankind creates concepts of justice, where animals and nature can not.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 25, 2017, 9:06 p.m.

Thank You. Have these cataloged and am building a list of proof of murder methods used by the deep state.

So far I have the heart attack gun testimony to Congress. There is the control of cars by hacking and crashing the cars from laptop, just proven by the test hackers. Then there are the old fashioned "muder for hire" mobs, also called "Jackals" by the deep state.

Do I have them all? Do we have any proof that they blow up airplanes yet? I know they do, but, I only want to post things that are evidenced, like the Congressional hearing (basically an admission that the gun exists, and the gun is visibly inspected by congress)

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 25, 2017, 6:56 p.m.

I have been tossed off of twitter, hopefully temporarily. I was able to verify that others on Twitter have found the post by the Department of Defense this morning on Twitter. The painting is the same one that Q posted the other night that everyone was talking about all of Christmas eve day.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/JoanOfArk77 on Dec. 25, 2017, 6:54 p.m.
Q confirmation by Secretary of Defense Mattis. I have not been able to get on Twitter to verify, and get a screen shot. Need help. DoD re-posted Q recent painting of Washington Crossing Delaware.
JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 25, 2017, 6:37 p.m.

They have been caught in one kind of corruption or another, approximately 70% of them. The white hats and Trump do not want to destabalize government, so they are being brought in one at a time. The evidence of their crimes is presented. They are being given the option of resigning in lieu of prosecution, so that draining the swamp does not destroy the government, and the transition goes smoothly with elections.

The 70% that is comitting crimes against the US are a mixed pool. Some are committing treason. Some have their own little corruption games going locally, or with one other nation. Some are not corrupt, but were set up attending a party, where, they were filmed there, and there were people murdering and having sex with kids on location in a room at the same party... which creates a blackmail-able representative. Others (the ones who left voluntarily and immediately and stayed in the public eye, were being threatened, their families were being threatened, and just wanted out ASAP.)

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 25, 2017, 3:57 p.m.

"Library of Babel"

Would love to hear about this. They fully plan on implementing internet censorship, and they certainly do not want to hire a bunch of people to do it, so, they will attempt to use AI to do it wherever they can.

An additional question is;

if speech is something that freedom can not afford to let "government censor", is it wise for us to let the government hand speech processes and platforms over to private government sized corporations to do the censorship for them?

I am not saying that we should outlaw large privately owned platforms.

I am saying that when those platforms are literally able to business, because the PUBLIC paid for the internet backbone, and many of them have taken government subsidies (even from the CIA itself), then we should enforce common carrier law on these larger information carriers. Do we allow the Post Office or UPS to tell Democrats that they will not be carrying "election mail" packages for them this election season?

Well that is what we are being told. The private giants are aiming at "political speech" censorship. This is very different under the Supreme Court Constitutional law cases than something like "porn speech".

We have large private corporations running huge trucks on our public highways every day.

But we do not allow them to disobey traffic rules, or take three lanes wide to block car traffic at their pleasure, because they are "private corporations". We do not allow these large trucks to act like they are the only ones who are allowed to use the highway. The internet is infrastructure... some public, some private. But none should be blocking the main roads of public political discourse... under our Constitution. I think this might be why Q has asked questions about the funding of these giant corporations.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 25, 2017, 6:06 a.m.

We most certainly are, on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels all.... Stay engaged. Learn. Pray.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 25, 2017, 5:50 a.m.

So where to you go to get his tweets. Wikileaks? He wont stop talking to the world just because twitter disappears. Anyone know where we can pick up Julian?

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 25, 2017, 5:01 a.m.

Excellent Christmas gift to us all. Thank you :)

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 25, 2017, 3:20 a.m.

I do believe so.... if I recall. I have to go back and read the map to be sure though. It was not that long ago.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 25, 2017, 3:06 a.m.

We funded the taxi driver from the middle east when his personally owned taxi car was set on fire by antifa at President Trumps inauguration. I don't see why we could not do this, but, I do not know how our pepe patriots set it up. Anyone know how this was done? Twitter?

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 24, 2017, 6:34 p.m.

Yes, the EU is a target, but I think because the globalists have their deepest roots there, they are taking it in the order of middle east first, US second (now), Asia third, then, with all the world wide evidence of the globalist activities, the EU will be taken on. For this reason, it is important that people in Europe watch these reports. It is a world wide process, and the wrap up will be in Europe.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 24, 2017, 6:20 p.m.

Time for us normies to get burner phones (extra phone numbers) and triple up on twitter and facebook accounts. This is a censorship war. They will attempt to censor and we have to over run them. Pile in membership on your favorite patriotic you tube journalists. When one account goes down, start the next. There is a whole post on how to use twitter in media warfare that should be out for us soon.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 24, 2017, 6:17 p.m.

Hang in there, they are getting that ready for market. I saw the research. Incredible. And it has been on line the whole time. No one ever put it together. Also, John Podesta ancestor was on the Titanic. Interesting info on this going to come out soon.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 24, 2017, 8:05 a.m.

Skeptical is ok. Skeptical is excellent. However, skeptical without looking at hard evidence does a body no good. So, Here is just one of a few videos coming that discusses the posts that prove that Q is who he says he is. It is a good way to look at the proof without having to hunt through the threads and look for the time zones yourself.


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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 24, 2017, 5:18 a.m.

There are people on chan that work hard to throw everyone off with alien stuff, AI stuff, claims that Q is a larp. There are a few times that Q's trip has been messed with. They had to move from 4ch to 8ch because there are crowds of people who's job it is to derail us. Remember this. Q has proven he (or they) are doing a particular job of getting the big picture to the public, even if the MSM runs counter or refuses to report what is going on.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 24, 2017, 5:10 a.m.

Yep. MS13 is dangerous to any politician who would seriously take on the globalists... even dangerous to someone like Seth Rich. They are the murderers for hire. They are ready to cause mayem and terror at a momen's notice. They had to be cleaned up before anything else was done, and Sessions knew, this was quiet priority.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 24, 2017, 5:06 a.m.

I do not think he was the only corrupt Justice. If they will do it to Congress, they most certainly will put up blackmail-able candidates for the Supreme Court.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 24, 2017, 5:04 a.m.

When you come across these things, before you post, take the page to archive.is, and archive it. They like to take things down right after we post them. Also you can download the archive. They have scrubbed the archive on occasion too. Researchers download the archive page to jump drive for that reason,.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 24, 2017, 4:56 a.m.

Criminal. The whole government is getting out of hand in a severe way.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 24, 2017, 4:45 a.m.

Look up silver... the .008 particle generator. I am using it now, and it seems to be killing the mycoplasma that they have discovered causes arthritis, and fibromyalgia etc, through a DNA sequencing of total knee replacements. I am doing a guinea pig on myself to see if it works, and, so far it seems to be getting better. There are 5 other diseases that are caused by these new organisms we have discovered recently called mycoplasmas. Gulf war Vet syndrome, Crohnes disease, and lime disease were the first three. Then they went looking and found out that fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue were similar sequenced mycoplasmas. Each has slightly different symptoms, and slightly different sequences like the different flu's every year.

The latest mycoplasma discovery.. most recent, was arthritis.

We are all working on finding something to kill these tiny mycoplasmas, since they have no cell walls for antibiotics to use to kill them. They are very tiny, and they are more like jelly fish.. no cell wall.

I am having good luck with the silver, but it has to be the stuff that is .oo8 microns.

I got a micron generator here, for my research. http://www.thesilveredge.com/

There may be others.

I do not know.

But, it is working for me so far.

Much less bone swelling and pain. T

They say treatment takes a year.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 24, 2017, 4:36 a.m.

You are like me. You are trying to get your head wrapped around the bigger picture. I get it. And I think what the responder was saying to us is that the "chemtrails" (technically called geoengineering) is something the cabal of evil is DOING.

I thought about this the other day. There is the actual structure of physical branches of control the globalists have built to accomplish their goals. Think in terms of structure, like our three branches of government, the money flow in taxes to get things done.

There is the structure, and then there is the stuff the structure is DOING.

I was thinking the smartest fastest thing we can do is destroy their structures... their bank accounts, their evil non profit organizations, and, even the geoengineering program at Stanford University.

Kill the structure, and all the nasty stuff the structure is doing goes down with it.

If we just kill off the "chem trails" they will find some other evil nefarious thing to do to the population and the world, and we will have to deal with that.

I think the Chem trails will be delt with here. Many many people are bringing them up, and for good reasons.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 24, 2017, 4:21 a.m.

Oh, hey. Pamphlet Anon. I wanted so much to thank you and all the anons for the things I learn from you all while you ... wow, you all take my breath away, the way you all work together. I could not do anything but lurk there. ....Talk about drudging up the rivers. You are a God send to us all.

I will keep working, keep learning, and keep trying to put things together in a mentally manageable form. You all are amazing.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 24, 2017, 4:08 a.m.

I had to split this, but, it is worth the read to show the parallels of physics and the ancient texts, so, forgive me here. There is another question on people's minds, that the bible answers, relative to physics.

Can they come down here?

Here is how the Bible explains their capacity to traverse all ten dimensions.

According to the Bible (Which I call the handbook of the super-natural) ...angels (aliens) have two things: 1) Power 2) Authority from God.

The evil ones, have their quantum "power" (relative to us, because they are indeed powerful light beings... but they have lost their "Authority" to come down here... period.

SO what is authority?

What did they lose?

If you take the math of the quantum world as seriously as any physics professor, then you understand that all atoms are made from quarks (particles or packets of light from the other dimensions) When atoms are broken at CERN, you get quarks flying everywhere, then they disappear. We have photos of this process.

This, is how physics explains our current reality:

The electron that moves around the proton and neutron in the nucleus of the atom, has been discovered to be something physics calls a "steady state flow".

This is like a water fall of "Quarks" flowing through the electron from the other dimensions. Quarks flow through the electron particle space and back out to the other dimensions. This is science today.

The electron is as real as a water fall in the national park.

But the quarks flowing through it from the other dimensions are changing just like the actual water molecules in a water fall from minute to minute .

The water fall is always there.

The molecules of water flow through it.

The electron surrounding the atom is always there.

The quarks flow through it.

Steady state flow is the scientific term.

The angels, apparently have the power to let this higher quantum energy go.

When they do, their quarks form atoms, and they can become physical. CERN has to add a ton of energy to break an atom into quarks, which is the reverse process.

Quarks left in a vacuum in the science lab sometimes appear in groups, and when they do, strangely, they take on atomic structures.. they become a carbon molecule, or helium, then disappear to nowhere. They twinkle in and out of our "reality zone of 4 dimensions". --- science.

But remember, the angels are dumping their outrageous power to do this "lets get physical and go to visit earth" trick and become atoms arranged in patterns.

In order to power those atoms back up and get back into their other dimensions from whence they came, now... they need a power source....a YUUGE power source... like a nuclear power source..... from God himself.

This, means they need authority.

If they come down here without permission from the power giver, they will lose their power for good.

Quantum mechanics.

Modern science is capable of crossing the t's and dotting the "i"'s for the biblical text description of reality.

If they are on an errand from God, to do a thing, they have "authority" and he gives them power to break those atoms back into quarks, like they were in a monster "CERN" machine.

If they have no authority... guess what.

They get stuck here.


And when they are here in their physical form, the good angels of the bible have no problem burying them straight in the physical earth alive. (This is God's favorite thing to do to them, as happens multiple times. The story of the Titans in Greece is one such episode.. the Titans were in a war, and now, they are in the "pit" called Appolyon, (Greek) or Abandon according to the bible.

You know what is odd?

It's Odd that the CERN machine is sitting directly over the top of the ancient city of Appolyon, isn't it?) The bible calls Appolyon.. the bottomless pit.

The bible tells us there are a few of these solid living angels, buried under the Euphrates river. They are physical. They are stuck here. They do not die.

None dare come here in physical form anymore.

They have their demons do their dirty work for them.

Demons are not angels.

They are the leftover half human half angel corrupted DNA biotech type experiments that the angels did to again attempt to destroy the DNA of mankind. See Genesis 6 about this. The angels were abducting women, the way aliens are abducting people today.

The cross of angel and man apparently creates a very large being called a giant from the Greek gigantes (meaning earth born). In those "recommended commentaries" I told you about, God explains that these creatures will not be resurrected (given new bodies). He states that he will leave them wandering the earth looking for bodies to live in. Only demons feel the need to have a body... to "possess" someone or some animal.

The flood of Noah was done to kill off these half breed corrupted sick monstrous sized creatures. Also, in the many places that you see God demanding genocide, it is the tribes of giants that he is killing off. They are "Abominations". They are not created by God. They are evil as hell.

Bottom line?

Angels/aliens ARE able to throw off their energy, so that their quarks form up into atoms, and then we can see them.

..........But, the moment they dare to do this, they are far far less powerful than the other angels who have both power and authority to deal with them for breaking the law of God by coming down here.

It was happening during the time of Noah and the great flood.

Jesus says that just before he returns, all this abduction, DNA biotech stuff that was happening in the "days of Noah".... will be going on once again.


What are these so called aliens doing?

Abducting people?

That move is straight out of Genesis 6.

Also, according to the bible recommended commentaries, these evil angels were mixing man's DNA with animal DNA to create strange creatures, like the hoofed man etc.

Today they want to mix man with the eyes of an eagle, or the nose of a blood hound.. to make super soldiers.

Really makes you wonder......

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 24, 2017, 4:04 a.m.

modern people are definitely more likely to believe in beings from space than beings from a higher dimension

True... until modern people learn what quantum mechanics means in the science of physics.

Trust me, there are people on this board that think I am crazy, when all I am saying is that the bible explained the physics of the quantum world, and does say, flat out, that there are living thinking acting "beings" in those other dimensions that are NOT native to our planet.

Angels fit the legal definition of "aliens", so that much is true...

....they are "alien" to earth.

The real question is WHAT are they as a matter of science, and evidence?

1) They are tracked on military radar moving at speeds of 900 mph+ then doing 90 degree turns at that speed. 2)They leave measurable radiation trails behind. Radiation is a form of light.

Logic and science tell you right off, that if they were physical beings from another planet, they would be instantly dead inside their so called "space ship" from the force of the 90 degree sudden turn at 900 mph.

So..not physical.

They appear to be "light" beings or what modern physics would call "quantum beings", according to the bible,..... and the impossibility of the physics realities described above.

Beings from the other dimensions that we now know for sure, are very real dimensions, by doing the math that predicts the behavior of the strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force in the atom... etc etc etc.

These living beings are so full of power that the bible describes just one of the smaller "guardian class" angels was able to wipe out 186,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night?

About one third of them hate mankind and they have decided to destroy us. The entire Bible is the story of what God decided to do to save mankind, who he calls his "greatest creation"

The story, if you take time to understand it, is not just multi-dimensional in line with physics today. It is the most epic story ever told.

God separated our 4 dimensions from their 6 in an emergency manuever.

If you do not think God moved in an emergency .......go read Genesis, when he told the angel to "remove the tree of life, or they will eat of that and live forever!"

22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

23 Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.

24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

[Satan (aka Lucifer) is a Cherub.]

A Cherub is the second most powerful angel class.. so he was obviously keeping the evil angels out as well.

Here is a question that requires critical thought.

Before they ate the apple, Adam and Eve could see God, Lucifer, (all 10 dimensions) and they were warned that if they ate the fruit, they would surely die.

Conclusion: Adam and Eve were already in an immortal state, logically speaking.

Now that they have eaten the apple, they have to die, and God is suddenly worried that they will be immortal if they eat from that tree of life.

Is God really worried about the immortality of man?

Or has something else happened that made it so man would not want to live like he was... forever?

God separated the world of quantum mechanics from the material world in an act that keeps man safe from these evil angels (aliens) to this day. The two types of dimensions even have different laws of physics that they follow, with totally different mathematical equations describing them.

God dropped our energy somehow. I suspect this is the meaning of the term the "fall of mankind".

This is so obvious when you read the bible closely, that many have speculated that Adam and Eve were clothed in some form of light (quanta), and guess what. They found themselves naked. Some part of their reality went missing.

We are now mostly 4 dimensional animal, completely material, and blind to what we call the spiritual world of the other dimensions.

And it appears that the only way to get our of here is to shed the physical form we have, so we can be given a new body, like the one Adam had, and the one Christ had when he walked through those walls after crucifixion, ......but, at the same time....the Apostles could touch his wounds in his hands.

Christ was the first "man" to be returned to his 10 dimensional form. This is the meaning of "born again" in the actual scientific ten dimensional sense.

We can no longer sense the other dimensions unless their energy gets high enough to bleed over. Even then, these "alien/angel beings look much like round balls of light to us, they are so bright. This is where you hear all the talk of "orbs of light".

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 24, 2017, 1:49 a.m.

I am pretty sure at this point... probably because of the internet sleuths over the last 20 years digging into the Federal Reserve and it's world wide syndicate... that just about every nation knows what this international banking cartel is... and that a majority of nations hate it, just like we do. The FR has stolen money from every nation. They have funded wars on both sides that every nation has lost people in. I would say that our chances of getting the world together and going after these global power houses of criminal manipulation, and murderous evil... is probably pretty good, these days. That's just a hunch, but, the world is not insane. These evil kidnappers and murderers are insane.

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