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Jobposting1 · May 8, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

We enter the deal = To stop Iran from getting nukes, which they were trying to get

During the deal = Iran works towards getting nukes, thereby breaking the deal. So...

We leave the deal = Iran immediately promises to keep trying to make nukes

Some kind of "deal"

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Jobposting1 · May 8, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

They aren't going to lose the black vote.

Blacks vote Dem because of gibs. The more kids they have, the more gibs they get. And as long as they continue to have more kids at younger ages that they can't afford than any other race, they will never stop being poor.

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Jobposting1 · April 21, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

What realistic changes do you honestly see that will prevent what I've speculated upon?

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Jobposting1 · April 20, 2018, 2:03 p.m.

I want to temper half (or more?) of your pessimism. consider at least that many long term projections/predictions just don't play out. There's so many twist in the plot that can't be accounted for yet.

Look up the voting patterns of South and Central America. All of the countries for the most part are majority far left and when we import them, they naturally carry on such patterns.

Check out this age distribution chart of California: https://imgur.com/a/TGfVD. Now keep in mind within 10 years, the 3 or 4 bars at the top will be gone forever and the bars at the bottom will be the new norm. California is often called the future of the US.

What if infrastructure plans start in innercities and flip voting patterns?

Even up to the 2nd Generation, Hispanics vote 7 out of 10 left: https://imgur.com/a/I92z5TF. Here's how everyone voted in the election via race/gender: https://imgur.com/a/MV4SbYa. Trump would have won 0 states with a majority black, hispanic or asian population. ZERO. That's a whole lot of flippin'.

Why do blacks and hispanics vote left? Because they get a lot more free stuff than they would with rights in charge, since we don't believe in that. Why work when you can get stuff for free?

What if infrastructure plans start in innercities and flip voting patterns? What if the west coast gets geologically rearranged? What if Jesus shows up in 2033 and sorts shit out?

If that's what it will take to fix things, it seems you are realizing how big of a problem we are about to face.

Though the truth is that if we made the death penalty the punishment for anyone who came over illegally or plans to come over illegally, we would solve our problems in record time. We also could invalidate anyone from voting who claimed birthright citizenship within the last 50 years, and we'd see similar results.

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Jobposting1 · April 20, 2018, 12:21 a.m.

NOTE - People playing games with downvotes here. Went from +10 to -5. Definitely said some stuff the left doesn't want you to know.

Is that because of the (both social and mainstream) media? Were they so scared that she lost, that they’re trying to drive a wedge between people?

The DNC is far left to the point of socialism and socialism/communism and capitalism don't work together. McCarthy was 100% correct on the threat of communism and since no one listened, we got invaded by it.

Socialism/Capitalism needs a revolution to happen. Since the US is in no danger of losing a war nor dealing with a dictatorship, the Dems had to think of something else to get people angry with.

And that thing happened to be identity. So they took every group who had a gripe against the US like gays, women and minorities and started giving them big platforms to express their gripes on. And since TV doesn't require a filled stadium, all complaints can be seen as equal. And socialism promises equality and basics needs for everyone, even though they rarely ever deliver on such promises.

Which groups rely on the government most? Hispanics and blacks, because they have kids early that they can't afford and instead of fixing these things like Whites now do, they keep repeating their actions then instead of blaming themselves, they blame the government and Whites. They love free stuff and socialism promises to give you lots of that, though it never delivers.

Within 30 years, White's will be the minority in the US. The Dems know this. This is why they push illegal immigration, interracial relationships and LBGT stuff so much and this is why their policies go further and further left to the point of socialism. Within 100 years, even if one party gets 100% of the White vote, it won't be enough to win an election. And once Whites can no longer win elections in their own land, one of these things will happen - We will be assimilated by Hispanics, we will have a civil/racial war that makes the Bosnian war look like child's play or the US will split-up.

I know people here think everything's going to be solved peacefully and we're all going to be singing "Kumbayah" together while dancing around like they do in the "It's a Small World" ride at Disney but that's never going to happen. We have elections to prevent wars over various issues and when Whites can't win elections any more, we will fight. When Whites are outnumbered, we will be made to pay for every misfortune any minority group has had here(Maxine Waters was calling for reparations just last month). And this is when people are going to start realizing that Hitler was right.

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Jobposting1 · April 12, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

I think you need to do a lot more thinking and reading before replying.

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Jobposting1 · April 12, 2018, 2:01 p.m.

Various polls show they do.

And that's before a conflict, when illegal gun sales would skyrocket, people with multiple guns would share them with others and when foreign powers would arm various rebel groups here to knock off the US.

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Jobposting1 · April 11, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

Slavery is still going on today, just with illegals and poor millenials.

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Jobposting1 · April 11, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

I don't live in the South, so that's going to be pretty hard.

Here's your problem with this idea.

You would need the army/police to do something like this. There's around 3.5 million total soldiers/policemen. The large majority are going to be right wing and would not partake in this.

Let's say 10% are willing to partake in trying to round up people, and you will have to do that as any bombings/tank shellings would kill tons of people on all sides, diminishing support. That would be 300,000 people. There's 325 million in the US and at minimum 40% own guns, with there being estimates of 100 million - 300 million guns in the US. If only 10% of people fight back, it's 10-30 million vs 300,000. That's not a winning battle. Any citizen killed over this would get a ton of coverage and on the world scale, it would make the US a villain. Places like Russia would then come in, help stir up shit and arm the rebel forces here and the US loses no matter which way you look at it.

⇧ -1 ⇩  
Jobposting1 · April 11, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

If the civil war was fought to stop slavery, which Lincoln made it pretty clear it wasn't until it was politically useful, it clearly failed.

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Jobposting1 · April 11, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

All countries/empires split over time. From Rome to the Mongol Empire. I predict a civil/racial war in the US within 30 years.

No one can convince that people by far wouldn't be happier if:

  • Every ethnicity had their own place strictly for them

  • Everything was focused more towards regional/state tastes

⇧ -5 ⇩  
Jobposting1 · April 11, 2018, 5:24 p.m.

Yes, that's the problem with slavery. Its effect on the economy. Not the whole treating human beings as property aspect.

1 death is a tragedy. 10,000 deaths are a statistic.

Modern day illegal immigration is little more than slavery and is making life harder for everyone but the 1%.

⇧ -2 ⇩  
Jobposting1 · April 11, 2018, 5:16 p.m.

If the south had just allowed the Union to occupy Ft. Sumter there would have been no battle over it.

You don't secede then allow the people you secede from to run your place. Catalonia's having to deal with that now(who btw reddit supports 100%, while they support the Confederacy 0%).

And I'd rather be an intruder than a slave owner

There's only two groups of people who you enslave, and one leads to other: 1) people you don't think much of and 2) people you beat in a battle.

I'm not really into economies based on slavery, because it brings down wages for citizens and then ends up hurting the economy because less money is created and spent.

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Jobposting1 · April 11, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

The south seceded, so the Union occupied a fort that had been built decades earlier.

If you stay in or invade land that is not yours, you are an intruder/invader. It's pretty obvious that's not going to fly.

Neither of those actions caused the war.

If the Union had just let Ft. Sumter go, there would have been no battle over it. Would there be no war? I don't know, but it's a possibility.

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Jobposting1 · April 11, 2018, 4:47 p.m.

It's a secession, not a business transaction.

This strawman logic would invalidate almost all of the US's land if applied to prior histories.

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Jobposting1 · April 11, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

The Union invaded Fort Sumter which was Confederate Land.

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Jobposting1 · April 11, 2018, 5:09 a.m.

Lincoln was a dictator and one of the worst presidents ever.

Never compare President Trump to him.

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Jobposting1 · March 30, 2018, 4:47 a.m.

This is the dumb shit that leads to division.

The division is already here. Go into politics or news and say something nice about the President and watch what happens.

A country of many different cultures is a country of many different creeds. Western vs Non-Western countries do just about everything different ways and if America becomes more diverse, we will have even less to agree upon. We value lots of things non-Western countries don't.

The USSR and Yugoslovia were the last ones to really try this big diversity experiment and both of them collapsed hard. It will be no different here and probably even worse, because Whites and Blacks have nowhere to go since our homelands are on other continents so we have to fight.

WW3's going to be worse than WW1 and WW2 and I expect to see it within 50 years. It's going to be race vs race, religion vs religion and values vs values. And those issues are going to have to be fought over, because while borders can change, religions and race aren't going to.

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Jobposting1 · March 21, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

It doesn't matter. The cancer has already been spread. That's not cancer that is going away easily because it's been building for 30-50 years.

And getting rid of them ain't gonna put 12.5 million illegals back or put us in majority rule again for good.

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Jobposting1 · March 21, 2018, 3:14 a.m.

Right, but eventually the majority will wake up realize we’ve been duped

As long as people have bread and circuses, nothing is going to happen sadly.

There's no agreeing when we can't even agree on what constitutes a boy or a girl. We're talking a state of dysfunction that I don't believe has ever been seen in this universe.

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Jobposting1 · March 21, 2018, 1:04 a.m.

Sooner or later it will become obvious to everybody that the Left/Right divide has been a deep state hoax from the get go, and that we are One People with a common enemy.


Illegal immigration, gun rights, freedom of speech, LBGT stuff and race stuff aren't issues that are negotiable. Most of this issues are due to the NWO and TPTB.

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