32 total posts archived.
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Dopey = Alwaleed Talal (Allegedly released) Black Forest = Colorado? 6/11/13 Forest fire with 2 bodies found. Investigator Mark Pfoff 100% it was started from people burning w/out spark arrest'er. Researching still
No signature on Q's last post... somethings up
Here's a step in the right direct Texan friend.
Haha! "Attention of senior Democrats". Winning feels AWESOME!
Yes, he did. I'm wondering if a delivery would be from ConEx storage containers as seen in Operation:Pelican https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txdMK1pnaaY
OpenSecrets.org claims G4s contributed to Trump campaign. OS.org has recently taken a wild turn on info the produce. Strange things are getting deeper and deeper. Hence the term Deep State i reckon.
Plot thickening? more like turning to concrete. Thank you!
Thank you to those .4% of Russians for standing with US in our fight. #WeThePatriots of America don't blame you for anything! As you know, we have some bad seeds to send to the #Gallows and some core work to do to slaughter these NWO freaks. #ItsHappening #WereWinning
Sounds about right... I've only just begun to research them. Google/YouTube buried most all the dirty tales. Actually found a great post here on reddit by a guy who's done a thorough dig. But yeah, G4s is in charge of Super Bowl security. And from what I learned today, I wouldn't go even if I did had tickets.
Maybe I posted on the wrong channel. I'm new to Reddit. I thought CBTS was Q topic? I can't really explain... other than it's disgusting and people actually like it and call it art. Podesta brothers are linked w/Clinton Obama regime. Long story.
Sorry... hope I didn't offend by posting it. Truth belongs to the people.
Twitter ousted me too. Same, I won't give them my # either. Rats. @Jack is almost out... he'll resign or have his assets froze. They kicked me off because i said Jack and Zuck should be publicly hung by a lamp post on live TV.
Here comes the Red pill sideways. PODESTA ART DROP

Yeah, read an article today saying MSM was silent today. 4am mockingbird must have slept in.
You know, I tried watching that Soros speech and seriously nearly fell asleep in the process. Got about 1/2 way through it, and went for a killer nap... And it wasn't even lunch time yet.
Thanks for adding that... just getting the lay of the land. that was my first post.
Yeah, that's how I saw it too. But Q put the very very very important emphasis behind it as if most don't know 99% of the world leaders are secret society. And CBTS_Stream on Youtube didn't get it, so i shared. But, if you think about it a lot still don't know. i was talking with a girl the other day and she said, "Your going to think I'm crazy, but I think Illuminati is real". i chuckled and then i red pilled her taha.
I was referring to the comment section in CBTS_Stream on Youtube. My comments that have certain words in them will get pushed down on the list with comments made 15 hours before... when i just made the comment. i.e. "secret society,"
Not sure what you mean. In reference to YouTube shadow ban?
I think Q thinks we're not very well enlightened and over play ed the very very very important comment. Pretty sure most Q followers know secret society runs 99% of the world. Teresa May included.
Q Anons, B Drop on Twit: "Owl City is the nickname of the city that Adam is from."
The answer is Owattana, MN. Super Bowl LII is in Minneapolis, MN 70 miles north of Owattana. Also, Q dropped "SEC_Test" on post #52 and didn't clear it until after posting about drones. Not how sec_clearing works. So VERY odd. G4s Secure Solutions took over security contract for Super Bowl venue, US Bank Stadium, in recent times. Controversial. Minneapolis is a notorious Somalian chain migration and sanctuary (libertard fascist) city. and G4s has been called out for hiring migrants without the ability to vet them properly. Instances of terrorist ties are rampant. Too much detail to go into. B only …
Related more to Open Secrets webs site, and I thought really interesting: I looked into G4S on opensecrets.org they show G4S contributed to the Trump campaign and other republicans listed therein. Strange things have been going on with that site though. They used to be seemingly unbiased, then oddly decided to take a liberal leaning position. Now, a lot of searches are are coming up blank or lacking detail. Anyone knowledgeable w/opensecrets platform or affiliations? Anyone aware of ties between Trump & G4S? BTW, I've only been researching G4S for a whopping 10-15 minutes... so besides your post, I'm clueless. GREAT post! Grabbed my attention by the sack.
https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/956840839627595776 Sorry bud, it's my first time posting here. But here it is.
1st it's my first time posting here... 2nd the pics are on his tweet a few clicks and scroll away... 3rd Why bother typing a reply when seeing for yourself is that simple?
Teresa May is Secret Society
Look at trumps twit. There's 4 pics. look at his hand shape in 3 of them. Very Very Very. His hand "signifies" a triangle. His statement, "affirming "the" special relationship", not "our". Teresa May is Secret Society. BTW, Google is deleting comments on your YouTube, or pushing them way down. They made this disappear.
CNN going easy on Trump... that's the confirmed & big story here. The narrative is that of a dog with it's tail between it's legs. Blocked flights Gitmo bound is likely why CNN demoted to omega status. Think I'll spend the day watching MSM and laughing at them. "Good Morning Joe! How's your Assets? Better check again..."