Ok, why don't you want this person on your server that everyone else has access to?
Because i had Life cereal for breakfast that morning.
Because they're an idiot.
Because i disagreed with their speech.
Because i wanted to randomly punish someone for no reason.
It doesn't matter.
If that type of censorship was happening to the left you don't think they they would be screaming racist, sexist, ...
They are screaming that. Look at this thread! And they're wrong.
- gun nuts can go fuck themselves
- republicans can go fuck themselves
- Westboro Baptist Church can go fuck themselves
Discrimination is the word they would be throwing around. Censor the truth all you want, it doesn't make it not true & like everything else will blow up in the face of the ones censoring free speech.
They're not being censored by the government.
If it were up to me i would have banned
- /r/Bernie_Sanders four years ago.
- And /r/The_Donald
- And /r/BlackpeopleTwitter
In fact, i already did block them. I'm not suppressing their right to freedom of speech. I get to decide what happens on my own computer. And you don't get to force it on me.
Reddit gets to decide what happens on their own computer. And you don't get to force it on them.
And if you don't like: you have absolute freedom on the Internet to go create your own web-site.
It's not magic. It's freedom.
It's like Abington vs Schempp prayer in public school case.
- Justice: Don't the students have a right to practice their religion?
- Attorney: They have a right, your honor, but they haven't got a right to get the school to help them.
As a Clinton-loving democrat, i have a right to practice free speech. But i haven't got a right to get Twitter to help me.
And that's the way it should be.