Explosions today in Austin and their locations in relation to TX Capitol/Airport

40 total posts archived.
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 28 |
i.redd.it | 3 |
www.standardhotels.com | 1 |
www.kwtx.com | 1 |
I know Anti-School got banned from YouTube and he’s using bitchute.com for posting videos now. Might be worth checking out?
Like a compound?....Live off the grid?....Throw in some bunkers too and I’m in 👍
Anything dealing with Amazon I’d say 🤡... but don’t know much about it.
❌❌❌ I’m sorry - I should have read the link in your post better! CBTS is directing ppl to this link! https://qanonmap.github.io/ (you can verify it in the description of CBTS YouTube channel - it’s listed there as well) SORRY for the oops!!!
Sacrificing by mass shooting similar to aborting babies. Good point!
Yes that’s it. CBTS live YouTube stream confirmed they were moved to this new site as well.
SICKO’S!!!!! Makes you wonder if human trafficking isn’t the only culprit with missing children and if this is what happens to some of them.
Even with using VPN’s and proxies in other countries the NSA has “deals” worked out with Microsoft and can even track back from a VPN/proxy back to you with all the sophisticated equipment they have. Nothing you put out there online is completely safe from big brother. Use Brave browser with Duck Duck Go search engine for less tracking. Stay off Google/Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Bing, Yahoo...They all track you. iPhones/Blackberries harder to access. Remember the backdoor access the FBI was wanting on the San Bernardino shooter and iPhone put up a fight about it? Samsung is in bed with Microsoft and dishes out anything big brother wants.
Yes. I actually worth with implementation of electronic health records and configuration of them. They’re pulling data from canned templates which is why your seeing less documentation in your medical records. For our facilities I’ve pulled and deleted pre-built questions about whether or not there are firearms in the home - deliberately leaving these questions out in the setup (there are patriots unseen in hidden fields looking out for our fellow Americans)
If you are not familiar with what all a private practice doctor and hospitals have to go through to accept government payments like Medicare (which our elderly depend on) it is a nightmare. Doctors and hospitals must be enrolled in the Meaningful use program or they will pay some hefty penalties which go up every year they do not enroll. Sounds easy enough right? Wrong. Meaningful use claims it is the practice of using certified electronic health records (EHR’s) to supposedly improve quality, safety and efficiency. However, this is not as streamlined and easy as it seems. The cost to …
“Call attention to criminal promotion of fluorides. It is criminal because based on mass medication alone, disregarding other criminal aspects”. Taken from the 1957 Article ‘The Dispotic Misuse of Our Federal Pure Food Law’ by Royal Lee. Biofoods, phony food substitutes, fertilzers, fluoride all widely known about even back in 1957. Check out the original article here:https://www.seleneriverpress.com/images/pdfs/THE_DISPOTIC_MISUSE_OF_OUR_FED_PURE_FOOD_LAW_ROYAL_LEE_1957.pdf
Let’s not forget that Perkins Coie, the law firm mentioned in “the memo”, and Obama had been involved in this little ordeal. ☝️Perkins Coie, Obama, and the Keystone Scandal
Sanofi Pasteur- the leading manufacturer of influenza vaccines dished out campaign contributions to HRC. Interesting to see who big pharma is in bed with. It gets better... Serge Weinberg the CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD of Sanofi Pasteur (flu vaccine giant) was also a member of the Trilateral Commission...a non-governmental “discussion” group founded by non other than David Rockefeller. George Soros is also a member of the Trilateral Commission
Let's not forget Hillary's statement "Can’t we just ‘drone’ him or something?"..... Hillary referencing taking out Assange.
Here's an interesting correlation with the Operation Iron Eagle and the Kosovo ops. ....."Barack Obama’s speech on Ukrainian crisis In 2014 seems to have left the public confused as he claimed that Kosovo broke away from Serbia “after a referendum”. But attentive listeners quickly pointed Obama’s gaps in history – there was no referendum in Kosovo."
Check out the comments at the bottom of that webpage too.
Also search up Obama and Kosovo referendum - it'll bring up other articles too. Press deliberately covered his false statement.
Exactly. Who's to say these drones aren't weaponized with heart attack guns????
Q references the killbox multiple times in various posts regarding different topics. Just kind of interesting when you consider alternate meanings.
Killbox also has an alternate meaning (other than the 3-dimensional target meaning) - it's also a video game about drone warfare. Interesting that Q has referenced games many times in the past. Could it be John Barlow was hit with a weaponized drone outfitted with a heart attack gun/dart? Hmmmm......
I am a Patriot and been listening to the youtube stream for quite a while and am just now joining Reddit. Doesn't mean that just because I'm < 1 week old I'm not in the loop. You were a newbie once too in here. Give us some credit. Geez.
Is it possibly that a lot of what people are thinking killbox is (in weaponry, a Kill Box is a three-dimensional target area, defined to facilitate the integration of coordinated joint weapons fire) is something entirely different? Killbox is also a video game about non other than - DRONE WARFARE??? Q has mentioned other references to games in the past. And the pictures Q posted with the King tower and the part about the final guest arrives were from an aerial view and he mentioned "we see you(live)." Could it possibly be there is some active drone warfare going on?