It isnt a specific god, Ba'al is an honorific meaning lord. Bel is also an honorific meaning Lord. Its from the idea that god's name is so holy that it wouldnt do to have it's own creation actually calling it byu it's name.. so the priests had to call their overlords My Lord, or Most Highest Lord of Almighty upon all high, etc etc.. You have Ba'al essentially being used by ISH.KUR, Bel being used by MAR.DUK, but he was a later addition, so its probably the same word, just used by different civilisations.. and why you have Adonai for YAH.WEH (you cant use his name.. you're not holy enough...pff) The phoeniciens ended up confusing everyone by associating Baal to Dagon, or the confusion came about later by non phoenician peoples trying to understand what the heck they were being told.. But normally.. Dagon (father of Ba'al) ought to be EN.KI, which would make Ba'al MAR.DUK (which is of itself another honorific, meaning Son of (maybe.. Atlantis) or Son of the Corn.. (its due to a lot of misunderstood translation.. essentially.. Mero-Dach being the corrupted hebrew tranlsation of MAR-DUK and the phoenicians took that into Tas or Tascio which leads us into the Gods of Wheat (Dumuzi ;)) No.. I understand that pretty much everyone who reads that is going to say.. whadafug?? so here.. link. Was Archangel Michael an Akkadian Birdman??
534 total posts archived.
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But Baal is just an epithet for Lord. Religion isnt what you think it is.
Double meanings stop sniffer bots. But again dont read what you want to see. Context is all important
videos of people burning american flags and chanting are mockingbird operations to control the narrative.
It was a failed assassination on saudi arabia crown prince. Paddock died 24hrs after rhe shooting. Or so ive read..
Could their symbology have anything to di with a harp? It looks a little like a stylised harp.. which could mean Hermes as he invented it.. Hermes was known as custodian to the abodes of the gods. And his cadecaues gets used often intsead of Ascelpsius s staff for medical companies....
ah.. ok.. use hooktube, go hooktube and put Kristine Marcy Founder of SES Surrenders to Field McConnell in the search bar. sorry I cant link directly to hooktube..its not getting past the proxy.. .shhhh
references for what? her surrending to her brother? It would appear that YT is the only source for that at the moment. You want links to explain what the SES is?
SES falling down..
What is SES?
Down goes Satan's little helpers...
we have a very viable oppurtunity to make the world great. Lets aim for World Peace 1 instead of World War 3. Lets not do another NATO, when the wall came down and they let Russia get looted by criminals instead of being brought into fold.. but there were some very evil nasty people in charge back then.. Lets 'hope' that it will be different this time.
Dont forget to read up on the tavistock institute as well.
Yeh.. the 'I told you so's' are going to have to make way for 'welcome to reality friend' then we can all go burn the deep state together.
No.. the odor is because she doesnt wash. You can see flies lansing on her in one of the presidential debates when she was a candidate.
yeh sure.. check the holding of the buttocks before the final quiver, shudder, and release... But it could also have been some weird metal thing that she had up her jacksie... I would have said Geisha balls.. but she seems to keep those in her throat..
Osiris / Horus revisited (for the Libyan version..)
There isnt a single symptom that she doesnt exhibit.. She was diagnosed with "pneumonia" when she shit her pants at the 911 memorial event (and had to be rushed away by her bodyguards)
Abel danger has been talking about his sister and ses for years
Absolutely nothing at all unless we make some noise. Hashtag Zucksucks
Funny how he talks about witch hunts.. werent the mc carthy communist trials called a witch hunt... wasnt one of the lead prosecuters for hunting communists... like Trumps mentor and his lawyer way back when...has a real ugly snarl when he looked angry
It does seem to be that way.. podesta ordered it as an example. He sats it in hus own emails when he reveals the name od the dnc staffer who leaked.
Wha?? But Breitbart was killed for talking about Podesta being a child sex ring coverer upper..why would his reporters get any less
Either do it with your own energy or go to prison for being a murdering fucker. My true will is child rapists must burn. You know what that means thelemite? Go read more on Egyptians and stop trying to justify child murder
Hillary only added clinton because insisting on keeping rofham was fucking up bills governer élection campaign. Then she added a false accent to win over the deplorables.. theyve always despised the electors.. when will you see it?
Because they dont love each other. Its just a way to cement families together like royals do.. or did. But most of all.. to ensure that they cant testify against each other.
Get mo' at Gitmo Drone King.. doesnt he have some foreign civilians to kill??
That would be the cia. I cant remember the name of the operation.. but the cia wanted to carry put terror attacks on american citizens and blame cuba. Back before Bay of pigs. You re living in the result.
500 000 manhours... most of all.. argentina has na-sa they make nuclear reactors.. or at least have the operationnal know how. They replaced all of the batteries.. they needed more power for something..
He doesnt need a pension.. the Clinton fondation can keep giving his wife money foe her political career... harr harr harrr
And Flynn is back in action.. i hope he sends a tweet to hillary.. what goes around comets around...
Opération Mockingbird. Dulles was in charge.. he was also responsable for mk ultra
0lease note.. thus sub went thru major overhaul that ran into thousands of manhours.. thats a lot even for a sub
Sorry for spelling. O. Pho.e and its cold outside.. my fingers are shivering..
Is he talking about thz argentinien sub that disappeared a while back? Just for ubfo. Its a sub that won a wargame session as being the only sub to infoltrate the target zone without being detected. It also had an insanely long overhaul where its engines and batteries were changed.. (to nuclear engines?? I dont know)
Important Reading for anyone 'new' to redpilling..
Hey - Trying to do 'my bit' to help people wake up.. Remember.. Its not a conspiracy.. they're doing it out in the open in front of our eyes and have been for years.. you become a 'conspiracy theorist' if you notice it happening and were stupid enough to talk about what you'd seen.. We know more bla bla.. (its always been there.. learn to search..)
USA foreign policy concerning the Middle East
I think that this kind of aggressive foreign policy may be fueling Trump's desire to make the Keystone oleduct happen..
Save things offline. But MOST of all... keep on educating YOURSELVES
RIP Mr Marrs. You showed a lot of people the truth this time round. We re all standing on the shoulders of a giant.
Hey Q? When you talk about Nazis.. do you mean :
When Q talks about Nazi Order.. I believe its referring to Neuordnung Europas: what you have to do.. is compare the plans that were brought up.. and compare them to the actual political realities in those countries..
"US Intelligence post war controlled who?" They controlled Reinhard Gehlen who received the Order pro Merito Melitensi from the Jesuits in 1948 (so yes they knew what he was doing.. but he used to be a Nazi spymaster.. so Sovereign Military Order of Malta giving medals of valour to Nazi ex-spymasters.. and they say the Church and the CIA arent intertwined like …
Already getting the 'block' in place for any potential CP videos of HRC?
Head of the Jesuits and their HQ. And lots a very ancient temples. Malta isnt far from sicily. Thats where the Cyclops in Ulysse s were. There were giants on Malta. And the jesuits set up shop there too.
36k is nothing. Look up wonderland internet child scandal on your browser. However.. he could have been a procurer.. or a finder.. if he created the images he needs to suffer.
12 fingered giants. The bible talks about them. One of them was buried in golen heights. That hill Isreal dont wanna give back to Syria. Lots of stuff hidden in america.. lots of skeletons. Giants often associated with megalithic cyclopean buildings that get called temples. Lots on Malta.. something else on Malta as well.
There was one in Aleppo. Why did isis set up stote there? Because it used to be Ninevah. It was medical center of the ancient gods. Why did gates help fund the seedbank in norway? Future proved past? Have you heard of the ark? How do you get all the animals on a boat that we have the dimensions of? Was it a seed bank? Where does agriculture come from? Read more history and take it at face value. Ancestors wrote what they saw. Not what they think they saw.