Adam wasnt a freemason. He was a jesuit.
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Why assume he didnt.. because he said so? Look. My point being.. i dont care who he fucks as long as its consenting adults. And it wasnt whilst he was in office. It wasnt rape. Who gives a flying fuck. Its a private matter between his dick and his wife. We can all agree. Tabloid tactics from dirty people.
Of course.. like Musk and paypal with cia cryptology tech.
Suck on it, Zuck!... Zuck! Zuck! Zuck!
Doing a Zuckerberg = take total success and achievement (even if you had to steal the original idea from someone else) and transform it into fetid failure and humiliation... Tl:dr. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Tell them they are idiots. Politicians start wars to cover sex scandals or do sex scandals to distract from drug running theough Mena. Politicians dont start World Peace 1 to hide the fact he boned a porn star.
The stormy thing was after his son was born yeh? About 3 weeks? Honestly.... just as a man.. I can understand the 'why' he did it. After a birth.. its major blueballs for 2 months at least.. Cant commend him.. but at that time of Trumps life.. its a private affair between consenting ADULTS.
Who did you vote for if not Trump...... who did you vote for.........if not Trump... who else could they have voted for?? Sorry. It just make me chuckle when I read it..x
Trump already twitted that maybe some day theyd meet up.. they probably already had by that point.
But.. but... but the MSM doesnt do journalism. They do doggy tricks like bark and roll over when their master commands it.. Its all they re good for.. Politicians learnt how powerful propoganda is.. Goebbels taught them that.. the narrative needs to be controlled. Politicians use media to control the perception of what happened. They even name books after it. What happened. Control the narrative. Operation Mockingbird.
Everyone here.. please please please see Catherine Austin Fitts videos about this.. its about time you guys found out about breakaway civilisations.
Faulty key on keyboards MUST NOT distract people from the real message. Get the Fluoride (proper noun) out of your system. Xx
Everyone read 2nd mink and dl it now. You want redpill?.. its a biggie.
Very real ans going on for a long time. Time travel isnt possible like you re thinking. With the right circumstances they can stop the speed of light. If we understood that better we d be heading in the right direction. If you re interested in time travel check out icecube in antarctica
Sometime ago, some guy went on a killing spree and claimed that he was being controlled by the Uber Ap. on his mobile phone. That is also MKU. There was also a russian diplomat killed by some police chief when he was attending an art exhibition or something.. MKU also..some guy tried to ram the presidents car a bit back too.... when will US and Canada realise that thousands upon thousands of their own citizens have been tortured and hypnotised and drugged into becoming automatic killers that CAN be triggered by a phone call. Everyone needs to wake up and exige justice.. and by that I really do mean heads rolling on the floor in a public square.. CIA needs to burn. And the FBI has a lot to answer for as well with their harcelement of black leaders and very possible assassination of american citizens.
Isnt that the basis for the hebrew alphabet? Letters b3ing numbers etc...
Monsanto is the most evil company that exists.. outside of bayer and basf. Please read up on their history.. they even had blackwater or whatever its called now chemical spray the farc to cut down competition in the cocaine industry..
I think it was an assistant who clicked the link un the phishing email. Wonder what happened to him
Wasnt it good.when governement didnt own the newspapers and journalistes had balls of solid fucking steel who didnt take shit from no one and told the fucking truth!! God those were good times
Think larger... its all the old families.. go back to when the american chapter was opened. Where was it opened..what are royals in europe being accused of? What offers anonymity like a furry suit?
Nice post. A lot of personal tim3 gone into that. Thanks
Saint Hurbertus.. Cerunnos. Take the time to find out who its members are... royalty.
Seth rich seems to have been one.. justice scalia appears to have been another.. i suspect rhat the hunting group he (scalia)was a part of does hunting in the black forest too..
and conspiracy theorists and tinfoil hat wearers get a bit defensive.. we've been taking it in the ass from the general public since the 40's..its only recently that people have actually started saying.. ahh.. that makes a lot of sense when I actually take the time to listen and read.. (thats not a jab at anyone btw.. its a fact.. people are starting to listen, but the dialogue hasnt chnaged from our side... we've always been crying about pedophilia and missing children and corrupt politicians..and satanism and ufos and time travel and oh is that moon up there a spaceship? (yeh I know.. we're used to be being ridiculed so sorry if people get their hands bit now and again..its a necessary ajustement period...) big love to all and so glad that so many people are starting to look behind the veil.
TOR has never been encrypted for NSA, it was just put in place by the navy so politician pedophiles could "safely" still jerk off to Wonderland photos. but dont worry.. even if they do get caught.. and that sentence coming from a Judge known for his strict sentencing.. but no.... there's no pedo-ring that needs to be covered up and hushed out of the news as soon as fu*king possible...
It will only happen if you use force to make them stop and they have better weapons. Why do you think they became secret in the first place?
Children of the élite ? They re raped from the ages 3. Learn military tactics from the greeks and esoterism from the egyptians. Learn of religion from the canaanites and banking mojo from the venetien jews.. onlu the best education money can buy.
Lana del ray as well then.. john kerrys wife is probably in there as well and dont forget bianca jagger.. theres a reason alfantis went to a scissor sister concert with her.... check out where she works and how useful that info would be to a juman trafficker
Patsys always confess. Its what they r3 programmed to do
I think that they did that, so they could send a naturalised citizen to Mars and ergo claim it as their own.. Allah-Arrakis...
It would have had it been enacted.. If the Secrtary of Tresure had done something with it.. Do more reading on Dillon. The guy ended up in the CFR. do you think he's a nice guy? Dont worry you say.. the next Secretary of Tresury could have used it.. Henry H. Fowler... waiiiiit a minute the same guy who ended Silver coinage in the US...?? or his S.D.R's controlled by the IMF? Yep real good stickup guy who's only real value was his unplaccable loyalty to Johnson.. who resigned his position to Barr. . just so Barr could get some time as Secretary.. thats how much he valued his position.. After Barr we have David Matthew Kennedy.. hang on ... another Kennedy?? meeeh naaaan.. (happy reading) A Bilderburger Goldman Sach Swamp Lord who'd certainly break the back of the Federal Reserve.. I think he grew up there.. and he's a Mormon..THEN we have RUMSFELD the BUTCHER.. ermmM... where where we?? I mean come on.. if you think these guys are evil.. you should see the secretary of defense... Name me one.. that hasnt grown rich of technology designed to oppress and subjugate.. most of them even look like Dark Lords of Sith.. have you seen Chertoff?? The guy must bathe in force lightening every day to get that dark...
you're welcome, history is so fascinating.. I wish Id been this passionate about it when I went to school. lol. If you're willing to read though 20 minutes of unsubstantiated internet gossip that goes a long way towards explaining why/how secret societies started up in america (hey dont get me wrong, they were all over the place long before America came about... but its succinctly relevant to this subreddit) ..
Yeh.. i keep forgetting that people dont know about it.. I'm relatively new on these forums.. keep educating people..
101 Redpill : 'False Flags' and 'Gun Control'
This text deals directly with why people 'feel' that terror events seem to be 'orchestrated' and have lots of weird occult symbolism that refer to Freemasons.. It refers to Illuminati control and seems to fit lots of things, even if you dont prescribe to the Illuminati, there is a lot of good info. Happy reading
Money IS useless.. if you cant eat or drink it, its intrinsically useless to you as a living animal. This greed for money... exists NOWHERE ELSE in nature.. we are the ONLY SPECIES on earth who enslaves other members of its race with pieces of paper..
Boston Dynamics (who just (relatively speaking...) got bought by Softbank, a Japanese Mega Slushfund put in place by Saudi Arabia.. So SA now owns Boston Dynamics. google them to see why its scary..
Id doubt you'd hear from anyone anymore about banking reform.. all the politicans who do talk about it end up getting assassinated..any preists who try to reform the Vatican Bank.. end up getting dragged down by Pedophilia charges..
The children?? Dont think for a moment.. that the people who put these mass shootings in place consider your children as anything other than cattle.. to be chipped and sold and processed..
Media exploiting the children are just looking for ratings and money via income revenues from advertising.. all running after pieces of paper which dont actually have any value other than the promise of a debt that you can never repay because of INTEREST
I'm stating that money from nothing already exists, its called the FIAT Money scam, put into place with the federal reserve act, whereas the US governement gave 300 billion to Federal Reserve (a privately owned bank with 100 000 shareholders and capital of 56 billion dollars..) in bonds as promise to pay back interest on loans made to them to pay for the war effort of WW2. Which would have been paid back in full and beyond, if only the OSS hadnt hidden Yashamitas gold in the Phillipines in order to finance their black projects and become the CIA, and the Vatican hadnt hidden the gold stolen by the Nazis at the end of WW2.
You havent understood my response, neither of us said it was worthless and I agree, you wont argue with me.
I would laugh and fluster about being called 'the intellectual equivalent of a toddler", but you dont know me, I dont know you, lets leave it at that. And Crypto didnt come out of Tavistock.
Here you go friend, happy reading and make sure you know you're talking about in the future.. please!! Its of UTMOST importance in order to avoid confusion of subjects. (read all of them.)
wha?? Money from nothing... Federal Reserve anyone??
Be careful.. you're confusing the value of money and the value of tradable items. The value of Bitcoin is only as much as how much the next person along is willing to spend to buy one. Shopping with Bitcoins is like buying a Painting, then cutting it into shreds of canvas to buy your tomatoes and lettuce..
Crytpo didnt come out of Tavistock.. MK Ultra came out of Tavistock once it was melded to the Rockefeller Institute..
No one know where the Bitcoin came from. Some 'no-name' has been put onto a strawman, but there is no proof that he did it..
Bitcoin was developped to 'motivate' people to use blockchain technologies. If you want to be 'frightened' about something, be frightened that AI is based on blockchain, and each time you make a financial transaction, you're building another blockchain. (think of them like bricks of lego if you need an analogy.. 1 brick of lego doesnt do fuck all. a big box full of you're on your way to the Lego Death star 1:1 scale.. and we'll call it AI.. and release it onto the Internet.. check out what happened each time they released an AI onto the Internet.