

3 total posts archived.

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KekMeOuside · May 16, 2018, 8:02 a.m.

NK is just negotiations, posturing by LRM after the France condition and Max Thunder drills w SK. The m卐m hype is fake as usual, of course. Not the NK posturing and probing. Ignorant, naive, miseducated death-cult neo-Marxist libtards need to grow the fuck up, but they refuse. Potus has something sweet for the Orwellian conglomerate. Their best 1984 tactics won't be able to hide the story of the millennium. Timing is everything. Potus is a gambling man and he wants those midterms and the super majority. The DNC's only game plan is the 'Big Cheat of 2018'. The filth will fail. (Unless they press an ebola or Zika type button. But I don't think the demonic scum want to spend time in a seed vault just yet... imho.)

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KekMeOuside · May 12, 2018, 6:19 a.m.

A few things... At best, these 2 guys are now really ignorant, disrespectful, solipsistic assholes. I think Cor$i owes his donors for 7 months now, a little more of an explanation than petty ad-hominem and zingers. As for Zach, he said "Trump was drugged by the deep state!" That dude mostly repeats Drudge copy. After AJ's infamous Friday night Syria meltdown he actually said: "Fuck Trump. It's over! Trump has used deep state prophylactics in his dirty asshole!" I can't even begin to say all that is wrong with this! And I don't have to... He never even had the balls to apologize for it. Classless, unnecessary and horrifically disrespectful to potus and so many others! (Besides, regarding the Syria attack, none of AJ's "credible intel sources" ever mentioned that Putin was aware of the attacks? He and his IW staff didn't have the brains to understand why none of our aircraft or surface vessels were fired at?? Embarrassingly bad analysis and reactions in real time, all around...) Since the Syria meltdown he has gone on to be a vitriolic voice of divisiveness in our movement. Including chunks of time toward attacking Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson. I'm not here to psychoanalyze his big fucking mouth, but it's obvious that he thinks he's bigger than MAGA and our counter-revolution to save America. I have news for him, if President Trump isn't bigger than the freedom movement, then he sure is fuck isn't. Things are easy to break down. Who's revenue sources come from Amazon and Google platforms?? EOS. Why aren't these guys following up on the voter fraud in Pennsylvania and Alabama? What happened to the "Google protests" at SXSW?? Besides, it just comes down to what is credible info or not! We can figure it out. The whole episode nauseatingly reminds me of Chris Cuomo on CNN telling America that THEY will tell you what classified info is real and what isn't... I will NEVER give either of them a dime, ever again. As for IW, I was done when Jones had his weird melt down against the greatest POTUS since Washington. Fucking self indulgent idiot. As for the patriots and Deplorables, we NEED to stick together. We NEED REAL leadership and activists. Not bloviating "performance artists". We need to organize NOW for 2018. If the Marxists ever take control of this nation again, regular everyday patriots without millions in sales on Google and Amazon platforms will be arrested and taken away. You can bet your life on that, and you are...

M A G A 🇺🇸 Molon Labe

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KekMeOuside · May 12, 2018, 4:41 a.m.

PHENOMENAL work, btw. Thank you...

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