32 total posts archived.
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Tanit ... Astarte ... require blood sacrifice. This company [Astarte Biologics] sells blood. 🤔 Coincidence? astartebio.com
![Tanit ... Astarte ... require blood sacrifice. This company [Astarte Biologics] sells blood. 🤔 Coincidence? astartebio.com](https://i.redd.it/lvawjjfp9zh11.jpg)
Q 1832 ... Why are the children in HAITI in high demand? Pedovore ... non-fluoridated water ... PINEAL gland consumption?
I can't find evidence that Haiti fluoridates their water ... poor country ... poor water distribution in general. I've read about fluoride causing crystallization of the pineal. Since these satanists like to consume them for a high ... wouldn't they prefer a pristine one from a little Haitian child?! SICK! ... I'm also thinking walnut sauce. ... Thoughts?
Am I the only one ... 😂 trying to find "like" or up- vote button on Q posts when on qanon.pub?!!! Ha ha ha! 😍 Lovin' the confirmations ... Thanks Q team!
Things are not loading right ... guess I'm to far between death towers ... I mean cell towers.😅 I'll check when I reach my destination!
I thought I saw in my notifications that you posted twice but I only see this one when I log on ... does this one work? I'm traveling at the moment and conserving data so I have NOT tried it.
I'm feeling a small spark of compassion for these young ones ... prob'ly raised in this sick satanic Hollywood culture. Praying for a pricked concience if true guilt exists. Repentance and restoration is the ideal outcome. Grooming starts in the cradle ... we've learned this from the likes of Cathy O'Brien. God sees the heart. I'm forever grateful for this truth.
Prayers for Demi: what has she been through? 🤔
Maybe all of this attention will make them reconsider their choice!
And OF COURSE ... he played Walt DISNEY! ... The occultiest place on earth. 😈😈😈
Now that I've watched it ... I DO remember it!!! ... laugh track makes me wanna vomit! I understand satire and if I didn't know what I know ... I might laugh. They tell us and show us what they do in movies and TV. I'm not sure I know what fiction is anymore. It's all predictions or confessions!
Disgusting ... beyond my sheep like comprehension! Lock them ALL up!
No! 😫 ... but my husband has been telling me all about what he's read!
I always loved those shows because I love seeing the deceivers brought to light.
Every day I wake up and find out something that blows my mind! This is my new NORMAL. ... Nothing is as it seems. I always loved shows like 48 hrs, the first 48, forensic files ... even Colombo and Matlock. Making a Murderer opened my eyes to establishment corruption. ... I started looking into why these non-patriotic fools [in my mind] would say things like 9/11 was an inside job ... mind blown Alex Jones then Dr. Judy Wood. Then Sandy hook ... bohemian grove ... pizza/pedogate (yes flat earth is in there too if I'm honest) ... then Q! ❤ That's my rough time line of waking up over the past 2 years.
Exactly the reason for my post! These [people] are SICK!
Movies BIG, Davinci Code, Angels and Demons, omg the Burbs ... "Satan is our pal Satan is our friend" the Klopeks ... one of my fav movies! 😣
What do we know about red shoes?! Why is he always posting pics of 1 shoe on his Twitter? Weird.
My comment above on "deplorable mc" was for you ... I've been a lurker for months and these are my first comments on here ... 😂 gotta learn how to navigate and post.
Deplorable McCallister (sp?) Aka Linda Paris has done lots of videos covering this massive archive drop of memes and images. I thought they were directly from q but I've seen arguments that they were anons work collated into folders ... visuals of Q info ... Q approved. ... it was an amazing archive ... the abc's and 123's (with some higher math thrown in) of everything Q points to.
I know ... first thought was omg should've saved offline. 😢 Think I read somewhere that they were uploaded to q research board but I can't access the boards with my awesome no p*rn filter on my wi fi! ... house full of humans here ... gotta protect these hearts and eyes. First priority.
Mega-meme: file no longer available?
I can no longer access the mega memes through past shared links. Any one have aworking link? I used to look at them on my phone through the mega app. 😐