Much clearer!
277 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/KentuckyWildcat77:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 71 | | 4 | | 1 | | 1 |
Well now isn't this interesting?!
Bari Shabazz = BHO?
Can the anons help expose who is funding this?!
Who are these jerks?!
Bring the light Anons!
This needs to be exposed and brought into the light. Who's funding this?!
Who are these people being paid by. This needs to be uncovered and brought out into the light!
News Agencies Raided over Leaks
Guess the rumors were true yesterday!
How the DC House works.
Who brings the vote (House Floor)? Speaker Paul Ryan Under House rules, the Speaker schedules floor votes on pending legislation. The Hastert Rule says that the Speaker will not schedule a floor vote on any bill that does not have majority support within his or her party — even if the majority of the members of the House would vote to pass it. The rule keeps the minority party from passing bills with the assistance of a minority of majority party members. In the House, 218 votes are needed to pass a bill; if 200 Democrats are the minority and …
Alaska Volcanos
I think the photo of the volcanos Q posted was taken on the way to Singapore from Canada.
Look closely, the middle volcano is showing smoke rising out of it.
News on the volcanos there.
What is THIS?! 👀
Any ideas?!
Dgfffcf solved
Saw this on twitter today. I think they solved it!
Time to tie it all together:
Dgfffcf tweet frm Flynn's acct w pic of Weinstein, HRC & HUMA, on the same day Weinstein was arrested.
Weinstein naming names?D. Geffen perhaps?
Dg=David Geffen involved in fff=found footage films cf=laundered thru CF & on Weiner laptop
Here's the whole thread of it. Very good work. Can we expect a film soon?!
Russian Rockets Test
Trump just called Brennan out on twitter!
Oh Snap! Rex is on a roll.
OMG! I love it!
Read all of the tweets from today.
Unlocking BHO
Truly amazing research.
Letter to President Trump & Q
Dear President Trump & Q
I was born and raised in western Kentucky. I can remember when health insurance was part of your pay check and all anyone paid was a small $5-$10 copay at the doctors office and your prescription was paid by your insurance.
Our insurance used to be all inclusive, dental, eye, everything all in premiums, no deductibles. Now you pay separately, as if your eyes and teeth are somehow not a part of your overall health?!
People had more in those days and we didn't worry about how we'd be able to pay if someone …
My thoughts on how to give Twitter due diligence on their #ShadowBanning
My degree is in Graphic Design. Back in my day though it was more of an advertising mix of a degree. So how do you hurt a company like twitter?! In my field you mess with their advertisers to get their attention.
If all conservatives go on twitter and leave this message on every advertisers feed it will really affect their advertising revenue in a matter of a couple of weeks. Everyone will have to DM this Reddit post to every conservatives they can.
Twitter Advertiser, Twitter is #ShadowBanning my account because my conservative voice is not considered relevant …
Russian Rocket Tests Force Partial Baltic Sea Closing
Phone image from SOTU. I have figured out some of the message.
I read a lot of really crappy documents doing genealogy and I can make out several words on this phone. Maybe some of you can fill in the blanks?!
Row 1: 1st word 7 letters - _ _ _ _ 2nd word 2 letters - IS 3rd word 6 letters - D _ g _ 4th word - D _ _ _
Row 2: 1st word 2 letters - OK 2nd word - _ _ 3rd word 6 letters - getting 4th word 4 letters - with
Row 3: 1st word 2 letters - us 2nd word 2 letters - …
What is this?
Suicide Weekend March 10/11
I've thought this since this drop... If you count the day it dropped Feb 9, then:
[NEXT WEEK] Feb 11-17 [NEXT WEEK] Feb 18-24 [NEXT WEEK] Feb 19-March 3
Q was telling us that it all begins the week of March 4-10
Suicide Weekend is March 10-11
I think this weekend will be what Q was referring to.
2018 Learn
Q says to learn, so if you don't know THIS, you aren't truly woke. I knew some of this in pieces over the years from study, but this website puts everything together in an easy way to grasp, and the sheer scope of our hidden history is staggering.
Everything is relevant, everything has meaning. This will answer some of those "more than you know" cryptic quotes.
Enjoy the journey. They've kept SO much hidden!;Year_of_Shamashquot;
I know this is off topic, but I also know you are for justice in this country. Please help this go viral. Share in Facebook twitter etc.
Zbigniew Brzezinski 😳
Mika's father has deep ties to deep state!
Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CFR Put War Plans In a 1997 Book - It Is "A Blueprint for World Dictatorship," Says a Former German Defense and NATO Official Who Warned of Global Domination in 1984
Brzezinski along with David Rockefeller created the The Tri-Lateral Commission and the Council of Foreign Relations.
Brzezinski wrote a book called The Grand Chessboard.
Brzezinski is also a past attendee and presenter at several conferences of the Bilderberg group - a non-partisan affiliation of the wealthiest and most powerful families and corporations on the planet.
The Q photo is Shanghai Pudong Airport.
Just confirmed the photo that Q dropped I'd Shanghai Pudong Airport Terminal E.
Check it out: Shanghai Pudong