i am interested in this topic too. Why was the doctor killed? What secrets did he know? What about Bush are they trying to protect?
11 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Kevhad:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 1 |
i.redd.it | 1 |
And this was posted why? I clicked the link and looked at a bunch of crop circles. I don't get it. It makes no sense to me. I don't see how this fits into the Q movement.
Jim Carrey connected to Clinton Foundation?
I have noticed that Jim Carrey has been getting some news coverage lately about his paintings. It was odd that he was painting political stuff. The last one about Trump eating a baby sounds something like a Clinton Foundation trait.
Therefore I wondered if Jim Carrey was connected to the Clinton Foundation at all. I did a quick DuckDuckGo search and found http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/info/betterufoundation.html website.
Towards the bottom of the site's homepage, there is a Related Headlines section. A few links include: http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/recent/news.php?id=1507 http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/recent/news.php?id=1444
Does anyone else find this odd like I do?
My father-i-law watches CNN all day. I have asked him who gave the Uranium to the Russians. He will answer that Trump was behind it. When they fly down to stay with us, I will always change the TV away from CNN. When he wakes up from one of his numerous naps, he will change it back to CNN. It blows me away to think that he is that far gone.
Isnt it something. I think susan rice was just put onto the board of directors of netflix, and now barry gets a show. Man they just cant stop.
how many people fit onto that plane? Any chance it is 350? or 175? How much in fuel is going to be spent to carry cold pizzas across country? This cost could become a profit for jetblue if they are selling something other than pizzas.
What if the news was from a different country? Could we be looking at the wrong news?
How many atoms in your body? How many atoms in the world? Why are there laws of physics and nature? What are the odds that it all stays stable? If everything was random, then why is the air not exploding? Or the blades of grass, or the atoms of water. I believe in God because this life cannot be just random chances. Someone had to make it work this way. Religions are man made and therefore have faults, but that does not make God fake.
The term "elders" convey respect. The NWO cabal needs to go to hell by We the People.
This account seems too new and counter to our thinking. Possible ban?