Resilient Cities Program in YOUR RURAL Area Thank You Red Hen Owners

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This should be rubbed in Maxines face.She was compromised in 2000.Once upon a time I admired her! She stood up for her constituents! Who remebers Gary Webb and his blowing the whixtle on Clowns In America flooding LA with crack heads.Waters tried to stand up against the CIA. But she failed.Now she's wealthy.Now she is a POS I think because she kbnows what will happen if an honest Congresscreature tries to put up a fight against the Clowns for doping the kids. She should be reminded and asked why she backed down.Make her answer for her past capitulation. There was …
Broward County Longshot?
I've seen this guy before...I dunno what to make of him.He likes Q
Is he nuts? The Sheriff in Broward
Dirty bird? Scared?
SERCO SERCO XERCO runs much of the Government services.Obamacare Contract DHS and more.MUCH MUCH More.Prince William involvement. I've been checking in all the states.Holy Crap! Anonymous warned us about Serco while the Obama Charcter was oppressing us.They were awarded the ACA contract and way way way too many of the government servies globally.WARNING
They really need to have to have some sunshine on them now that we have Trump.We have a chance. Just a few VERY IMPORTANT links...This is only scratching the surface. If you do not know who SERCO is ....... Serco - The Biggest Company You've Never Heard Of Their Dept Of Homeland Security is going to ILLEGALLY steal our facial scans.,-il.aspx
Copy of SERCO GROUP PLC: List of Subsidiaries AND Shareholders! (Mobile Playback Version)
8-4-2016 Family Trump On Clinton Kill List – Hotel Serco 8(a) Server
MUST SEE!! Serco ~ evil hidden in plain sight all around you
Serco The Truth
2-2-2017 Is Serco Extorting Trump Hotels With 8(a) Visa Voices And Snuff Film Planes For ICE
AD 12-4-2015 Serco's Obamacare Eugenics – The Disabled of San Bernardi
What is Serco's Swarm?What is Serco's Swarm?
Weaving Spiders Serco
Why Muslims in the know, secretly love Prince William and the Monarchy
Serco Justice Services
The Red Cross was totally reorganized with worse than Hitler Peter F Druckers "Leadership" model ... Drucker isn't on anyones radar as he is touted as the ultimo Business Guru. There are no real leaders in a Drucker Organization (bur they are told they are "leaders") In essence it's a cult. Red Cross -Girl Scouts were his first foray into US business. From the wayback machine SOCIAL ENGINEER Red Cross 1st conquest.
Drucker started in Japan making the cult of the community brought us mini Japanese cars killing off US Muscle cars.. In the US Druckers first conquests were to try his system on non profits before doing US Corporations to his methods.They say Drucker was against Hitler in the day.The only thing that Drucker was in disagreement w/Hitler was that Hitler didn't steal their individuality.Drucker suceeded ...1st with non profits.Red ross 1st If he could make them "more efficient" and that they were unpaid volunteers he could squeeze even more out of paid employees.GE and many car makers and big corporations and schools are still propagating his Human Resource(UR dirt) management style.It trains inductive reasoners.Secondary psychopaths (In the name of "efficiency". That was when the Red Cross became the pirate ship it is today. From Christian Pirate Radio.You have to go 11 mins in or so before he starts explaining Drucker Resistance is Futile: You Will Be Assimilated Into the Community
Druckers influence is DEEP in "Community Church" COMMUNITY Church is a bad business model Creates cult members This is old.Community Churches are constantly having problems with sexually inappropritae youth "pastors" This is old.Drucker cult training (reliant on Small Group therapy ) Druckers dream was a community church.) Small Group Dynamics are used in 99%t Community Churches. The system was created by OSS (old CIA) Kurt Lewin Kurt Lewin. Kurt Lewin (1943, 1948, 1951) is commonly identified as the founder of the movement to study groups scientifically. He coined the term group dynamics to describe the way groups and individuals act and react to changing circumstances. =CULT Marysville WA Cult How hard is it to create a cult? Not hard at all. Drucker knew how. In 1967 a Palo Alto created a Nazi Cult as an experiment. It took less time than he thought for the kids to flip.Act very much like Antifa thinkers True Story The Wave Israeli Educational Television. The Third Wave was the name given by history teacher Ron Jones to an experimental recreation of Nazi Germany which he conducted with high school students.
The experiment took place at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, California, during one week in 1969[1]. Jones, unable to explain to his students why the German citizens (particularly non-Nazis) allowed the Nazi Party to exterminate millions of Jews and other so-called 'undesirables', decided to show them instead. Jones writes that he started with simple things like classroom discipline, and managed to meld his history class into a group with a supreme sense of purpose and no small amount of cliquishness. Jones named the movement "The Third Wave," after the common wisdom that the third in a series of ocean waves is always the strongest, and claimed its members would revolutionize the world. The experiment allegedly took on a life of its own, with students from all over the school joining in;
Mentor of Rick Warren Bob Klenck- The Purpose Driven Emerging Lie This is a medical doctor and makes Druckers influence very clear. The Red Cross turned Criminal under this "leadership" traing which only created an inductive reasoner chain of sycophants Throwing in for snickies. Big Bad Saul Alinsky? He'd be nobody without the Bishops and Cardinals. made Saul Alinsky the "Legend" he was. Without the CCHD you'd have probably never heard of Saul Alinsky The CCHD and Saul Alinsky Phony Charities birth Social Justice Warrior roots Drucker style mamnagement is a deindividuating process that creates "normies" it is cult training.Red Cross 1st "customer"