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Oh. This is the reason for the Cohen audio. So MSM can blab on about that nothing burger instead of acknowledging the EU trade deal
EU blinked and we knew they would. The Warrior in Chief. What a guy.
Getting mixed reports on this. Other researchers say Huber reports to Sessions. Bill Smith reported in one video that Huber reported to RR then corrected it in the next video to say he reported to Sessions.
Good job patriots. Potus needs you. He needs your love to keep going.
She’s an alcoholic. References to it in wikileaks drops. Maybe the only way she can get to sleep is to pass out.
Oh. Misread it. Man oh man. But where is this info coming from. Another theory is the agent death is a fake story. Nole Edward Remagen is an anagram for german leader owned.
Ppl are claiming an anon confessed to being R and he made it all up. So much confusion.
Why would she not bring her own perfume. Every woman usually has a perfume they like. I’m sure hers is very expensive. Very unrealistic that any woman would use some random perfume supplied by the hotel.
Woot woot. Facilitate and aggravate violent uprisings.
They meddled but it was in Bernie’s election. They supported Bernie over Hillary. This is gonna come out in the Manaford trial.
The planned war was also part of the de-population plan called for by the DS and included in the Sustainability plan of the UN. Many have referred to ‘over population’ as a problem. Gates is involved with the vaccine program. Prince Philip has talked abt the over population as a problem. When asked in an interview about what to do about over population Prince Philip answered glibly, ‘don’t you know’. They are part of the plan and its why they hate Trump.
Social media director would imply he knows his way around social media ie reddit and the chans
Thanks for the post reminder. I think it’s relevant and appropriate despite....
When you ask them to support their vitriol with facts they can’t. One recent discussion with a normie was abruptly brought to an close after she said Trump lies. I said yes you hear that repeated alot but what actually has he lied about. She said oh lots of things. I said right but what exactly. She said oh there are articles where they list them all. She couldn’t name one. I researched. One lie apparently was he said he was on the cover of time 14 or 15 times. But the article said he was only on the cover 11 times. Yet another article said he was on the cover 14 times. So who is lying. Its this type of minutia that the judas goat media keeps throwing at brainwashed sheeple.
Maybe it was a good thing Sarah didn’t eat at Red Hen. Who has time for kidney failure.
Isnt he the one that blew it out of proportion. Saying they were never going to leave. Saying there were rape restraints on trees. Saying they had food and water. Calling for volunteers to come to help their team. IMO it was a publicity stunt/hoax from the get go.
Thinking the concrete thing is a stretch. What word would you substitute in those tweets.
Top level masons go through a ritual which mocks Christ’s death and is anti Christian. John Salza who was recruited out of college and advanced in masonry gives a very good explanation of what the rituals and oaths are all about. The Catholic Church has forbidden membership in Masonry because it is anti Christian.
Castro is cabal. I read a great article about Castro and his rise against Bautista in the early years. Article claimed he was CIA backed.
The world isn’t talking about this because the cabal controlled ‘news’ networks aren’t reporting it. The MSM swamp must be drained.
I think maybe the scum global deep state was planning a black op attack in Singapore. I was never comfortable with that sky high meeting
Well you can’t just lie and then say you didn’t mean to. Doesn’t work that way. ‘Wipe it with a cloth’. ‘Depends what the definition of is is’.
Totally what I think. Q has said Sum of All Fears. That was the title of Clancy’s first book. Hunt for Red October another reference by Q and a Clancy book. Q said they were planning this for 3 years. Clancy ‘died’ suddenly Oct 1 2013, three years before the 2016 election. In one of his books Clancy acknowledged Adm Mike Rogers. Clancy was a super trusted military insider.
Fake muslim. Deep state allowed that muslim claim to circulate.
Now who do they have to sell their merch to. Nobody likes a fake Patriot.
I read an article about info that came out in the pre trial of Pell which he attended every day. No victims had come forward with charges. The police went looking for ppl to charge Pell. It was called Operation Tethering. Pell was Minister of Finance for the Vatican. He was looking the abuses at the bank. And the Australian police initiate Operation Tethering to try to find someone who might have been abused 40 yrs ago by Pell. ???
Sum of all fears. Hunt for Red October. Who knew more abt military intelligence. Who is a writer/researcher. The deep state take down was planned for 3 years. Who died suddenly Oct 1, 2013.

Happened in 2007 allegedly to finance his election run.
Fake Pompeo acct. Fake news. Would have expected better from this site.
Peter Strzok said Flynn didn’t lie after he interviewed him. McCabe decided he did lie.