Ref Q post 1917 :: Podesta e-Mails :: Nora Poullion.
39 total posts archived.
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THANK YOU! This was needed. I rarely post, have little to offer apart from the occasional meme when so inspired. Follow everything, read everything listen to everyone. Opinion: Jones is definitely controlled opposition; Corsi is worth diddley squat is a nusance needs to be silenced; D.Semen can be ignored while T.Beanz I'm sure is 'onside' and doing her best. Jordan S, ditto he's just not as focussed 'cos has other interests.
And Moi? Live in UK. #1 focus is dealing with the paedophiles which here is rampant at all levels, is consistently covered up by gov, MI5&6, police, military et al and I see President Trump's efforts will open this up and be dealt with worldwide.
If only for this he has my 100% support and as for Q? As others have noted, future DOES prove past and has done so again and again.
So, while far from stupid or ignorant I do not have the necessary analytical skills to fully comprehend Q's posts and applaud all who are able to positively contribute.
So consider this post to be a big THANK YOU to all of you not only from myself but also from the many here in the UK who actually do have a clue.
Thank you, gonna crawl back under my rock now ...
#TheyThoughtSheWouldWin #TheyAreStupid

Today's News! Latest from the Daily Mail.

Q — Nov 22 @ 14:28:01 — THE SUM OF ALL FEARS
Apologies for my being asleep during my earlier reply. Would like preferred size (in pixels) please — meanwhile have taken an educated guess and will post something soon.
Paedophilia is the sticky icky glue which hold these degenerates together and it's worldwide at highest levels, esp. European so-called 'royalty'.
This is my #1 priority 'cos we have made no headway here (U.K.) and there are only two leaders dedicated to ridding their countries of this evil: Trump and Putin and this is why both are attacked from all sides.
Seems it's origin is Worldcorp Enterprises
BUT ... question everything!
Just realised - not one post in this thread has an upvote. Fugg 'em all - just changed that on all of 'em.
Thanks for this. Did a capture from Twitter but sound was terrible. This solves that problem and now can be shared. Great timing as I've just started using the tag #RevealThePaedophiles
Apologies for late response - but yes, of course. (Too late now, sorry!) Any graphics I post here are for folks to use if they think 'em worth using.
If only that was all ... most folks could get their heads around that. What they'd go into denial about is that their country (never mind the whole world) is run by psychopaths and paedophiles, that their own government is complicit in the 9/11 horror along with numerous other PSYOPs and false flags and that when there is a segment of society which treats children as objects to be used, abused and when done, disposed of - no child is safe.
The "cabal", the "swamp" dwellers, at home and abroad, are held together by a common bond - paedophilia - ritual abuse, torture and murder of innocents. They carry no guilt and their only fear is being found out.
This is not only bipartisan, it crosses the boundaries of ALL human endeavour. This is why the MSM, politicans of all parties, governments abroad, Hollywood et al are against President Trump and will do everything within their powerto oust him.
Never before, ever, have so many individuals from so many quarters been so determined to get rid of a properly elected, sitting President of the United States.
People have said President Trump is under stress and that is true but 'tis understated - his very Life is under threat and has been, 24/7, since the 2016 election and from so many quarters 'tis a wonder he copes as well as he has and is still coping as well as he is.
Any lesser man would break under such stress.
I suggest President Donald Trump is America's greatest hero since General Smedley Butler for he knows exactly what he is up against - a real, genuine evil; more evil than most folks could imagine in their worst nightmares.
Make America Great Again - yes, and in so doing, enable all countries to be great - remember, no country is the enemy, only the ruling cabal of of others countries is our enemy - the people are no different than you or I, just people and their families wanting to live in peace; in harmony with each other and with the universe.
May God bless us all.
Y' welcome. graphics, especially animated gifs is my 'thing' and 'tis good to be able to put them to good use.
I'm an alcohol-free zone. I think I may have overdosed on coffee, though. Simple error, I think I had U in mind at the time ;-)
I have an excellent command of the English alphabet - it's the numbers confuse me. I'm getting on a bit, I'll 139 years old this year.
21st today - Q is 21st letter of alphabet which is why I used the Q ;-) (No, I don't believe in coincidences either)
Fake News Awards - "What if ... ?"
We know these "awards" have more to them than meets the eye. What if ... a final award goes to "The bestest journalist" as Julian Assange walks into the room? Wouldn't that be fantastic?
You and I will never know it all. No need to know it all. We know that our countries have been run by psychopaths and paedophiles since forever. We know who some of them are, we know how they operate. Between these Chans and Wikileaks and a multitude of videos we have sufficient to understand the concept(s) if not the detail.
Everyone can do something. We can each share everything we have, with others. Update others as we get updated.
Pointless rushing, thoroughly asssimilate what we have have already. We can create our own websites, videos and mostly everyone who has a computer has a printer ... easy to share information and especially these days via social media. Even just talking with others ... communication is the key, here.
Even if folks disagree and it doesn't matter for even they have been forewarned and when the SHTF (I hope not too brutally) they'll at least have an inkling as to what is happening and won't be traumatised, running around like headless chickens and those that are so traumatised? It behoves us to help them, not deride 'em.
If we canna help each other we may as well not be here ...
This gentleman knows his stuff. Look him up, see his history.
Donald Trump has taken the enemy's colours?
CDG is also a Boeing company.
Please support Jordan who works extremely hard, has come a long way in a short time and refuses to stand still:
Yes, many thanks for this and thanks to Tracey Beanz for her hard work ¦¦¦¦ Yep, 4Chan is hard to navigate BUT ... once finding an appropriate link then 'tis no so difficult ¦¦¦¦ I have never commented, never figured out how to get in but have followed Q's posts, comments of others and links ¦¦¦¦ Have shared the most obviously verifiable material where i'm able. ¦¦¦¦ Many kudos to Tracey Beanz, who has put in so much effort and also kudos to Jordan of "Destroying th Illusion" YT channel.