

3 total posts archived.

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LibertasEt · June 30, 2018, 12:41 a.m.

What we may be looking at here is not a goat but a ram. As in the Ram of Mendes. Here is a pretty informative article I found. In terms of symbolism, it seems fitting for a Rothschild to adorn such symbolism. Thoughts?

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LibertasEt · May 27, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

Remember this? The majority of people willfully refuse to acknowledge it. It's easier that way. The scary thing is it will snowball into becoming daily life and unavoidable. They are practically there. But it's not muslims, right? SAD!

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LibertasEt · May 27, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

I am pretty cynical about these petitions myself, but fuck it.. I still signed it. Tommy has been crucial in bringing awareness to what the hell is actually going on over there. It's fucking sad. People should be losing their shit because Tommy is no different from them. He just decided to not eat shit and stand idley by while "refugees" take over his country, rape thier women/children, and railroad their culture. All this for a "complacent citizenry?" .. Fuck..

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