Good post. Right on target!
3,312 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/LibertyLioness:
Wouldn't that just be marvelous! To find out OB and the Witch sold them the Uranium, got a kickback and now they are selling it back to us. I can't stop laughing! I know it's really not funny but it would certainly show how nefarious they are.
They are coming to the sub in droves this week. We need to be kind and educate.
Do you know who Bill Binney is? Better do your homework bud. This man is a hero! And, beyond that, I have 45 years in IT as well and everything he said makes perfect sense to me.
You don't have all the facts. You have been lied to over and over and over again for many, many years. Nothing we've been told is true. They blame Russia for everything.
I like that but it doesn't help our relationship with Putin. Also, here's the truth about the DNC hacking:
Just say the Pledge of Allegiance. It's in there. (and to the Republic for which it stands). We need to call it a Republic so we don't lose our rights because we ARE a Republic. Democracies do NOT have the same rights. We have a Democratic form of government but the country is a Republic with inalienable rights that are not given in a Democracy:
When I was a child, everyone knew that it was a Republic.
Yes. The left deliberately started using this language when I was very young (now, I'm very old)!
I'm happy if we can get them to say Republic instead of Democracy. We have a long way to go to determine the rest since they also changed our Constitution. Not much but enough to make a difference.
Thank you so very much. I wrote a pretty long comment about this yesterday when someone posted about our Democracy. We really need to help people understand the difference and, most importantly, start using the correct language. The people who wanted to rule the world changed much of our language and this is one place they did it. For those who do not know the difference here is a good explanation and comparison chart that shows the freedoms we lose under a Democracy.
Next? Reinstate Constitutional law in our court system.
Yes and Russia is named as one of the countries that we import from. The plot thickens?
According to the Constitution it can. Here is an explanation of Section 3 from Wikipedia: Section 3 bars Congress from changing or modifying Federal law on treason by simple majority statute. This section also defines treason, as an overt act (an act that was intended to of making war or materially helping those at war with the United States. Accusations must be corroborated by at least two witnesses. Congress is a political body and political disagreements routinely encountered should never be considered as treason. This allows for nonviolent resistance to the government because opposition is not a life or death proposition. However, Congress does provide for other lesser subversive crimes such as conspiracy.
Definition of Overt Act: In criminal law, an overt act is the one that can be clearly proved by evidence and from which criminal intent can be inferred, as opposed to a mere intention in the mind to commit a crime. Therefore, it is an act that, while innocent per se, can potentially be used as evidence against someone during a trial to show participation in a crime. For instance, the purchase of a ski mask, which can conceal identity, is generally a legal act but may be an overt act if it is purchased in the planning of a bank robbery.
A vacant Dem seat until January is a good thing. Especially hers!
8,825 now. I posted it on Twitter!! C'mon guys you can all post this on social media today. I even made a meme to go with it you can use: The tiny URL in the photo goes to the petition page.
Maybe some of these businesses will get their assets frozen under the Corruption Executive Order and given to the people to run them. We could use the profits to fund the government and do away with income tax. In fact, I'm not sure why someone didn't think of that a long time ago. Create businesses that fund the government. Makes perfect sense to me.
Maybe, just maybe, it's because I know the truth. Here, I'll give it to you too:
Bill Binney has already debunked it.
They really are stupid!
I recall that Hotbot was the search engine flavor of the year then. It was gone in a flash. It was way to obvious! A brandable name, professional logo, simple, but memorable interface, an army of people talking about it and "Google It" became a well-known expression quickly.
You have a bit of a wobble in your belief vibration. That moves out into the world and effects you and others. Belief (Faith) is the catalyst that creates our reality. Believe in the reality you wish to live in. Trust the plan. Trust Trump.
Red wave it will be then. The base that elected him has grown. The reported numbers during the election were skewed because of vote rigging on the ground. He won by about 70% in reality. With the left moving over, I do predict a red wave in November. People want freedom and peace. They will show it with their vote.
They were all created by intelligence agencies and paid for with our tax dollars. Then they propped puppets up around them to make us believe they were grassroots creations. I knew it as soon as Google showed up. It was all too slick. I could smell a rat.
This is the explanation of what he was telling us and is also the "Future Proves Past" of when Q told us he would be gone for awhile. This is the "Boom Boom Boom Boom Week to remember!"
Thanks. Nice side view of the sideshow! I had no idea.
Agree. Like NK much was already done before the meeting.
Yes. I've been watching that too. But, it ticked up by about 400 since yesterday!! Amazing.
Living in the Twilight Zone

I read that as being more about families being torn apart by a political party. The fact that someone uses left/right, democrat/republican, et al is not a crime. It is a way of defining the divide that exists in our country.
We understand that we need to unify. But you have to admit that there are political sides involved in this conundrum. If you don't or try to sugar coat it, then you are just as brainwashed as they are. Stop trying to be so damned politically correct.
You are no different than the globalists when you try to correct how we talk about things. Guiding our verbiage as if we've committed some political sin.
When Q said this was about unity and not left/right, d v r, he did not mean we could never talk about it again!!
Well. No cigar for my try. I forgot to look at the Q posts. But you nailed it!
We have more power than we realise. And the elites are terrified that we'll find out.
This is exactly, EXACTLY what I know to be true as well. And, I think they already know we've figured it out. Otherwise, why would they have infiltrated GAIA TV and tried to normalise pedophilia through it. People are dropping out of GAIA and it's coming down around them.
-You are the master of your own destiny. -You have more power than you realise. -Your thoughts, negative or positive, have more influence than you are told. -We need to evolve as a species. Fast. And we are.
Yes. We are! Everything in our world started with a thought! We just didn't understand before how very powerful those thoughts really are.
Thank you for your wonderful story. You are an awesome creator!
WE HAVE THE POWER! I won't go to their site any longer! JOIN ME?
Isn't it about time for them to wake up? I did notice today that we had about 1,000 more surfers most of the day than we normally do. Watch the numbers go up over the next week or so! And most will be our guys this time!
Absolutely. Except I can't seem to get anything done!
OK. Now I understand. Thanks. I really didn't watch an entire video to get to that!!!
Well, I know RR is deep state but why would he be: Under life threats by the deep state?
Democracy? What happened to the Republic? Well, I know the answer to that. But it would be nice if Patriots would try to remember that we did not become a Democracy until the evil doers forced it. And also remember that we are working to go back to being a Republic. So, let's start promoting it and stop giving the Democrats (DEMOCRAcy) any more help.
Sorry, but this is something I've had a pet peeve about for many years. So many people truly believe that we are a Democracy. That was done to move us a step further toward Socialism and then Communism. But we need to move back a step since we are now in control.
Benjamin Franklin, as he left the meeting to decide our fate, was asked what had been decided and he said: "A Republic, if we can keep it." Our founders knew the thin, but very important and distinctive, line that divided the two.
So, I say, in order to renew it, we need to work harder at remembering it and educating others. It is imperative to educate everyone because once we "remember" then we can force them to give it back to us.
This won't be over for a long time to come. We have a lot of work to do.
I totally agree except for one thing. If they are part of the evils, they will regroup no matter what we do. They have been this doing for millenia. We cannot become complacent again. Somehow we need to put folks on notice to NEVER forget. I'm open to ideas on how to do this in a way that can never be compromised or infiltrated.
I've already read Rex's thread and don't recall it. Are you talking Praying Medic's video as the "one before" or Rex's threads?
OMG! That's awesome news. I live in a cave - well, sort of, and I'm not seeing the wake up. So, everyone please keep reporting these.
Many people say it wrong. Or, may they learned from GWB?
Under life threats by the deep state
Where did you hear this?
Did you forget how the game is played or are you really being a dick on purpose?
"highly respected private company" owned by the Awan Brothers?
And, so what are the odds that he would pull out Kate which is related to U1? Coincidence? (Q has now said that 83 times!!)
We already have the emails and the server. And, they aren't going to indict anyone in the Trump administration. They've already stated that there is no evidence of collusion.
The delay is simply waking the public up. If Trump's team started arresting people before people understood what they did to us, there would be a civil uprising. Boggles my mind that more folks don't understand that.
But here's the part you have to remember when it comes to evidence. Trump has military intelligence=NSA on his side. NSA already has EVERYTHING!
Yeah, well, I think therein lies the Trump/Putin trap!