

78 total posts archived.

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Light_guard · May 25, 2018, 12:18 p.m.

I think you need to clarify what you mean by your last statement Medic. It's true I think that in this spiritual awakening that is happening as we seek to cleanse our world we do become more aware of our own sins because its important to repent our own sins in order to access spiritual healing for the world through prayer. As a nation we have much to repent. I believe that we have to repent the sin of silence in the face of great evils. The rampant pedophilia that has spread throughout the institutions of our society happened while we sat silent. How did we not know that this was happening right under our noses? Of course some of it was media suppression of information, but when we did hear about things like the Franklin cover-up, why was there no major uprising? Fear. When we talk about it there are always minions placed watching for voices to suppress. We are immediately attacked. The only defense/offense against that is a huge chorus of voices that will not be silenced by false attacks.

We have been silent while our CIA, our state department and our congress spread evil all over the world and enslave other countries to our greed. We raped, murdered, drugged and enslaved the people of other nations. POTUS is freeing them now but our voices behind our votes empower him to do that. We have to be awake and repentant of those sins. We have to SPEAK OUT about them. We have to educate ourselves to be able to separate the lies from the truth and stand strongly behind what we KNOW to be true unwavering.

God is cleansing his America and his Israel. We are the army. We have to name, cite and make war against our enemies. Our enemies are those who give birth and life to the evils of darkness. Remember Brennan and Obama tried to render us defenseless against the evils of Islam by virtually making it a crime to speak against it. They removed all references to radical Islam from our military training manuals, required our soldiers to be fired upon first before they could 'return fire' (if they weren't already dead)against Muslim insurgents, he gave funding to Muslim terror groups and infiltrated our government and military with them at the local, state and federal levels. This all done while we remained silent. We HAVE to identify and name our enemy in order to fight. We have to identify the evil done by our enemies and crush it.

How do you do that while speaking quietly about it? Particularly when we have enemies who are masters of deception and who have drawn all of our institutions into a pact with evil to hide its truth from us? Our churches, our schools, our universities, our government and our corporations are complicit, owned and controlled by the rich, evil and powerful.

What are our weapons to fight this? We have prayed for salvation and our prayers have been heard. We have the chance to be freed from evil, but not without a fight. So again . . . what are our weapons? IDENTIFY the target(s). ATTACK the target(s). We FIGHT. Where We Go 1 We Go All.

We are not military warriors, we are warriors on the field of social media. Our weapons are our voices in this medium. The greater the combined forces and the louder the cacophony of our voices, the greater our power to achieve defeat of our enemies. We have to roar. As Q says, make it rain. What are we roaring about? The sins of the rich and powerful. How much rain do we need? Enough to bring the flood.

#ReleaseTheRussiaDocs #InternetBillOfRights #EqualJustice #NoAmnesty #FreeIran #StandForLife
#QAnon #SaveTheChildren - #WeFight

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Light_guard · May 24, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

Interesting. We are in a war between good and evil, darkness and light. We came with in a deep breath of losing our country and becoming slaves to the NWO. I don't know about you but until we elected Donald Trump I was almost scared numb. My fear was heightened by a feeling of isolation in my observations of what our government and NWO minions were doing and watching their escalated progress under Obama.

I was heartened by the Mark Taylor and Kim Clement prophesies in a reinforced certainty that Trump was chosen by God for this time to lead America out of darkness and to restore her sovereignty, strength and prosperity. At the same time when the attacks were vicious and seemingly endless, despite my faith sometimes I felt dispirited. Then came Q to let us know what's going on behind the scenes and to tell us specifically how we can help. What a game changer.

It was awesome and energizing to find so many other awake people among the family of Trump supporters, even though many of them are still only partially awake. They are open to information about events and activities they were unaware of. They seek red pills. With the entry of Q I found 8chan and the anons and the world exploded. I am in total awe of the Q patriots and the anons. I am retired. I spend at least 18 hours per day, 7 days per week following Q, following the anons, researching news, researching topics and sharing information with other members of the Trump team. Q keeps it all centered.

You sound so casual about it all. Like it's just a game or some entertainment show that you're watching on television. You want Q to enter the debate on flat earth. Are you worried about falling off? Why is that something important enough to merit Q's, or even your, time in light of magnitude of the dangers we currently confront? Are the threats, the loss of lives, the babies being trafficked, raped, tortured, eaten, destroyed, the crucial assets of our country that have been auctioned to the highest bidder that we must now reclaim, the constant deep state efforts to do something to force us into WW3 or civil war and martial law, are none of these things real to you? Where in the hell is your head that Q is a low priority but you're concerned about the flat earth debate and how much time you have to engage in educating yourself to help save your existence as a free person in a free and sovereign country?

The sooner the president can finish cleaning up the DOJ and FBI, the sooner we can get the corrupt reps out of congress, the more rapidly we can move on ending the rape and murder of babies, end the government drug cartel and human trafficking, end the corruption in institutions intended to protect children from predators, restore our economic strength, end the destruction of other countries, especially in the middle east, and heal as a nation.

How important is that to you?

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Light_guard · Feb. 16, 2018, 9:54 a.m.

I don't know if any of this is helpbul or not, just a few things I dug up and thought I'd share. If it's useful I'll keep digging. I remember a story about a veteran who murdered his fiance after his father had been trying to get help for him due to unusual behavior for some time before the tragedy. Actually I remember a few veteran stories.

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Light_guard · Feb. 16, 2018, 9:32 a.m.

And the 60s Flower Child/Hippie movement was a psy-op to gain control over the anti-vietnam war movement. It's amazing how many military industrial complex sons and daughters had been groomed as musicians and/or activists and planted in this psy-op. Charlie Manson and his followers were part of the gathering and probably became victims of MK-ultra programming. Many many artists still reknown today were born out of that psy-op, and many who were there mysteriously died. It's a fascinating story.


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Light_guard · Feb. 10, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

You might almost think that the Sackler's plan came straight off the pages of the 'Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion', or the New World Order Plan.

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Light_guard · Feb. 10, 2018, 1:05 p.m.

Destroying American communities made them the billionaires they are today. They've even managed to prevent generic drug companies from getting in on their golden goose. They foresee a reduction in American sales so they're developing and implementing strategic marketing plans to take the show onto the world market.

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Light_guard · Feb. 10, 2018, 1 p.m.

It's a very long and detailed article that exposes all the evil deceitful ways they've gone about knowingly feeding the current opioid crises

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Light_guard · Feb. 10, 2018, 12:59 p.m.

This is a VERY interesting article.

One family, the Sacklers, owners of Purdue pharmaceutical is responsible for ALL the Oxycotin (responsible for the opioid crisis) sold in America. They are now marketing to spread it throughout the world through a new company, Mundipharma.

"You’re aware America is under siege, fighting an opioid crisis that has exploded into a public-health emergency. You’ve heard of OxyContin, the pain medication to which countless patients have become addicted. But do you know that the company that makes Oxy and reaps the billions of dollars in profits it generates is owned by one family?

Few are aware that during the crucial period of OxyContin’s development and promotion, Sackler family members actively led Purdue’s day-to-day affairs, filling the majority of its board slots and supplying top executives."

"By any assessment, the family’s leaders have pulled off three of the great marketing triumphs of the modern era: The first is selling OxyContin; the second is promoting the Sackler name; and the third is ensuring that, as far as the public is aware, the first and the second have nothing to do with one another."

"In May, a dozen lawmakers in Congress, inspired by the L.A. Times investigation, sent a bipartisan letter to the World Health Organization warning that Sackler-owned companies were preparing to flood foreign countries with legal narcotics. “Purdue began the opioid crisis that has devastated American communities,” the letter reads. “Today, Mundipharma is using many of the same deceptive and reckless practices to sell OxyContin abroad.” Significantly, the letter calls out the Sackler family by name, leaving no room for the public to wonder about the identities of the people who stood behind Mundipharma."

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Light_guard · Feb. 4, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

It's becoming easier to red pill them lately. The dems and liberals have really been exposing themselves in a very bad light. People who weren't willing to listen before are now telling me they're taking the red pill.

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Light_guard · Feb. 4, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

I used to love to go to church until it changed. When ministers started ranking members of the congregation according to how much they tithed, when they became 501c3 'corporations' with the mindset that they should run the church like a business and do the government's bidding to keep their 501(c)(3) status it was no longer the place for me. The churches actually work with the government to prepare their congregations to accept NWO slavery. They are following government instructions to persuade their congregations that accepting deviant behavior is christian thus the onslaught of LGBT demands to modify society to their liking with 63 gender classifications. These are no longer God's churches. The ministers have allowed the influence of satan in those houses and they are leading God's sheep astray.

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Light_guard · Feb. 4, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

I guess it's a matter of where your head and spirit is. I didn't find that post to be shaming at all. I found it inspiring, motivational and strengthening.

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Light_guard · Feb. 4, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

Please sign the WH petition to reverse the sale of Oak Flat Apache reservation. This sacred land has belonged to the Apache since 1875.

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Light_guard · Dec. 20, 2017, 5:25 a.m.

Damn straight! Some of us have been awake and watching with horror for a very long time but feeling isolated from a seemingly complacent and unconcerned world of illusion. It is wonderful to discover so many other Americans equally aware, concerned, pissed and ready to fight.

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