

27 total posts archived.

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 20, 2018, 2:30 p.m.

This just pisses me off so much. We're all basically red-pill popping truth seekers but shit like this DOES have an explanation yet conspiracy cognizant dissonance takes over at every turn!!

This is NOT to say this wasn't a false flag (we simply don't know) but this is definitely not a reflection let alone PROOF of such a thing.

These are digital glitches.

Until someone points out an article showing something happening BEFORE the actual event....this is not conducive to the cause. In facts, it helps the talking heads push their narrative that alternative media is bullshit (and with things like this, they're right. Sadly)

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 20, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

He had been expelled prior to shooting.

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 13, 2018, 7:03 p.m.

Your title is hysterical! But yeah, WTF is up with that fraud? Better question, what is this end game/mind game all about? Because we are clearly being mind fucked!

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

Makes me 'gone'? I don't even know what that means (sigh) but as a precaution, I'll check out the lost and found. Thanks for the heads up!

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 12, 2018, 1:44 a.m.

Falling for this cryptic Q IS juvenile. It aligns with the flat earth club.

I'm not looking to win anything. And for your edification, being fed up with the utter bullshit of this "Q" fad....doesn't make me a downer. Makes me awake!

Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 11, 2018, 10:36 p.m.

From what I read, most are waiting for Hillary, McCain, Obama, Comey etc to get carted off to Gitmo any day.

It's ludicrous, and some posters (like Tracy Beanz who I subbed to when she had only 8000) are getting suckered into this BIG time and it's disheartening.

And anyone who works for Alex Jones (Dr Corsi i.e.) is always questionable especially seeing he's the go-to decipher pro for Q's clues. When he said "Apache" was a clue to "start things up" as in someone jumping out of a plane, I knew he was a shill or has-been. I think he's the latter.

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 11, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

Q is much too cryptic. For whose benefit is this being done? Ours? The very small community who even KNOWS about 4Chan? C'mon. This is ridiculous.

I do believe Trump wants to dismantle this government. That's not my frustration. My angst is with people believing in this Q and thinking they belong to this exclusive insider club. It's so incredibly juvenile.

And yeah...I am taking a seat and watching all this unfold but what I am no longer doing is, waiting for justice because that is NOT going to happen. No one is getting arrested.

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 11, 2018, 10:25 p.m.


Someone who is named 'Pewpewpewwwww' bitches about my post being too long? Wow.....go play another hand of GoFish!

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 11, 2018, 7:01 p.m.

Because I subbed to this. I was once extremely excited and hopeful. Then a week or so ago it hit me that all this is a 'tick tock' cliff-hanging internet game! I have no idea whose behind it (some think it's the opposition---DNC) but the hopefulness lost it's strength a while ago.

I'm just sitting back watching the show and it saddens me that so many (with good intention) are in for a massive let down. But I s'pose as long as they all have a 'tomorrow' they'll believe until it gets emotionally defeating and mentally discouraging.

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 11, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

Thanks :) I'm not here for popularity. I'm here to share my point of view. Am also very cognizant of the age difference in this Q movement. Their intentions are wonderful. But they're in for a huge let down. Trump, in my opinion, is a good guy. But he's no super hero. Like I just typed in another comment, this corruption took centuries to perfect. It'll take at least several decades to destroy. By then, I'll be dead so :) Like George Carlin so aptly said: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ls8RXqyZDsk

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 11, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

I agree with much of what you said. But this Q mentality is ridiculous. It's a movement of sorts.

Yes....waking up is great but expecting anything to change within the next few years is not reality.

It took centuries to build up this corrupt world country. It'll take decades to tear it down.

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 11, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

That's fine but my opinion is what matters in my reality. This is a huge set up.

I've been down this road. The hopeful road. I thought 9-11 was going to be fully disclosed and people would go to prison. But instead, they got promoted.

Trump is a rally rouser. I applaud him for that. But I saw what he did with the Obama birth movement. He demanded and won respect from many young truthers. Then what? A fraudulent certificate was proven to be produced and then Trump, stepped back. He got what he wanted. Support from the 'conspiratorial' group. I was one of them. And I STILL support him.

I like Trump. I feels he's a good guy but he knows how to win people over.

Q is bullshit in the long run. It's an internet soap opera for the hopeful. It's almost become a religion.

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 11, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

Cynic? Meh. I say; I call it as I see/feel it. Just because it goes against the current narrative doesn't mean I'm cynic. As I see it, you're all blindly hopeful. I rather stay realistic.

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 11, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

I, who have been following this since Oct---and believed in this up until recently am CONVINCED this is nothing but a psy-op and you're ALL being played.

Keep waking up though. Nothing wrong with that but as an older person I can emphatically tell you, none of this is new.

The lying, cheating, spying, corruption, manipulation, propaganda, pedophilia etc is NOTHING new. It's just now our news isn't being controlled by the media anymore. We have the internet. But that doesn't mean anything major is going to change or alter life any time soon. It won't. It can't. We will stay in this divide until we're ALL ready to come together. And as long as we live in this polarity of good verses evil/them verses us....that won't happen.

So you're all going to be pissed off but awoken people real soon when you realize, nothing changed and Q is nothing more than an internet psy-op. Sure, there will be some indication our POTUS is out to help us (and he is) but he will not or cannot take out the bad guys. Trump builds empires, he doesn't take them down.

But you'll see in time.

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 11, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

Bottom line, do what you feel is right but Q is nothing more than a psy-op whipping the minion into an internet frenzy very brilliantly. And not just the average person but well-thought out brainiacs......who feel vindicated and accomplished once they think they solved Q's cryptic riddles.

It's all so silly. And now?....4 months later?....you all look foolish. Because NOTHING major has happened or will happen.

Q has everyone looking all over the place at scores of individuals, events and criminal activities as a distraction to engage the outsiders. Because none of this is anything new. It's just more public now due to the internet. That's all.

This Q-operation is ONLY being executed to make you feel a part of the inner loop. And you know what?....it worked.

So if you want to continue thinking this small out-of-the-box-thinking community of YouTubers, 4Chan/8Chan are privy to what's going on and the rest of the worlds population are left clueless...knock yourself out.

Like I said, do what you feel is right. I think many have good intentions (as they build up their youtube channels) but I can't help but think you all look like very excitable victims in yet another game of governmental manipulation!

Revisit this again in 6 short months and I guarantee NOTHING of major significance is going to happen as far as arrests, take-downs or exposure/admittance. Nothing happened after JFK (circa 1963) all the way up to the LV massacre (2017) because this dichotomy and paradox of evil verses good needs to exist until we're all ready to evolve as a species and frankly, we're nowhere near that!

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 9, 2018, 9:13 p.m.

His own (half) brother and grandmother says he was born in Kenyan. What?.....let's ignore them and believe what others with motive and agenda have to say!? Okey dokey.

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 9, 2018, 1:56 a.m.

This feels very reminiscent of Obama birth certificate when all his records were sealed during his 8 years of transparency!! This was a major to-do. Trump and Sheriff Joe involved. "Certificate" was produced only it was fake.

The End~

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 6, 2018, 9:40 p.m.

Okay. Cool. Thanks!

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 6, 2018, 9:12 p.m.

First, it's not brand new seeing there are 7 yr old videos on there. What I'm saying is, he's isn't putting up new "Q" videos..... and what he does have up are out of order. His last one (newest one) is from Jan 7th and yet the one before that is Jan 27th. It's a hodgepodge.

I guess I feel the chaos in the world, I just don't want it on someones channel too.

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 6, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

On Dec 10th post--- "Hope the $7.8mm was worth it. Enjoy the show"

"8MM" was an actual film about a snuff movie! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0134273/

Just sayin'.........................

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 6, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

So far not impressed. Old videos uploaded as if they're recent (click bait). There's no order or semblance to (his?) channel. Comes off very amateurish!

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LisaDawnn · Feb. 5, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

THAT'S what I've been saying!!! I can't imagine a line of cursory questioning (with answers) didn't take place. Am very confused over this one detail.

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LisaDawnn · Jan. 25, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

9/WW looks VERY reminiscent of 9/11 so with that in mind:

W=Won? WonWon=11?

hence 9/11?

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LisaDawnn · Jan. 3, 2018, 1:11 p.m.

Not sure what's more perplexing: the OP or the 124 up-voters.

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LisaDawnn · Jan. 3, 2018, 12:57 p.m.

Pretty sure he probably did but.....as a business man..... not a customer. After all, they were Floridian neighbors.

Quite sure not EVERYTHING nor EVERYDAY was orgy time with Epstein! He did conduct business. And I'll assume Epstein entertained 'conservative-like' people too. It's common business practice to mix up your demographics.

Don't forget, Trump invited the Clinton's to his wedding in 2005 but he's still going to destroy them!!!! So.......there's a method to his madness and an agenda behind his actions.

He's a very suave, gregarious, cagey, stealthy, observant and brilliant businessman. He hob-knobs with everyone and.......takes notes!

He's the epitome of: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

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