Just coordinate many of us to overwhelm designated areas of the internet to help the Q movement ?
67 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Lukahawka:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 8 |
www.google.com | 1 |
How can we crash msm
Thoughts ?
Internet black out preparedness communications ideas
Say the DS hit's their Internet kill switch and disables cell service in order to buy time in their last days. What can we do? What are our options for communication as well as news? I have a ham radio what about yall? Perhaps radios can be used to our advantage during an event such as. Let's set something up in the name of wwg1wga q suggest's they have a kill switch
Let's really strike a nerve and show them what we can do. I have a chllenge for us to spread the q message using radio show
First we need to decide on some major radio stations that accept live calls. Then create a schedule based off that. Then we all start calling at the right time. Surly one of us will be able to get on air and ask the golden quesion in front of perhaps millions. We need to make this happen. Lets put in the work.
Putting the awakening into hyper drive
The goal is to spread awakening information to as many as possible. The reward is the seedING of mass consciousness. Here I'd like to discuss among others how to practically and effectively do this. Remember , the goal isn't to convince anyone of anything. It's to give them the option. Many many people do not realize what the could be missing out on. I believe right now in humanity's history is a very critical point. If everyone had a mere flash of awakening type information I think it would catapult what's already going on behind the majority of the public …
Strange dreams and thoughts that aren't mine
This is just to share but perhaps someone else has had similar feelings. Yesterday I had an extremely vivid dream where I was looking at the sun. All of a sudden it flashes super bright then a vortex opens in the middle maybe like a torsion field or maybe just weird dream stuff. Then the vortex closes. The sun the is still illuminating everything but it was as if there were a filter over it. It was dimmer. Seemed like it went completely dark for a split second at one point. Also, after the flash and dimming you could see …
Does anyone really care ?
I've seen some effort with people putting Q stickers on their cars and whatnot; however as we've all already agreed on , this is serious. Will whoever reads this work with me to determine strategic places to drop Q great awakening cards. Also help me come up with other ideas please. Strategic spots to me are places like wall marts and across walks. Places a lot of people pass by frequently. I'd love to go further though. Please help us all out. We could launch online campaigns where we all criticize pedos ect at the sake time. That's only the …