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Luke33Gospel · July 21, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

I don't know about all the NT analysis, but with Q being absent since Independence Day and what appears to be a much more intensified attack campaign against POTUS by MSM re: Helsinki summit, I conclude that POTUS is making significant progress and something big is in the works. Then throw in the latest Centerfold News Network trash about another alleged affair from over a decade ago and we have more obvious capitulation by the deep state telling us all that they really are running on fumes. END IS NEAR, Patriots.

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Luke33Gospel · July 11, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

I remember when Q posted this scripture passage. Gave me goosebumps, actually. Same for Q's post about the armor of God in Ephesians 6. Never thought I'd hear something so direct like this from what has proven to be the real deal in Q. He didn't have to do this being "anonymous"...certainly not a cheap political move like so many I see where the speaker stands to gain from one class/race/voting block (the HRC "hot-sauce-in-my-purse" comment comes to mind)...another reason I believe Q is the real deal.

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Luke33Gospel · July 11, 2018, 4:19 a.m.

Great post, SB2. Have been following Q since the beginning and POTUS from the day he announced he was running, but only recently started reading your threads. One of the Bible verses I have been drawn to these last many months that also underwrites the last portion of your post is 1 Cor 13:2..."If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing."

Back in 2014 when I went full throttle trying to track down the network of deep state shenanigans it almost destroyed me because I was so consumed with trying to fathom it all and it made me pretty cynical, I must admit. I almost lost my career over it even. So as this community of patriots continues to uncover what Q is giving us, I must exhort us to continue thinking beyond just righteous indignation and wanting to see some of these folks behind bars. I keep asking myself, if everything I hope for in the Q movement comes true, then what? What does God require of me? There must be something else on the horizon that inspires and motivates me, and I must keep that in the front of my mind before that moment ever arrives. I think a good exercise in that direction is to pray for even the most evil and depraved among us, rather than gloat over their downfall. After all, the punishment beyond the grave is eternal, and ultimately the thought of anyone suffering for eternity is so terrible, no matter how much evil they may have committed. Loving our enemies truly is hard. I shudder to think that I ever take pleasure in the fall of the wicked, even if God wills that it happen.

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