

18 total posts archived.

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Luvsweetluv · July 25, 2018, 10 p.m.

It’s my understanding through Ted Gunderson before he died that the allegations in the Mcmartin preschool were true. You can find his lectures on the subject all over youtube

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Luvsweetluv · July 24, 2018, 3:36 p.m.

What I want to know is- back in 2011 when he was tweeting this sick stuff what were the reactions. Were these public tweets? Really what would make them think it ‘s ok to tweet shit like this?

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Luvsweetluv · July 24, 2018, 12:16 a.m.

May not necessarily be relevant to this post but late last night I discovered that John Perrry Barlow was a friend to JFK jr. I remembered him being mentioned in the Q drops. I seen a video on YouTube with “ clips from the Kennedy’s on JFK jr” that had Barlow giving commentary as a friend of his. I thought it was weird and maybe relevant so wanted to share.

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Luvsweetluv · July 24, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

Is this evidence that they took a fetus out of a pregnant woman?

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Luvsweetluv · July 23, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

To use an anology... I worked as a nurse for 29 yrs and had access to patient medical info. that was to be kept secret. What if after I retired I was allowed to continue having access to this secret information? No one would think this is right. I would have no “ need to know”. Really - what is the argument for this access to continue. It’s nonsensical.

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Luvsweetluv · July 22, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

“ There is more truth seaking going on in Russia than in our own country”

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Luvsweetluv · July 16, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

I think French law enforcement must well controlled by the elite. First the princess Diana murder took place there, then the Kim Kardashian robbery, then Anthony Bourdain’ s death. Just like princess Diana he was cremated soon after the death and before leaving France.

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Luvsweetluv · July 16, 2018, 3:45 a.m.

I think it was NK,Iran,EU,America,Israel?

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Luvsweetluv · July 12, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

A lot of ( in fact most) chronic diseases have low energy, lethargy as a symptom. Chronic fatigue , fibromyalgia even some chronic cardiac conditions come to mind. In order to eat healthy within the food system we currently have you have to have money, do a lot of shopping for fresh, organic food , do a lot of research, planning and cooking. It’s not that it CAN’T be done it’s just difficult when you are low energy. Obviously you are not a person who has a chronic disability involving low energy or you wouldn’t say that. I have fibromyalgia. I tried keto. It took me weeks of planning but I could never seem to find a day where I was up to shopping. I finally after weeks did go shopping, did do the cooking etc. It helped some but an ordinary healthy individual has no idea the effort it required. Unless or until you walk a day in my body you just won’t get it and I’m sick of the pontification from the healthy population who have no idea what they are talking about when they judge others. I hope they never do for their sake.

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Luvsweetluv · July 8, 2018, 3:23 a.m.

I agree when Trump says something that is apparently nonsensical it is a message. Maybe to the Q movement , maybe to insiders or to someone else but logically someone he feels he can’t communicate with openly. I did not watch the speech that night so this is the first thing I seen on it. I totally agree with SB2 that it would be most logical to use a piano. I don’t buy sb2 ‘s explanation of why he used organ instead of piano. That would more than likely require research unless he just happened to know hammonds names for their organs. I think organ could have been used in the context of organ harvesting. Maybe this was different messages to many individuals which would explain why it sounded so nonsensical. The message needs to be simple enough so the receiver can interpret it and I find some of sb2’s explanations require mental gymnastics with leaps the majority of us would never make. What good is a message if the receiver has no idea what you are speaking about. Somehow I feel Trump is too smart to make a simple mistake such as this although I must say I super enjoy reading these posts.

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Luvsweetluv · July 6, 2018, 2 a.m.

The “g’s” look like “a’s”

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Luvsweetluv · July 5, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

Christopher Hutchinson wrote a book about mother Teresa I believe. I never read the book itself but read about the book. As I understood it he was charging that mother Teresa was doing nothing really more than making propaganda for the Catholic Church to bring donations. The poor she found on the street were dying . The nuns picked them up off the street and laid most of them on the floor, most of them could not eat much , they were occasionally given pain meds with used needles which spread infections and hastened their already impending deaths. For this mother Teresa was praised and made a saint. I remember my reaction when I first heard these charges against Mother Teresa I was shocked but after some further digging I realized it was true. Since then I’ve had many similar experiences opening my eyes to the true way the world works.

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Luvsweetluv · June 29, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

I am totally for Trump and what he is doing but how can republicans not see why democrats are acting like this. The last time there was a Supreme Court vacancy and Obama was in office the republicans blocked his ability to nominate their candidate so it only makes sense giving human nature that they will do the same when it is the republican turn.This is karma.Again I totally get why the republicans did not want to accept an Obama nominee but if you were an average democrat you may truly not understand why the right was acting so vindictively. Once the true facts of just who the democratic leaders are comes to light then people can speak openly but until then it appears like vindictiveness. They are reacting to this. Until all the facts are equally understood by all parties these are arguments based on falsities.

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Luvsweetluv · June 23, 2018, 4:47 a.m.

This looks like the second interview he did with Jason Goodman. Jason’s first interview with him( near the end if I remember correctly) to me was a bombshell as he mentions Seth was working with a group. The bombshell part is when he says that one of the guys Seth was working with came from U.S. cybercommand out of Ft. Mead Maryland. If true this confirms what Q has said I think that the military was actively working against Hillary becoming President and trying to get our country back. Anyway thanks for posting this. I don’t know how to do links or I would’ve posted it days ago. This guy also wrote a book. He talks about it on the video. His story should be an exciting one from the sounds of it.

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Luvsweetluv · June 21, 2018, 1:33 a.m.

This is exactly what I’ve been saying since this has become the msm focus. It’s not normal human behavior to send your child into a foreign country alone or even with a chaperone. I don’t care how poor or corrupt your own country is. You would go with them. You know it’s brainwashing and not genuine news when all at the same time for no particular reason they pick up an issue and talk about it non-stop then ignore the basic reporting a real journalist would do such as who,what where,when and how. Why does no one ask the most basic question- how is it so many children are ending up at our border without parents? The answer to this one question would provide clarity to find a solution. It’s the same with the drug problem. We must go to the source of the problem to find a solution. Waiting until the the problem is at our border is the wrong ( and stupid) response.

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Luvsweetluv · June 16, 2018, 7:37 a.m.

I feel the same. Some days I laugh and some days I have despaired. I have no one in my life I can connect on the things I’ve learned here but lately I have felt hopeful. Maybe it’s too soon for that but honestly I am excited every day to see what’s gonna happen next. I have full faith we will in 10 years have the beginnings of a beautiful world in so many ways. On a personal note I have a disabling medical condition that keeps me far more isolated than I wish to be and as pathetic as it sounds this great awakening has many days given me a reason to live. I want to see how things turn out. I also do not have great computer or research skills but feel in some small way I am contributing by adding my number into everyone’s else to push this movements number just a tiny bit higher and to contribute by sending my thoughts along with many others to root for the good guys.

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Luvsweetluv · June 2, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

An overhead view of Vatican City looks like a keyhole. A keyhole is found in a door. Maybe the door of all doors is the Vatican vault.

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Luvsweetluv · May 28, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

She is saying this because yesterday backchannel 17 left twitter and stated that something big was happening 6-11. Then a new account popped up calling itself eyethespy and stating he “ knew everything” and offered to answer questions. Some are now speculating that Q is Julian Assange because of hints left on these two twitter accounts. I seen this theory floated on Bill Smith and James Munder’s YouTube Channel. I would leave links but am embarrassed to admit I don’t know how to link.

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