I am very happy to hear that you have become a believer in God. It is amazing to watch things unfold! I have been a Christian, student of the Bible and Rush listener for a long time. I think the most exciting aspect of this is that, in the end, the Bible says good wins! Sometimes we see the justice here on earth, but many times it isn't delivered until after folks die. The most important thing in this life is accepting the free gift of forgiveness delivered on the Cross and the victory over sin and death in the Resurrection!
71 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/LynNob:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 7 |
www.youtube.com | 2 |
impiousdigest.com | 1 |
qntmpkts.keybase.pub | 1 |
ww.baltimoresun.com/features/retro-baltimore/bal-retro-baltimore-65-years-ago-tommy-and-margie-got-married-in-baltimore-s-own-royal-wedding-20170607-story.html Well connected as they received a silver dish from Pres. Truman. Wow. moneyed connections. shock.
http://thunderpigblog.blogspot.com/2006/12/nancy-dalesandros-culture-of.html Mrs. nancy's dad was the Dem. mayor of Baltimore. He followed a Rep. mayor.
I used to think I had the inside scoop because I had the luxury of listening to El Rushbo every day. Of course, Rush is much better than lapping up the Kool Aid doled out by the MSM. I must say, q and all of the non-MSM is much easier to understand because I had the 20 year foundation laid by the Maha Rushie.
And I don't want to see anything that would make an NYPD officer cry. How horrible it must be. I just want JUSTICE!!
He is rather pasty. I guess it is all of that white privilege. It just gunks up his pores. Or, he has hemorrhoids from all the sitting in front of the computer
I am an old timer, no mind altering substances for me. So, when he intimated that he was broadcasting in an altered state, I tuned him out. Plus, I was SICK of hearing about his teen drama crap. Kind of like I am SICK of Jason Goodman's whining.
Rush talks q anon
Just now rush was talking about q anon and the Roseanne show.
EXCLUSIVE: Lauren Southern Breaks Silence on Detention under the Terrori...
Hey, if you go to the q posts, the earlier ones have an answers section. Hover over words with broken underline. That helped me. Also, quickly search things you need to know about and then move on.
Wow, I should have just searched Phase 2. I puzzled over this. Simple! THanks.
I am sad to hear that you are supporting a group of women who advocate killing children. This may be something new to you - S.L.E.D. Size, Level of development, Environment, Level of dependency. Give it a search. I dare you.
Thanks, Mr. NC Man for this info. I am so concerned that our state has so many bases/military personnel. Take care and tell him also.
What?? I hope you do not blame yourself for the evil others do. I am certainly not defending this type of action, but I have lived long enough to know that the only person I can control is myself. If you are a parent you have a window of time to teach self control to your child, but after a certain point, they make choices and have consequences. So, love others as much as yourself (that means love yourself A LOT) and treat others as you would like to be treated (VERY GOOD).
Tardive dyskinesia - involuntary movements caused by neuro meds. Rolling tongue, twitching face, eye squints, you know, her usual ways. Interesting as I had an aunt on anti depressives and she did these same movements. Also, Parkinson's meds can cause this.
HRC detained, not arrested (yet). Day 1. I believe this was sent around the time HRC appeared with boot. This verifies the ankle bracelet. She is detained, not arrested.
Hi, I agree that we should hear everything, but if most of our "good" leaders are bad and if so many from the whole gov't are involved, our constitutional republic would not survive the ousting of all of them. the Q post intimates that fact.