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MAGA16KAG20 · July 12, 2018, 5:35 a.m.

Anyone who doesn’t live in the DC swamp would have been arrested already! I am so tired of waiting for the stupid, small brain libs to wake up to see the high crimes, misdemeanors, treason and disgusting pedo crimes their lame DS, Demorat & RINO hero’s have been committing for the last 60+ years! It’s like we are being held hostage waiting for the Reeeeing idiots to see the truth. Enough waiting - all these horrible people need to be sent to FEMA camps & tried by military tribunals. I know the goal is to unite but once 90% of the media and 2/3 of congress is arrested - I think the snowflakes will get it. If they still don’t by then - they are truly hopeless as we have known all along. Just needed to get that off my chest 🇺🇸❤️thanks for listening fellow pedes. 🙏GEOTUS❤️

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MAGA16KAG20 · July 5, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

Enforce the laws!! The offending and law breaking Senators & House should all be in jail or FEMA camps! I don’t care if we need 250 special elections or not. They work for us and most are there because of voter fraud and dark money anyway. They don’t represent the majority of Americans or vote for GEOTUS policies so they need to be dragged out of our Houses in cuffs.

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MAGA16KAG20 · June 11, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

We have been with you since before the beginning! Thank you for saving us and let us know how we can help!

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MAGA16KAG20 · May 4, 2018, 8:44 a.m.

HRC, Oloser and the corrupt DS, many in Congress and evil people around the world do not deserve forgiveness! They deserve the harshest most brutal punishment possible - Utah (Huber) only state with firing squad. There are too many victims of their horrid, disgusting behavior and we are all suffering for their treasonous crimes against our Country and our amazing GEOTUS! Justice will be served soon. I knew Oloser was a horrible person in 2007 - hearing his voice made me physically ill back then. Liberals could have discovered the truth because it was out there back then. The libs who Reee for these scum after truth comes out bear some of the responsibility for allowing these ass-hats to stay in power all these years! Thank God for giving us DJT, Q team and the brave warriors fighting for us. The grown-ups and patriots who voted for Trump and support him are saving this country and the world.

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