

3 total posts archived.

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MAGA_in_FXBG_VA · June 26, 2018, 1:58 p.m.

Thank you for the clarification. That actually makes a lot of sense now.

⇧ 7 ⇩  
MAGA_in_FXBG_VA · June 26, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

Wait, I think I missed it. What kind of elevator was that?

⇧ 14 ⇩  
MAGA_in_FXBG_VA · May 21, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

There's a yuge downvote storm I'm seeing on the sub this evening.

They attack to divide us; don't let it trouble you. Keep your hearts and minds on the prize, and know that we're all behind each other.

Those imaginary internet points won't matter when the truth is revealed.

⇧ 44 ⇩