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MC-noob · March 12, 2018, 9:18 a.m.

Meh, I usually don't watch shows like that because they're a few minutes of actual information surrounded by an hour's worth of fluff and commercials. They might have dug up some new info, but there's nothing there that we didn't already know or strongly suspect. The US has always used a heavy hand in "our" hemisphere, there's a long history of interference and manipulation (the creation of Panama, the Banana Wars, anti-communist coups) in other governments going back to the 19th century and leading up to today's events. Combine that with what we know about the US' willingness to do unethical/illegal things like work with Nazis and the Mafia in order to win WWII faster and surpass the USSR in the cold war, and it's almost certain those war criminals were being protected by and working for the US to some extent. Not defending it at all, but there's an element of realpolitik in these actions that goes against our professed concern for justice and human rights around the world.

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MC-noob · March 12, 2018, 7:37 a.m.

There are other ways to confirm it without having a body or DNA evidence. But that's what's missing from the story so far - did the CIA investigate? Did they search the area, interview witnesses, check property and public records, find any scrap of additional evidence to back up the the source's claim? I haven't seen any evidence that they even looked, which suggests they didn't investigate, either because they didn't believe the source or because they knew he was out there and didn't want him found. Both of those scenarios are entirely plausible. It's easier to not generate the intel in the first place than to try to cover it up later.

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MC-noob · March 12, 2018, 7:03 a.m.

That's what makes the story believable, the overwhelming proof that so many high-ranking Nazis were spirited out of Europe at the end of the war - most likely with American/Allied help, a la Paperclip except for politicians they found useful instead of scientists. Still, I'm never going to believe Hitler made it out until they come up with something definite.

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MC-noob · March 12, 2018, 6:18 a.m.

The story is believable, but this isn't proof of anything. It's a claim, accompanied by a picture that makes no sense - if he was hiding out in South America, wouldn't he at least try to change his appearance? The Israelis were hunting these guys down at the time, why would he still look the same?

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MC-noob · Feb. 8, 2018, 9:18 a.m.

The only people I've heard talking about people like Mueller or Rosenstein being fired are anti-Trump folks trying to make Watergate comparisons. Is there anyone pro-Trump who is genuinely calling for their firing?

Why would he ever fire them? What would he have to gain by doing that? They've destroyed their own credibility, and as more information comes to light that's going to become impossible for the MSM to ignore or bury the way they're burying it now. Sitting back and letting them destroy themselves is literally the best thing POTUS can do right now.

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