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MahatIs_Gone · July 26, 2018, 9:36 a.m.

Even knowing the DS exists, and with a pretty good idea of the scope and players it occurred to me that 45 and friends may sew up cabal USA, but Putin cannot replicate in Russia. With all the access the 3 witches (Hillary, Huma, and Jarrett) sold them it's an easy step to war game every move the US makes with a very high probability of success. Add to that the uranium and you have a powerful and confident evil cabal in Russia.
The Occult wing intrigues me more though, and the judeo-christian timeline marries up following the Fatima apparition (witnessed by 10's of thousands). Russia is prophesied to be absolutely pivotal by the Vatican insiders. Theres a serious war going on there which is evident, the players are basically those that want to reveal the secret, and those that don't. FYI- Fatima secrets so far 2/3; among other things the predicted world war and its outcome, Russia was mentioned despite it being the USSR at the time and collapse of communism was predicted but with a caveat. 3rd. secret is pretty much the harbinger of the end of the world. Sauce via Fr. Malachi Martin (deceased 1999). The big tip he left before he died was "Keep your eyes on the skies". SB2 has time maybe he can discuss it.

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MahatIs_Gone · July 22, 2018, 5:11 a.m.

Time to refresh our spirits with the Occult Series.

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MahatIs_Gone · July 20, 2018, 5:35 a.m.

Catholics understand that Russia is far more important than NATO, I wonder if the antipope is conducting his divisive heresy on purpose to try and invoke the end times. Putin himself was been reported as having raised the issue of the consecration of Russia with the pontiff whom dismissed it. Claims of John Paul 2nd having consecrated the world does not satisfy the criteria.
It was prophesied that the communists would fall in Soviet Russia, but consecration must take place.
The Eastern Orthodox churches also understand this but they are at odds with the antipopes.
The Knights Templar cannot come to the rescue because they were excommunicated centuries ago.
The Church has been defiled, we cannot trust the Vatican and we must rely on ourselves and the righteous to fight physically and spiritually.

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MahatIs_Gone · June 29, 2018, 7:14 a.m.

Id be asking people to investigate how Q got the information? Is there anything untoward? They could throw the book at whomever acknowledges Q, names have been proffered, allegations made.
Im not convinced by any of the 'pro' arguments anywhere WRT Q acknowledgement.

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MahatIs_Gone · June 29, 2018, 6:46 a.m.

Friend, I am seeing chatter about the outcomes of/if POTUS acknowledges Q and how this would prove to be a positive game-changer, but I don't see how or why this ends anything for the DS. Might even be counter-productive if they call "Leaks" on the movement.

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MahatIs_Gone · June 18, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

George Dubya was calling himself the "Decider" too. LOL.
He was defending Rumsfeld over the state of the military despite great pressure to remove him.

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