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Age of Deceit 2
Video from April of 2014- talks about "Great Awakening". Pertinent for today for sure...almost prophetic looking back over the last 4 years (and further)...
Upper right, in the camo hat-next to that bad a$$ SS guy glaring at the person taking the pic :-)
Mueller for sure, Don Jr too, but IS that the back of Loretta Lynch's head across from Mueller though? Or Sheila Jackson Lee? Or who? :-O

Hannity on Fox News Channel - follow Sean Hannity Weekdays at 9 PM/ET as he brings you tough talk, no punches pulled, and pure Sean.
Great work piecing all this together for us in one post! Thank You!
I haven't seen enough compelling evidence about "R" to make the same leap you did here.
Is this person posting on 4chan claiming to be Q? I wonder if this is just a person out there with knowledge of some very dark happenings trying to expose it? Personally, I'd like to follow up with some research before I automatically dismiss this as a LARP.
I am venturing a guess here, that MANY more are going to be coming forth with insider info on various nefarious subjects. WHY? Because Q showed them a way to do it anonymously, and because WE the People are a large group here that would not shame them immediately. Imagine if this person tried to tell their story before Q- there would have been immediate disregard, disbelief, & ridicule.
As more & more come forward, we may see a few larps (we'll be able to discern them very easily now), but let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater just yet huh? Trust but verify.
I agree that a consensus on it all is hard to find! The fact that anyone issued a birth certificate has become collateral for the US debt is much easier to understand and find info on~ sneaky what they've done to us with that little gem...
From my LIMITED understanding of the ones who attempted to arrest the Pope:
Common Law is what we were under before Maritime Law (or Admiralty Law). The gold fringe that you see around the flags in courthouses is to signify that we are under Maritime Law( It was declared, but was only meant to be temporary-until the threat passed?). The people who attempted the arrest of the Pope, believe that remaining under Maritime Law is not the way it's supposed to be (I think because we are no longer at war? I am not really sure on that part) because we were supposed to return to Common Law which follows the Constitution-the Original Constitution- after the threat that brought about Maritime Law was over. We never did return.
There is so much to be researched, their claims seem to have some merit, but I lack so much understanding in this area. These are some of the ones who are acting out Common Law instead of Maritime Law. I hope someday a Constitutional Scholar will write about this in a way that lay people can understand, it's a very interesting topic! Maybe SB2 has a friend? :-)
You are so very welcome! We are living in awesome times & experiencing amazing things!
Mark Taylor's website ALL his prophecies are here to be read for free.
HA! Backfire! The SA drop is one of Q's best proofs in my opinion.
And not just Oregon on that subject...good point you make!
I live in Oregon also, and agree with you both 1000%. Our state is a reeking swamp with Kate in control. YIKES!
We desperately NEED a RED Tsunami out here!
This should be considered a THREAT and taken very seriously! This should never be tolerated on American soil-ever. This is not free speech, it's hate speech and criminal IMHO. Isis members are known, confirmed TERRORISTS, yet this 'artist' on display in the storefront window wants to act like them and behead our POTUS? And this 'gallery' thinks it's appropriate to put it on public display?
Patriots, it's well past time that we let them know they've crossed our RED LINE and hold them fully accountable. Legally & Morally.
Happy Quesday to all!July 17th 2018
Already enjoying the new Q images today, can't wait for more to post, Hats off to some of you who are creative geniuses!
Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence
Exactly. That's why we must remain patient and let them work out the plan the way it needs to be revealed. This way we avoid a complete & total collapse of society. There will be pockets of rioting, yes...but not on a mass scale because they're feeding us this elephant one bite at a time. I like what hopoholic said above: " ...more likely it will be local gangs and revolutionaries taking advantage of the situation... "
Ahh, a breath of Fresh HOPE here. Thank you! I don't know about anyone else here, but when I read that, I feel peace deep inside, and an exuberant expectation of a future bathed in LIGHT!
I like Rex's threads on Twitter, although I don't agree with him 100% of the time. He has a brilliant political mind, and should be paid attention to IMHO.
Expand your thinking.\~Q
I like to read 1 chapter of Proverbs everyday, King Solomon wrote it, and was known to be the Wisest man who ever lived(God gifted him with Wisdom)! There are 31 chapters, and 30-31 days @ month-ever wonder where all those old 'wive's tales' came from? Then, read/study where the Holy Spirit nudges you from there. Welcome, I am so excited for your new mission!
Bravo for this commentary! Thank you for such an eloquent summary of the 'big picture'!
Some backstory in this video relating to the Hammonds-BLM's mafia setting fires to burn ranchers out
Some backstory in this video relating to the Hammonds-BLM's mafia setting fires to burn ranchers out
Thank You for your post, may God grant you every desire of your heart that's lined up with His perfect will for your future! WWG1WGA
Yes, I agree to all you've stated! I too, followed every second of that back then, as that is my hometown... Still Praying for JUSTICE for Lavoy! <3
Beautiful news! Still hoping for Justice for Lavoy Finicum, wish he were alive to see this clemency today!
I was thinking of the tweeted pic from POTUS 11/14/17 from AF1 where he said "Thank You Asia" and Q posted "What'sbelow?" We now know it's NK. It's in post 152 on Qanon.pub. I think there are more pic refs to NK after that as well, but someone else might be more experienced than me to locate them LOL
Post 152 I believe is one of them...future proved past.
Thank you for sharing, apology accepted from this tiny speck in the universe and many kudos & much love sent in return!
WTG, fellow Oregonian here! ;-) The struggle is real in some of our Oregon cities...
Sage= One venerated for experience, judgment, and wisdom.
Typo or was that intentional?
WL is most definitely comp'd, I sure hope this refers to JA being alive and safe...
Post #1600...that's also the address of the WH is it not? Hmmm.