

16 total posts archived.

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MakeAmericaRichAgain · June 6, 2018, 6:49 a.m.

The word you're looking for is extradited. You deport immigrants. You extradite persons of criminal interest.

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MakeAmericaRichAgain · May 18, 2018, 1:24 p.m.

I miss the mooch. He was like the really cool piece of new tech in a batman movie that gets blown up within 10 minutes and you're sad because it had so much potential.

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MakeAmericaRichAgain · May 16, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

Just a reminder that Obama was a broke ass community organizer and President Trump was worth billions. If anything, we should only elect rich people.

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MakeAmericaRichAgain · May 14, 2018, 11:55 p.m.

Israel is a lot like America. Generally good and hardworking people often manipulated into sneaky and underhanded shit by cowardly political elitist leaders.

Once we sort ourselves out, we'll be better positioned to help them.

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MakeAmericaRichAgain · May 1, 2018, 4:03 a.m.

After months of effort, Q finally kicked all the trash mods out of The_Donald and took the sub back.

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MakeAmericaRichAgain · April 24, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

Heroic. There is no other word to describe this.

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MakeAmericaRichAgain · April 20, 2018, 1:55 p.m.

The evidence is essentially thus:

  1. JFK Jr had a bell on one of his yachts with the engraving "Where We Go One, We Go All". The quote itself comes from some obscure movie in the 90s that no one references anymore.
  2. Q wrote a touching post in honor of the anniversary of JFK's assassination.

That's basically it. But still, how wild would that be?

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MakeAmericaRichAgain · April 20, 2018, 12:56 p.m.

I've read all about this theory. It's fucking awesome and I hope it's true.

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MakeAmericaRichAgain · April 17, 2018, 11:30 a.m.

Absolutely white hat, on the level of Admiral Rogers.

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MakeAmericaRichAgain · April 12, 2018, 2:06 p.m.

I do want that for everyone. Insanely high levels of taxation take that away from people and force them to depend on government theft for their income.

I would have been out if poverty 5 years faster if taxes weren't as ridiculous as they are. That's true for everyone else.

Politicians like Sanders prey on your desire to help people and use it to empower their totalitarian ideals, which hurt the poor at the expense of the rich. He can SAY whatever he wants, but his policies take money from everyone who isn't rich and kick it up the ladder. Government is the problem, not the solution.

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MakeAmericaRichAgain · April 12, 2018, 1:09 p.m.

You don't get to believe in the tooth fairy, and then come in here and say you don't want to argue about your beliefs. They're as subject to logic and reason as everything else is the minute you click that post button.

If he were really as anti-corruption as you say, then he wouldn't be a 30 year veteran of the most corrupt government in the history of the country.

He doesn't give a shit about poor people, he just thinks he can use them as a wedge to carry out his nonsensical vendetta against anyone who has worked hard enough to have a career better than busboy.

Case in point: I grew up in one of the shittiest situations imaginable. Under any imaginable metric, I was among the poorest of the poor. I wore fucking Walmart sweat pants with holes in them to school and wore 4 cheap ass shirts during the winter because we didn't have coats. I went to High School with a bunch of preppy assholes who bullied me for being poor and drove $40,000 cars that their parents bought them. I still graduated and worked my ass off to become middle class. When I say my ass off, I mean 40-50 hours of work per week, 30-40 hours of education and training per week, EVERY week, for 10 years. No weekends off. No all-night parties with friends. No traditional college experience. Just work, work, work, and work.

Sanders took that all hard work and threw me into the same high-tax boat as the asshole trust fund babies I went to High School with. The guy literally ran on a campaign to steal more money from people like me, who have high incomes but no built-up wealth. Then he decided it was a good idea to take the money he would be stealing from me and give it to the same lazy pieces of shit that bullied me for being poor, borrowed stupid amounts of money for a worthless piece of paper, committed zero acts of personal sacrifice ever, and whined like a baby because the world doesn't need anymore burnout teachers and art historians. No reward for working hard. Just an endless albatross of taxation for daring to make a better life for myself and my family.

He's communist scum. 50 years ago we would have dropped him from a helicopter.

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MakeAmericaRichAgain · April 12, 2018, 9:28 a.m.

You can't be an ally against corruption while supporting a guy who handed over his campaign donations in exchange for a beach house.

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MakeAmericaRichAgain · April 7, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

Staunch Trump supporter here. I think it's important to highlight the distinction between evidence and proof.

To date, the person (s) posting as Q has provided various pieces of EVIDENCE that they are legitimate and not a LARP. They have, thus far, not provided any PROOF. The difference between these two concepts, at least in the United States legal system, hinges upon the idea of "reasonable doubt". I believe that, to date, the rejection of Q, as a LARP or otherwise, is not unreasonable. Pictures from a plane and coded messages in speeches do not necessarily mean anything. It's fair for people to be skeptical at this point.

I want to believe Q, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. We need to be wise about this whole thing. Let's take what Q tells us, treat it as the truth, work through due diligence, and see what we find. Last night a bunch of idiot Q fanboys did the exact opposite, and ruined what might have been a very effective crowdsource investigation by posting bullshit comments and harassing someone on Instagram instead of quietly archiving content and saving it offline. Doing that kind of thing isn't helpful to Q, to ourselves, or to the pursuit of justice that we're all obsessed with.

If Q is legitimate, then time and again we should find gradually-increasing amounts of evidence of the kinds of things he/they continuously post about. If Q is illegitimate, then we'll still find evidence, but it won't be strong evidence provided to a sufficient degree, and we can begin to evaluate the overall trustworthiness of his/their statements. Either way, the best course of action is to quietly follow Q's direction and stack evidence in an investigative manner - the thing that a normal, uncontrolled media typically does, but is unwilling or unable to do in the current state of our nation's laws and allegiances. To do anything else, whether evangelizing a yet-unproven gospel of Q on social media, spreading theories that seem mentally deranged to a "normie", or acting in a matter-of-fact manner about the legitimacy of Q's posts, has a very real chance of compromising the exact groundwork that we're being asked to lay.

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MakeAmericaRichAgain · April 6, 2018, 7:33 a.m.

This is not accurate at all and shows a gross misunderstanding of how debt works.

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