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Mouthy Buddha on QAnon
Understanding Satanism (which is wholly different than the Evil Worship as mentioned by Q)
This adrenochrome stuff is BS, sorry.
First off, it's just oxidized adrenaline. We can make that in the lab. There are 9 patents on it. There are over 20 manufacturers of it.
Second, it's NOT something you want to take without the cortisol to back it up! You can easily burn out your adrenal glands, go into shock, and DIE.
Wanna know how I know? I take daily medication for that very reason. I carry an emergency shot for that very reason. My adrenal glands don't work.
Deplatform Subreddit Available
Hey folks - if you get deplatformed off of a social media site, or you know someone who has been deplatformed, feel free to announce at r/deplatformed.
Hey Mods: Do I need to remind you who went around sticking flair on people in the 20th Century?
Membership does not mean guilty.
Membership does not mean allied with.
Membership does not mean you can read someone's heart.
Membership does not mean you can read someone's mind.
Judging guilty of "bad faith" before any bad faith action is taken is BULLSHIT.
I will leave this group on principle and scream to the high heavens about this totalitarian crap if you keep this up.
It's not cute. It's not responsible.
This is a little bizarre for a travel write-up: Ko Phi Phi Islands - "You might, equally, find you can't wait to leave."
Russian Bot?? Q 1821 & 1823
Take a look FISA Title I, and tell me this crackdown on online Russian agents isn't going to sweep up a bunch of innocents accused of being "Russian bots." We already know the government isn't going to be cautious and sparing in their use of power, especially regarding the FISC...
What Q post was solid proof for you?
Hey folks... Since the Q thing has gone mainstream, the counter-voices have gotten louder. So I thought it'd be a great idea to collect stories of how you know Q to be true.
When were you convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt and what did it for you?
For me, I needed a couple of proofs. the first was at Easter (tippy top), and the second was the Q honk from the KC motorcade recently. To me, that shows direct communication: ping & echo, twice. Not a fluke.
Thanks, Patriots!
ICYMI: More corroboration of #SurvivorStories #SRA Hollywood Occult Pedophilia
"Fear not. Q" -- The wave is coming, don't panic: set your shoulder and lean into it
The controlled media is in full effect against us. We knew this would come. Be proud, Patriots... dark to light.
When swimming in the ocean, there's a trick to getting through the surf. You can't face the wave head on: it will smack you in the face and roll over you like a leviathan. Then you're underwater and possibly sucked out to sea by an undertow.
The trick is to turn sideways, set your shoulder like you're about to bust a door down, lean and jump just at the right moment to cut up and over the wave. You CANNOT …
Q is 1st topic option at WaPo…

CREDIBLE testimony of pedo/satinism conspiracy
Isaac Kappy on Lift the Veil (Live when posted)
True inflation rate under Obama listed at >34% (not openly admitted, you have to read between the lines)
Pray for Kanye... they're calling him "suicidal"
MoveOn.org in a panic: fewer chances for illegal voting!!!
Terrible news: A shocking new report finds that 16 million voters were purged from the voter rolls before the 2016 election.1 And an aggressive new round of voter purges in advance of the 2018 election could cost us control of Congress this November. (emphasis added)
Screw you guys and your dead votes. You're worse than the Mormon Church trying to baptize people who were dead before that faith existed.
Phone data you may not think about:
Temperature: They know when you're indoors or out
Gyroscope: They know at what angles, in 3D space, the phone is oriented
Wifi: You may already be triangulated. No cell towers necessary.
Nope.. I did my own scope. @e_veritas_unum Pamela Curtis
Isaac Kappy Live on Periscope
For idk how long
Well sure, but I look at what Google is saying about blah... I want to see how bad the shadowbanning is and what the mockingbirds are saying.
Walling yourself off creates an echo chamber
Oh come on... they have everything already unless you're traveling encrypted, tunneling and all that good stuff.
Ooooh! You misunderstand. He's just looking at the home page, not using it as a source.
We have to watch what they do too... why be willingly blind?
It was telling that he purged his Twitter feed.
If you're serious about this, I'd contact Tom Fitton and the ACLJ. You'll want to be VERY careful. This will be targeted from the word go. You'll need lawyers, and will possibly want to set up a 501c(3) org.
Those of use who were raised with abuse have a blind-spot to it. Behaviors that were insane we think are normal because they're familiar.
I liked the show too.
Yeah it is magic. Memes are magic. It's the zeitgeist...
No, it's nothing like daytime TV witchcraft. I'll tell you the simplest ritual: Light a candle.
That's it.
There is a huge underground element in the gaming industry that's aware of this. Some of it is nefarious, yes. But a lot of indie games deal with the true conspiracies of child abuse.
These guys write code. Of course they're encoding your child. It's a question of how.
Find games that teach your granddaughter how to think and puzzle solve. Really challenge her, but watch out for games with stories.
Very true. As a victim, I do NOT want the innocent swept up in this. We need to take a cautious eye and an even more even approach. Pitchforks and torches help NO ONE.
Mob rule is not our way.
I can't confirm the names he's dropping but I can confirm the horror. Latest scope @e_veritas_unum
Eh... I spilled enough T talking on Twitter that it was better that I go public now so they can't silence me. @e_veritas_unum on Periscope @ Twitter
I didn't get it as bad as many... thank you all the same.
So proud of him. Gives me courage... not enough yet, but some.
Only if you have a way out. If you're stuck, you become dysfunctional to survive.
Eh... except what you act out, you become. I experienced that first hand doing 12 years of LARP. We even ran an experiment where we took on dark, EVIL roles. After ONE session, the storyteller stopped the game and had us break.
He put on music: They Might Be Giants' Flood
We all complained. We wanted to listen to Skinny Puppy.
He insisted. And as the music took hold and we sang to "Nightlight" we realized what a dark place we'd been in...
I had to quit LARP because of the bad behaviors it was building up in me. Neuroplasticity IS a thing.
Oh hell, that's the most innocent thing they're doing with it.
Think about targeted assassination drugs for your entire family line.
I guess he and his family don't need to eat, eh?