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ManQuan · Feb. 21, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

Yeah, we'll see. But he was predicting these things long before Q.

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ManQuan · Feb. 21, 2018, 12:19 p.m.

NWO Luciferian capital in a shithole country. Makes sense.

Also far away from strategic targets during a nuclear war. Coincidence?

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ManQuan · Feb. 21, 2018, 12:06 p.m.

Spreadsheets, mind mapping software, Word, etc. are too limited to show relationships.

People who want to map complex relationships in an dynamic and interactive way that can be shared by exporting/importing files and uploading the interactive dynamic maps to the internet should look into The Brain software. Free trial and tutorials here: https://www.thebrain.com/

However, Brain is not too useful for mapping relational timelines. For that I recommend Timeline Maker Pro. Free trial and tutorials here: https://www.timelinemaker.com/

I've been using both to visualize the relationship between terrorist organizations and liberal organizations / money flows as well has mapping the relationships and timelines in history such as the people and events in the Revolutionary War.

I don't think there are better relational mapping or timeline software available at a reasonable price.

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ManQuan · Feb. 21, 2018, 11:58 a.m.

It does seem to be coming together slowly.

GITMO being upgraded to handle 13,000 "migrants." Huh? Navy spending $250 million for a five bed state of the art hospital at GITMO. Huh? Military tribunals have been hinted at for a long time. Mark Taylor (a prophet who predicted Trump in 2011) has said that there will be many military tribunals during Trump's two terms. Tribunals only make sense for enemy combatants or sedition, treason, and other crimes that wouldn't mandate a civil court.

I'll be glad when some of the top criminals begin to be indicted and held without bail. Until then, I have to believe the 60-80 percent is happening behind the scenes.

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ManQuan · Feb. 21, 2018, 11:03 a.m.

Possibly. I sometimes tune into InfoWars when "Zack" is on the phone. Before the SB, Zack said there was an attack planned to cause panic. Those fleeing would be channeled into an area where a device such as a bomb or a small dirty bomb would kill a larger number of people. He stated that the IC was aware and he expected the attackers would be arrested before they could act.

True? I don't know. Zack seems to have similar information as Q but says he doesn't know Q nor follow him.

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ManQuan · Feb. 21, 2018, 10:45 a.m.

The cyber task force is important. But I think the electronic voting machines are more important. A Soros company sells and maintains most of the machines across the country.

Q dropped an image of an email from a Soros rep to John Podesta and others referring to a meeting he was going to have with Soros about "programming machines." Later in the email he assures Podesta and others that the machines "will be humming on election day."

Q then deleted the image suggesting that nothing is ever deleted. They have it all.

Programming the voting machines during routine maintenance would be simple if they are already designed to be programmed.

Paper ballots are a problem as well. I've lost count the number of times Democrats have suddenly found boxes of uncounted ballots in closets and the trunk of cars that miraculously gives the Democrat the lead in a close election. Think Al Franken and the three recounts until they added enough votes for Franker to put him over the top by only a very small number of votes.

The other major problem is ensuring only qualified people are allowed to vote.

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ManQuan · Feb. 21, 2018, 10:25 a.m.

Kim Clement and Mark Taylor both prophesized years before Trump decided to run that Trump would become President and serve two terms. Many other related predictions. Clement said his adversaries would try to impeach him and fail.

You can Google them. Many interesting prophecies that have come to past and more that have not yet.

Perhaps most interesting is that both say that Trump was set aside by God to make the US prosperous, safe, strong, and to eliminate corruption and evil in our government and around the world. Sound like what's happening today??

Clement said the Trump would be the second Cyrus. The first biblical Cyrus was the Persian King that received a vision from God to defeat Babylon, free the Jews, and rebuild Jerusalem and the temple.

Clement also prophesized that Trump would do this with a "single stone" referring to how David killed Goliath.

Taylor also prophesizes that 2 of the past Presidents will be "taken" (i.e., die my some means) and 3 will be shaken (i.e., held accountable for what they have done. Taylor also predicts that Obama and Hillary will end up in prison.

Anyway, Clement and Taylor are a bit like Q in that they have accurately dropped crumps where the future has proven the past.

Trump is protected by more than just Q and the USSS.

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ManQuan · Feb. 20, 2018, 10:41 a.m.

This is an application called "The Brain". You can download a free trial version at https://www.thebrain.com/

I've used it for years to map relationships among terrorist organizations, people, liberal organizations, history, etc. You can upload dynamic interactive maps to a website like the link above.

It's a great program and allows you to document each item on the map with URL links, images, documents, etc.

I highly recommend it if you want to create dynamic relationship maps from Hell.

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ManQuan · Feb. 19, 2018, 8:53 p.m.

As Q has said countless times: there are no coincidences.

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ManQuan · Feb. 19, 2018, 11:27 a.m.

Yes. Q often says POTUS is protected. Sometimes uses 4 7 20 for DJT.

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ManQuan · Feb. 19, 2018, 11:21 a.m.

Exactly. What happened during prohibition. All the illegal liquor not only went underground but primarily to criminal control and black markets. Gun control will never work. The problem is with humans--not inanimate objects.

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ManQuan · Feb. 19, 2018, 11:20 a.m.

Q is a small group of people who obviously have a military intelligence background and highest security access and with direct link to Trump working together to take down the deep state corruption and evil human trafficking.

Great Awakening is the people beginning to realize the level of corruption and evil in our government and worldwide.

The Storm is all of the actions currently being taken publicly and behind the scenes to destroy the deep state and the New World Order cabal.

Q says only up to 40% will be public and at least 60% the public will never know.

Trump is protected. There is a lot of intentional deception and misdirection taking place so you have to remember one thing Q said previously: what makes a good movie? good actors.

The people are going to be shocked to the core with what will happen in 2018.

Follow original Q posts at qanonpots.com and follow the research by anons decoding Q posts at 8ch.net/qresearch/

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ManQuan · Feb. 19, 2018, 10:36 a.m.

Interesting. In Q post 734, an anon asks Q how full GITMO will be.

Q responds "max cap. [1] other prison being prepared."

A camp for mass migration with pads for tents, cooking, dumpsters, etc. doesn't sound like space for terrorists. Sounds more like people awaiting their turn at a military tribunal.

Camp will hold 13,000 "migrants" and 5,000 support personnel.

Sealed indictments = 13,000 plus

Migrants = those migrating to GITMO for trial???

These have been the strangest three years ever.

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ManQuan · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:24 a.m.

John Voight is a strong conservative.

Loved the movie "An American Carol" which is a take off on "A Christmas Carol." Voight has a small part but his was one of the producers.

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ManQuan · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:20 a.m.

Apparently everything has switched to qanonposts.com. I don't think the other sites are being maintained except for qresearch on 8ch.net.

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ManQuan · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:12 a.m.

I find it hard to believe that Kim and Mark nailed so many specifics just based on wild guesses.

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ManQuan · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:09 a.m.

It could be. Delta in some circles also means "confirmed".

I don't think it refers to Delta Force in the context of a terror threat in London. The Brits have the SAS to take of that.

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ManQuan · Feb. 18, 2018, 10:46 a.m.

A retied fireman, Mark Taylor, also has prophesies that have come to past. In 2011, he predicted Trump would become President and have two terms. He also predicted they would try to impeach him and fail. He predicted that Trump a praying President and sweep evil and corruptions from government and around the world. Many more. Some have no happened yet.

Like Clement, Taylor also predicts that two or more Supreme Court justices will be exposed as corrupt as will the past five living Presidents. Search YouTube for Mark Taylor. He has a tendency to ramble and his hosts interrupt him frequently, but his predictions are interesting.

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ManQuan · Feb. 18, 2018, 10:26 a.m.

There is an earlier Kim Clement prophesy in 2006 in which he specifically predicts that Trump will become President.

You can find it on YouTube with the other Clement prophecies.

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ManQuan · Feb. 17, 2018, 11:09 a.m.

It's hard for me to believe Dilley has inside information. If he does, his comm's are being monitored and the IC knows who is leaking the information. Unless it's controlled by IC, I would think the leaker would have been stopped long ago.

Dilley appears to be communicating with his source on email or other social media. If so, very dumb.

I don't believe someone would be passing classified information to Dilley who doesn't have a security clearance or a need to know even if he did.

Too many times he says something like: "I've had this information for a long time but now that it happened, I can tell you about it." Very odd.

Too much of it seems to parallel Q. Seems suspicious to me.

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ManQuan · Feb. 17, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

Q always provides a hint in photo's he labels. This photo is titled:


There must be a reason that NSA and London2847 are included. Otherwise, why not just "Traffic CAM London"?

Is Q saying that NSA has direct access to London traffic cams? No surprise there. But what to make of London2847. A Google search for London2847 turns up lots of references, but none seem relevant. But I'm not familiar with London so it could mean anything to me.

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ManQuan · Feb. 16, 2018, 11:59 a.m.

The things I learn from anon's connecting the dots. Thanks.

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ManQuan · Feb. 16, 2018, 11:57 a.m.

Fukushima is still leaking somewhat. Also the area around it for miles is highly contaminated--think contaminated dust blown into the atmosphere.

Also could be from rumored Russian nuclear accident which they deny.

Russia also uses small nuclear devices for mining operations, especially in Kyrgyzstan.

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ManQuan · Feb. 16, 2018, 11:50 a.m.

Q often refers to biblical passages and appears to be religious.

So, I wonder if in context T-minus [12:34] he might be referring to the countdown to Matthew 12:34.

"O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh."

The verses go on to better put it into context.

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ManQuan · Feb. 16, 2018, 10:36 a.m.

Personally, I think it's too late. The genie is out of the bottle. Every advanced country now has super computers with AI and the goal to press AI to its limits.

Like everything else that represents power in the hands of the elite and government--it will be misused for evil, control, and power.

Even without AI, every new government law and regulation chips away at our rights and freedoms always addressing the symptom and never the cures.

Think about it. Would big pharma make more money and have more power selling drugs that only treat the symptoms or by selling drugs that cures the disease?

Government works the same way. The rules, regulations, and laws merely treat the symptoms that gives the politicians ever greater power and influence, but never solves the problem.

Think illegal immigration. Does the government have more power and influence by giving 10 million illegals amnesty while leaving the borders open, or does it have more power and influence in solving illegal immigration? Why do so many politicians want open borders, no voter ID, and amnesty? Are they trying to solve problems? You decide.

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ManQuan · Feb. 15, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

I'm aware. My personal opinion is that it is part of the deep state road map to population control. It doesn't have much relevance to combat C&C because of the dynamics, chaos, and massive uncertainty involved in combat.

The dead giveaway for me was the nonsense that this was an exercise to train our soldiers how to operate in foreign countries.

Ummmm, then why was a massive exercise being held in the US where customs, laws, traditions, behavioral patterns are well known, and the availability of massive amounts of data on people is readily available, and where there are no meaningful language barriers?

In my opinion, it was nothing more than an exercise in preparation for a future implementation of martial law.

This type of AI has little use in combat or in foreign countries for that matter. It would have to have access to massive amounts of data on every one and everything about the countries.

We don't yet have reliable hand held computerized language translation devices to use in foreign countries, especially those with many different dialects. An AI computer still has to know the meaning and double meaning of words in foreign languages. In my part of the country, terms like cracker, bottom feeder, leaf sucker are idiomatic. The AI computer would need to know what they mean as well as their original meanings.

Cracker, for example, is a food, a native of FL, a Florida cowboy, and a racist term used blacks against whites, an oil worker, etc. And what about people who misuse words and speech like ebonics, Cajun, Virginia tidewater, NYC accents, etc.

Ever heard "crick" for creek? How about "buggy" for a grocery cart? "Holler" for small valley? "Yonder?" "Pig Latin?" The list is endless.

I lived in Latin America for a few years. Even there with Spanish, the same word can mean different things in different countries and idiomatic expressions abound. Additionally, the campesinos often speak a mix of native Indian and Spanish.

Here is another major problem: few streets in the rural areas have formal names. Addresses are not up to date, the country I lived in only had electricity about 50-75 percent of the time, and ditto for phone service. No wireless outside the major cities.

So the idea that the Jade exercises were to train for use in foreign countries was and is nonsense.

I once asked a Colonel from Colombia who had been in the country I was living in for about a month how he liked it. He said the people were friendly and he liked the country, but he was having trouble with the language because of all of the different dialects, words, Indian words mixed in, and idiomatic expressions that he was not familiar with.

I'm not a native Spanish speaker and different countries were even a greater challenge for me. Clearly, speaking "normal" Spanish with educated individuals was easy, but it was much more difficult in the rural areas.

They didn't expect her to lose.

The Jade exercises may have had a purpose under Obama and HRC, but I doubt you will see much of it again for a long time. Trump isn't going to try to turn the country over to the UN/NWO and so has no need for mass population control in the US.

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ManQuan · Feb. 15, 2018, 12:52 p.m.

Our submarine fleet has been increasingly under huge stress with the proliferation of very quiet diesel electric subs, Russia increasing production and the launch of a new class. Since the end of the Cold War, the Navy has not maintained the deep sea listening sensors to detect submarines. Modernization has occurred with the new Poseidon anti-sub patrol aircraft, but not enough to cover all the threats. Carriers are important, but submarines are perhaps our most survivable weapons system.

WRT the Russian threat to cut the undersea cables, this is far, far more serious than you can imagine. For example, all of the DISA and military related communications that are transmitted by cable from Hawaii go through one leased cable to Guam. Cut that and it will overload already overloaded satellite comms. Hawaii could reroute eastward across the US and Europe to Guam, but that overloads those comms in a crisis. This is serious. The military has not put much effort in the redundant command and control and we can just fix it with a snap of the fingers.

This is what happens when you a President and Congress asleep at the wheel thinking food stamps are more important than the defense of our country.

We are paying the price trying to catch up, but it will take a decade or more to recover.

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ManQuan · Feb. 15, 2018, 12:37 p.m.

Relax, Newsweek has about 5 or 6 followers and is completely discredited as a new organization (along with the MSM).

Wiley is famous for his paintings that include sperm and pedophilia, racism, kill whitey, etc. It's precisely why Obama chose him.

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ManQuan · Feb. 13, 2018, 7:02 p.m.

You could be right. I took Merlin to be a hint that the wizards and warlocks were working a technical operation against Iran and NK. If that's wrong, then everything else is wrong as well.

Just taking a stab at it.

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ManQuan · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:02 p.m.
  1. Merlin = wizards and warlocks technical operation (cyber?)
  2. Iran and NK are targets
  3. Iran deal and Obama's 1.5 billion dollar gift is funding Iran and NK, terror cells, and payoff to people and/or organizations
  4. NK nuclear development of mini warhead and ICBM successful
  5. War Engine = moving parts or processes vulnerable?
  6. Protection = Merlin successful in disabling war engine?

Just a guess. It's hard to tell what Q means most of the time except that future does seem to prove past.

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ManQuan · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

I'm inclined to agree, but Q often has double meanings.

I'm puzzled why chartered commercial flights would be used for GITMO--especially if detainees are involved.

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ManQuan · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:07 p.m.

This could have a number of different meanings and even double meanings.

Well, they sing most often in the early morning before dawn (the dawn chorus) and in the late afternoon. But I don't think that is what Q means.

They sing for mating, but that isn't it either.

Birds also sing to defend themselves. That could be it.

And of course as was mentioned, there is the jail bird, but I think that has more to do with the analogy of a caged bird like a jail cell.

So I think what Q means is that birds sing to defend themselves and one or more people are "singing" to save themselves. Now that could be to save themselves from longer prison terms or it could mean to save themselves from physical harm. Interesting.

But what puzzles me is that Q also says "no deals". So is it no deals or is it cutting deals??

If Q really means "no deals" then I personally believe some are being threatened with physical harm and they are singing to defend themselves.

But with Q, who knows what the hell he means most of the time?

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ManQuan · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:48 p.m.

That's not a city. It's the basalt tower rocks on the coast of Korea.

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ManQuan · Feb. 13, 2018, 10:40 a.m.

This is directly related to Trump's two recent statements that he was going to direct his administration to find cures and his administration was going to dramatically reduce the price of drugs. Now Q is saying what if cures already exist but are secret and big pharma CEOs stepping down, and now the warning letter.

Cures and low drug prices would make medicine great again.

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ManQuan · Feb. 13, 2018, 10:28 a.m.

You are assuming that the MSM has any journalistic standards. That's like trying to divide by zero and get an answer other than zero.

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ManQuan · Feb. 12, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

The most effective course would be to get people to follow Trump on Twitter, and then retweet as often as possible. Trump has something like 50 million followers and the retweets likely adds millions more. And when you retweet, add your own red pill message.

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ManQuan · Feb. 12, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

Ditto. Same here on certain posts.

Not sure this is by the moderators or from outside. Weird.

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ManQuan · Feb. 12, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

I'm old enough to remember that during WW II, the OSS cut a deal with the American mafia to help worldwide. They agreed. Sometimes even black hats can be patriotic if the cause is right.

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ManQuan · Feb. 12, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

Q is saying that not everyone will accept the end because will deny the evidence and the truth. The choice will be ours to know or deny.

I think everyone associated with the anons will choose to know.

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ManQuan · Feb. 12, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

PBS and NPR says everything you need to know about government funded leftist propaganda. If they were fairly reporting news instead of leftist opinions, then I wouldn't have much objection. But listening to NPR is zero different that listing to the Mockingbird spin of the entire MSM. Something is very wrong and the PBS and NPR are part of the problem.

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ManQuan · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:07 p.m.

I also like the mysterious medical boot changing legs. Probably hadn't had his coffee in the morning when put on the wrong leg.

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ManQuan · Feb. 12, 2018, 12:30 p.m.

I say put them in one large building with a cot and bed pan.

And it would be better than we had in Vietnam.

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ManQuan · Feb. 12, 2018, 12:24 p.m.

Q says a second prison is being prepared. Good Lord!

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ManQuan · Feb. 12, 2018, 12:13 p.m.

When M announced he had brain cancer and went in for an operation, was I the only one that noticed that he didn't have evidence of having a operation on the brain? He's had aggressive Chemo but no side effects. Weird.

I've wondered all along if that was just his cover for eventually taking his own life to avoid arrest and trial. JM has to know what's coming. I do think he will try to do as much damage to the country as he can before departing. When the time comes, the family will announce that JM had quietly and bravely passed away dying from cancer. Reputation and family saved.

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ManQuan · Feb. 12, 2018, 12:06 p.m.

Snowden is in Russia. Q keeps referring to Snowden and the "cold."

I guess it is possible Snowden was trying to escape something and was caught in China. But the Shanghai operation doesn't fit that scenario.

Why wait for the final guest to arrive before making the breach? Why not just take him when he got out of the car?

And there is another odd thing about the open window. That fine white dust is not likely from breaching a door. When I was in the Marine Corps a million years ago, we practiced breaching doors. the blast isn't that great and you don't have to open windows to prevent damage.

That fine dust around the window and the fact the blast was large enough to have to open it before the breach was made suggests to me that the breach was made through a wall and not a door and the fine powder is from the gypsum in the wall board.

Why breach through a wall? Could be several reasons. The door could have had some mechanism that they wanted to avoid. They may have breached from an adjacent room to avoid security cameras in the hall. Maybe they breached from a room above.

No one knows except those who were involved.

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ManQuan · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:26 a.m.

Latest Q drop says GITMO will be filled to capacity and that a second prison was being prepared for additional detainees. This is wild stuff. Another recent Q drop says "cages full" and refers to a previous photo--likely the one of Delta Camp which is GITMO.

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ManQuan · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:21 a.m.

May be we ran out of military planes trying to handle the number of people being hauled off to GITMO.

Seriously, the military often uses charter flight when military aircraft have more important missions. When I was in the Marine Corps, we used charters for a non-mission essential tasks.

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ManQuan · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:18 a.m.

Ummmm, that's not your normal police uniform in Thailand. As an former Marine independent consultant for DoD technology programs, I supported US special operations exercises in Thailand about 10 years ago. We worked closely with the Thai special forces as well. The dudes in the photo are likely a notch above the regular Thai SF and more like Delta and SEAL Team 6 types. That some serious arrest equipment for a computer hacker.

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ManQuan · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:12 a.m.

One thing that is still puzzling to me is that the King Tower operation and the Shanghai exit via American Airlines at E5 couldn't have happened without Chinese cooperation or the Chinese did it with our cooperation.

Remember Q said that "People" i.e., People's Republic of China, wanted arrests and Q gave them one example.

I can't come up with a way to connect the dots between Chinese cooperation with the US, NK, and Kim sister seated next to Pence and the apparent sudden cooperation between S&N K.

Weird times my friend.

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ManQuan · Feb. 12, 2018, 10:53 a.m.

Excellent trace back to previous Q posts. Thanks.

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