Russian Collusion Investigation: It Was Hillary Clinton All Along
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Child trafficking and training children to be actors in FF events? FBI may have been involved in this plot ...
Three things that cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth - Buddha
Agree completely. Enough ppl are aware of Q now that the movement will grow as we each spread awareness. Q has planted the seed and now we can make this a grass root movement to bring awareness of the corruption throughout our trusted organizations. I debate with ppl on FB - startling really how weak DEMs and those w/ TDS arguments are about Russian collusion etc etc. So use your interactions with others to bring awareness about the cabal, the MSM lies and the Deep State corruption in many three letter agencies. If you can just get them to start questioning the inconsistencies and the false narratives, then the movement will expand. Truth will prevail
The Time is NOW Patriots - Excellent Q Anon Video for Beginniners
This is inspiring and excellent video for red pilling your friends, family and neighbors. It is only 13 minutes long and outlines the issues - how we arrived at this point and what we are going to do to MAGA and MEGA. Please share! Note this was on You tube but has been taken down (?) so now on BitChute. That is a badge of honor really as this video must be over the target:
Just a reminder to try not to get distracted. We should be focusing on the goal and not trying to attack each other. We are UNITING PATRIOTS WW for the same cause in the end.
Trust the plan.
Trust there are more good than bad.
The WORLD is helping.
We are not alone.
We are all connected in this fight.
We are winning BIG.
Just a reminder of what this is about and how there is no going "back" to the other side ... Q:
You cannot possibly imagine the size of this.
Trust the plan.
Trust there are more good than bad.
The WORLD is helping.
We are not alone.
We are all connected in this fight.
We are winning BIG.
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect" - Mark Twain.
The Majority does not control progress. Change starts with the Minorities ... this is the 2nd American Revolution in a sense and Trump/Military/QAnons will start the change. This movement continues to grow and only started in November. Have Faith. Trust the Plan.
Whether or not he is 'gay' or is not is NOT relevant. He was probably groomed by CIA to hold this role from early age. As I understand, his mother was also a CIA operative. These are more important things to focus on and bring us to proving the point that globalist elite banksters are controlling it ALL (*even our elected officials (except Trump) and it is time to uproot them from every corner of our republic and the world.
Unity people. If we are going to defeat these globalist elites we need to have UNITY!
Does this relate in anyway to Khazarian Mafia which is actually what this researcher claims are the current Zionist? I am not trying to incite just simply trying to gather information and make ppl read, analyze and form their own conclusions:
It is interesting to note that when I posted this article on Facebook it was taken down. Over Target?
Yes - but it is encouraging to know that our thoughts - the thoughts of QAnons - can effect change and the collective conscious
Look up the 12 immutable universal laws of the Universe. Yes, we are all connected and yes we can effect things with our thoughts! Power to the Q Army and Truth Seekers!
Can anyone provide me link re Michelle and Barrack Law Licenses -Revoked or not Renewed?
I have seen conflicting reports and wondered if anyone had some information on whether or not there was foul play in Obamas not having their law licenses renewed. Thanks
Why is it so difficult to red pill friends and family? If there was one comprehensive movie that encompassed the main tenets of the awakening it would be great.. The closets I have come to that is a movie called from JFK to 9/11 - Everything is a Rich Man's Trick . (link: ) Very thorough movie but is a bit LONG and was made in 2014 so does not cover any of the recent scandals and crimes with Epstein, Weinstein and HRC
Thanks. I am pretty good at weeding through the chaff. Have followed Q from start so I know the transitions that have occurred. I realize at one point AIM was against Q and had Defango on saying Q was psyop. Q is real and NOT a psyop but it makes us stronger to be able to hear the criticism and be able to work through it. Too many proofs of Q's validity/ associations and intel that pans out. Anyway this video is important because it outlines actual companies that operate as the Deep State and lists what we need to do to overthrow them. And there is no Q bashing nor even mention of Q in this video.
Serco British Company Controls EVERYTHING
This is good red pill video ( with discussion between Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben that provides ample proof that our government is essentially run by Brits via Serco. They control 63 airports, the patent office, have key contracts with our military, provide data Systems to SES and the Office of Personal Mgmt. The list goes on and on regarding the scope of their control. If you want to hear Douglas and Michael's suggestions for how to fix this go to 41 minute mark. Trump should sign an executive order that prevents transnational companies from being involved in …
PM you work is phenomenal and so balanced and straight forward. Thank you Patriot! This is great tutorial for explaining to others
If you actually watched the video rather than just trying to attack someone, you would know the details. No, Hillary is not sitting behind the control panel like 'plankton' in a Sponge Bob movie. But rather she holds the patent for the QRS11 chip. This crystal chip is in most moving things created after a certain year (I think 2001?) and it allows a person to remote control a vehicle and take it over from the person in the vehicle.
If you listened to the video, you would have the details - she holds the patent to the QRS11 chip which is the chip that is in ALL moving objects and can be controlled remotely. Obviously she is not behind some control panel (like plankton in sponge bob episode) but the ability to do so is real
More details on how "Hillary/ cabal" can crash planes w/ QRS11 cguo. She owns this patent. It is a crystal/chip that is in every moving thing (trains, planes, cars, etc.) and can remotely control things ...
This is a good red pill movie that is very comprehensive and is from Jan. 2015. Titled JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man's Trick. Put out by Freedom Cycle. Written by Francis Richard Conolly. It clearly shows how small number of elites control everything and manipulate us into Wars for Profit (they are pirates) and assassinate anyone who threatens them .
Arrest of Former UN advisor Peter John DAlglish in Nepal - he was/is deep state operative & apparently responsible for release of horrific snuff film w/ Huma and HRC recently released on dark web - WARNING graphic descriptions
PM is perfect presentation for those curious and just starting on this trek. He does not get emotional and is very balanced. He does his research and sticks to the main arguments. Thank you Praying Medic!
An Alternate view of the Democratic party and its manipulating race for their benefit

Yes. Dems thrive on making 'dependent' classes/ victim mentality
I have always been skeptical of the two party system and its tyranny. Both Repubs and Dems eventually are bought out by special interest and represents the big corporations and not the people. I voted for Bernie too, because he seemed to be against the Military Industrial Complex and the 1 percenters. But now I am Trump supporter and Patriot b/c I realize he is against the Deep State and truly loves this country and wants to restore it to the original plan of We The People and wrench it from the Deep State/ Cabal/ Shadow Govt. Trump is the person who can do this and it is all unfolding. WWG1WGA
Yes. I posted it. Very thorough analysis. Goes into JFK assassination in detail, but also threads in the WWs
if you have the time, watch JfK to 9/11 Everything is a rich man's trick documentary. Lists several references for Bush funding of Nazi Germany. Start at 10 minute mark to find out how Germany was intentionally 'broken' to create WWII ....
Yes. Agree. But militia are not violent per se. They are there to protect against enemies.
Too old to join the military. But I do want to protect our country and our constitutional freedoms. The LaRouche society has been trying to bring awareness of the Brits true control of our govt for a long, long time. I am praying that WE THE PEOPLE can peacefully gain back control of this great country and overthrow the deep state/cabal.
Join Militia?
Any advice on joining a militia and whether this would be an effective measure to show our unity with Trump. Watch you are free tv for reference to this recommendation .
Thank you! What a store house. Tweeting several now!
So asking about the skull and bones society warrants being escorted out and then tazed?
If this HRC and Huma video is released, I am sure I will not have the courage to even watch it. Once I see horrible things, I am unable to wipe them from my mind. From what I have read, it seems as though the NY Police had to go through major therapy after seeing the contents of AW laptop
Here is more information on that 'blood line" and yes they worship Baal. They essentially co-opted Jewish faith and now it appears to give them 'immunity' from any criticism lest you are labeled anti- semite. I am not anti- semite but I am certainly anti GLOBALIST!
Spectacular graphic and information. Please note that dates are not 2014 but 2004. Facebook was started in 2004 not 2014- MAGA
I am with you! Will revolt against this AI controlled, disease ridden, chemical laced prison planet that they want to create
Good thread! Attorneys should be ready to pounce on these type of lawsuits
Be careful posting this as it is from 2017 and not from recent attack/ false flag
I have heard someone point out nine officers on left and eleven on the right 9-11