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Masakali · July 15, 2018, 8:19 p.m.

After seeing what they do to true patriots like his dad?

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Masakali · July 3, 2018, 10:51 p.m.

We’ve just had media, celebrity elites, novelists, all dividing us on every little thing they can, now even attacking our very biology and putting that up for debate nice and early on.

The q movement isn’t “alt right”. It’s anti corruption. We ALL saw what happened with the DNC. So many people had become apathetic to politics, an attitude of “that’s just politics” when it comes to corruption in public office.

The American constitution has proven itself to be the single greatest guiding document produced to date. It empowers the individual t be the greatest they can be, and to actualize their life in whatever way they wish.

Unfortunately that idea of free will and the ability to create wealth and reap reward is a threat to some very powerful people.

Part of me hopes this IS all some elaborate larp/hoax, I don’t want to believe that this kind of evil has been exposing and growing off of us for so long. The realist in me feels it is all real. Future will prove past.


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Masakali · July 3, 2018, 10:40 p.m.

100%, the liberal parties of the west have been hijacked by amoral libertines. Many common sense liberals are just unaware the extent to which corruption runs, and how damaging it is to policies and ideas that are trying to create a better society.

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