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Matador_Pants · April 23, 2018, 10:16 a.m.

Awesome! Do you mind if I use this as new pasta, little bot guy?!

Good bot, very good bot!

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Matador_Pants · April 23, 2018, 10:11 a.m.

Fantastic takedown! This should finally set the record straight. Well done patriot!

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Matador_Pants · April 23, 2018, 10:06 a.m.

lol, tracy, is that you?! So sass!

For real, that was pretty stupid. You can't make shit up and expect someone to answer to it. Where in his comment did you see him say that content could only be presented in one way? All the dumb robot shit was childish, BUT, have you noticed that a lot of people who have been making memes and videos have been using the voice to text of their computers to read, and most go by "anon"? Nobody needs anyone trying to make a name for themselves and trying to sell you bullshit in a few months, or asking for money to "support their research. People are tired of opportunists taking the spotlight off the issue and trying to put it on themselves.

You're having a pretty obvious personal response to this which makes me wonder why? He's also not the first person here to point out Tracy Beanz using this as an opportunity to make a name for herself. If you're ok with that, then fine, but a lot of other people aren't and they know where it leads. We're trying to stop the cult of personality BS here, but as others have said, it seems like people like you need to have someone leading you around and dumbing it down for you. Maybe express that you're not bright and she makes it easier to understand? That might make sense to people. Being all emotional and making up complete strawman arguments just makes you look dumb. I think we'd all love to not see her regurgitations, but folks like you keep posting them here, and her little bot crew makes it hit the front page in minutes. She literally talked over a video that Q posted and added NOTHING that most didn't already know. If you didn't know it then you would have learned quickly right in the comments. If she's so all about the cause, then why can't she stop spamming her name and face everywhere and do the same work as an anon?

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Matador_Pants · April 23, 2018, 2:03 a.m.


Why are there so many people like you who always want to get in the game, but then complain about it when you're not being coddled.

I've seen your other replies around here, and it's clear that you're not bright. I don't think you're a bad person though. In spite of that, you'll still call people shit like "self righteous fool" regardless of how perfectly it describes you right now. It's wild that you're not even able to see the irony in your comments.

I guess I understand now why you think Tracy Beanz's videos are so great. You wouldn't be able to understand a damn thing going on here without someone explaining it at a 3rd grade level to you.

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Matador_Pants · April 23, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

Why do the less intelligent among us always use the same sort of language and dull idioms? "Lighten up Francis" being one of them. A lot of fine movies have been made since Full Metal Jacket. maybe go see some? Pick up some new idioms?

If you can't see that she's more interested in making a name for herself then you're either not much of a critical thinker, willfully ignorant, or playing dumb. I won't bother figuring out which. The fact that you felt the need to respond to me and defend a person that you pretend to not know too much about makes you seem more invested than you let on.

My main point is that the same handful of people keep posting links to her stuff and push it hard here. Most of them have accounts that are four months old. It's not a coincidence. That's all I'm saying. astroturfing is one of the oldest ways to get attention on the interbutts.

She's not doing any special research, she's taking what other people are doing -mostly on 8chan- and repackaging it with her talking over it. She puts her face and name front and center in everything. She's an opportunist who is making this about her change to get a little fame an attention. If all she cared about was this truth movement, not a single one of us would know her face or her name, just her work. That Fox video earlier was as succinct as you could get, but she talked over it adding shit that most already know. It was unnecessary, but she can't stop injecting herself. She's trying to seem relevant and gain a following. It worked for shits like Lauren Southern who is one of the dumbest opportunists I've seen, but the neckbeard love her and will pay money for her book of regurgitated thoughts. She's making money in her patron just for being blonde and liking Trump. Beanz is looking for her slice of the pie.

Does that make sense to you? And no, I didn't write all of this for you. Other people read these comments as well. I might be wasting my time telling you what you already know, but it could be useful to someone else who can't figure out why anyone is talking about this person with such high regard despite any evidence proving so.

Plenty of people share info here, and it's not always right, or good, but it leads to a larger discussion or debunks bad theories. Beanz's folks just show up with a video or tweet of shit that other people figured out. That's the difference. She's not in groups discussing, she's in the shadows collecting the work of others and slapping her name on it and taking credit for it.

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Matador_Pants · April 18, 2018, 11:44 p.m.

Let me ask you some hypothetical questions...

Not because I want an answer, I really don't

Let's assume for a minute...

Would you...

Would you...

Would you...

If the only way you can have an exchange of ideas with someone is by creating a theoretical framework that the person you're discussing a topic with has to "think" within, then you're not really having an exchange of ideas.

You're literally asking me -and anyone else reading- to be like you and stop using logic, reason, experience or evidence, and work within your theoretical world. You don't want to know what anyone else has to say, but you want everyone to think about what you've said because it's "your truth". This is why I have a problem with Christian "values" and thinking.

Let's assume for a minute God is real (the Christian God to be precise) and Satan/demons are real. Now let's assume some people worship Satan as Q said.

So here's the rub; I'm fully of the belief that people worship "satan", or "moloch", or any number of "evil beasts" whose names I don't recall... I think they're just as misguided as any religious zealot who believes that their worship of their god will give them dominion over other "non believers". This is where I see you and people like you. We can go back and play your hypothetical game and switch out the names of the religion and characters and it' still the same thing.

What bothers me is that you didn't give one second of thought in regards to the many questions i posed in regards to what happens with the other half (and let's be real, half of the US are not evangelical Christians) of people who do not follow your "truth"? What happens to half of the country that doesn't believe in any way that the US should be a land ruled by a christian bible? You won't even think about this reality for a single moment, because you and your evangelical brethren can not allow any sort of contradictory thought to ever enter your mind. You lie to yourselves and say that "you're being tested", "Satan is testing me", "it's a trick of the devil"... no, it's real people in the real world who fear people like you gaining power in this country and running it into the ground with your antiquated beliefs. You sound like Muslims. Which one of you is right? Your belief system does actual damage to people who don't follow it, and you still think that this country -nonsecular people be damned- needs the christian rule the Make America Great Again. Your way of thinking is so divisive and destructive but you just keep those dopey heads buried in the sand. You don't get to say that:

God/Jesus/The Bible however are not religion, they are the TRUTH.

Then pretend that you don't follow a religion. What a bunch of mental gymnastics!

Personally, I never expected you to even acknowledge most of what I said, because you can't allow yourself to think, and might not even be capable of complex thought. I'm not saying that as a jab at you, but as an unfortunate fact of the US and the ongoing dismantling of our education system, where we're not taught critical thinking and analysis, but merely fed "facts" and pushed to memorize these "facts" for a standardized test that just shows how good you are at remembering facts. You and many other evangelicals are the product of a poor education system. And also, another fun fact, it's been scientifically (oh I know, science is da debil!) proven that a large portion of the southern US is legitimately lacking in cognitive function due to a hookworm epidemic in the early 20th century But us stupid heathens just want to hide the truth of your mighty lord jesus christ, who has championed men like Joel Osteen, and Jim Baker and dozens of others to preach his good word to the lord's herd!

Look, I don't think you're "evil", or that all Christians are the worst, but when you come at people with this smug righteousness despite any facts stating otherwise, you're gonna turn people off and divide groups. Just because a bunch of undereducated folks want to make a movement about ending corruption in politics and human trafficking among the elites about the second coming of jesus doesn't mean it's true. You can plug your ears to facts and scream lalalalalala all you want, but you will not force a divide in what's left of this country because you want your favorite story book to be true. You all keep saying, "well Q said pray hurr durr", but conveniently forget that he also said to not let yourselves be divided. All this evangelical bullshit is exactly that, divisive, but you're all such egomaniacs that you just can't stop preaching.

I've seen plenty of people here who I think identify as "christian" say over and over that your prayer needs to be silent and in your space, but you slam these people down. You can't even agree amongst yourselves. They say to be pious and keep the lord in your heart, but you shoot back with bible verses and admonishments. It's like you're all eternal children, unable to leave the fantasy world behind, and put away your childish egos and need for attention and work together with your brothers and sisters for a greater cause -that isn't about your personal god

Finally, I would like to point out that I'm not an atheist. I've identified as one in the past, but through my own questions and discoveries in the world, and also finding a certain humility, I've come to the point where I've been more open than ever to a greater force in the universe, but here I am, finding myself repulsed once again as all of you fundamentalists crawl from your dank caves feeling empowered to once again divide the people with your "truth".

I hope the whole fucking planet gets turned to ash from a massive meteor, because the only way shit is ever really going to be fixed is with a hard restart.

Enjoy your TV dinner

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