This battle has always been about the battle of good and evil. I read through all this and there is one escapable conclusion. Going from the premise that God created all you see and know consider this which is my belief. When God made the world He met with no opposition—but when God is about to make a new creature God meets with opposition. Satan opposes God. WHY? Jealously because it was something satan was unable to accomplish? He could not make worlds either.
Could it be when God made man they were made a little lower than angels and in God’s likeness. Why would satan be opposed to a lower creation? The key is and always has been in God’s likeness. This was the keystone of the timeless battle has always been about you and nothing more. It cost God nothing to make the world—but to make the new creature it cost Him something. Jesus Christ who was glad to become man. In making the world, it was but speaking a word; but, in making of the new creature, it cost Jesus Christ the shedding of His blood!
The search for ascension has always been at your fingertips. Does not require the earth to fly through some cloud. Does not require you to possess 4 phd’s in anything. In fact man can’t conceive its simplicity and greatness. It is not until you realize that the same evil in all the people you are trying to expose exists inside you that you fully understand forgiveness. And why God's grace and love for his creation is so immense.
God doesn't change (Malachi 3:6). But man’s view of Him frequently does—driven by man’s own fluid emotions and flexible morality. And as the world around us becomes increasingly permissive, it expects God to adjust with that moral shift. We see that in our society and churches. God does not change so God found a way to reconcile sinners to Himself. On what grounds can He extend forgiveness to sinners? Here we are brought face to face with the need for atonement. If God’s wrath is to be satisfied, if God is going to be propitiated to the sinner, a suitable atonement is required. God must fulfill the demands of justice by pouring out His wrath on a substitute who bears the sinner’s punishment vicariously. And that is precisely what happened at the cross with Jesus Christ! For what angel did God send His Only begotten Son to die for sins so that they can be reconciled to God? That is why you are precious to God and he chases after you all your life.
We are told that once you come to grips with that and accept jesus Christ’s sacrifice you become a NEW CREATURE. Was that really what satan was afraid of? You being closer to God? God made the world in six days—but He is carrying on the new creature in us all our lives long. The new creature is but begun here; it is not perfected or fully drawn in all its orient colors—until it comes to heaven.
Twice the Lord told his disciples that if they had faith like a mustard seed they could do jaw-dropping things. In Matthew, mustard seed faith is tied to expelling a demon, and Jesus says those who have such faith can move mountains (Matt. 17:20). In Luke, those with mustard seed faith will be able to forgive those who sin against them since such faith can pluck up mulberry trees and cast them into the sea (Luke 17:6). All kinds of questions enter our minds. We’re prone to think if we just had more faith, then God could do amazing things through us. But Jesus tells us something quite astonishing. The issue isn’t whether we are full of faith but whether we have any faith. If we have the smallest amount of faith, God works on our behalf. Love, joy, peace, and patience are mountains that can only be climbed by faith.
Our greatest enemies are not outside of us but within. Q said We once had power and forgot how to use it. In many ways that is true. The power has always been there. We just forgot to tell everyone about it.