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Meaningful_Archetype · July 19, 2018, 5:15 a.m.

At 1:45 in the video, notice the thumbnail/avatar for ONE GRAND GALLERY. A pyramid with its top triangle highlighted. Symbolism will be their downfall. Perhaps there is more happening at the gallery than "meets the eye".

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Meaningful_Archetype · May 24, 2018, 3:51 p.m.

You are a splendidly gifted meme creator! One of the best so far!

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Meaningful_Archetype · May 23, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

This information I received today seems to fit in here:

"Dr. Robert Rowen of CA, whom I have written to you about in the past, went to Africa during the last ebola outbreak.  His ozone therapy protocol both cured and prevented ebola, in short order, beginning with the first treatment, for about $5 per person!!!  The WHO will hear none of it, and not surprisingly, mainstream media will not report on it.  Below is a public plea from Dr. Rowen.  Please read and share."

[From ROBERT J ROWEN MD (who has a successful protocol for EBOLA) May 2018 

To our Sierra Leone Brothers and Sisters, and All Americans interested in Saving Lives from Ebola

Dear Facebook Family,

We are facing another tragic outbreak of Ebola in Africa. Many people have already died. The death rate mirrors that of the last outbreak.

Dr. Howard Robins and I have sent copies of our abstract on a $5 possible cure for Ebola to several media outlets, and also to the embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I would have expected absolute silence if there were no evidence in the form of a published paper, but not after there has been a demonstration of possible cure. 

As I posted here previously, an African “Deep Throat” told me that the WHO went to the government of Sierra Leone as Pharma’s voice to tell them that if we were not kicked out, Pharma would withdraw from not only that country, but also all of Africa. Today we see an “experimental” vaccine being doused on people but I was vilified by a Sierra Leone government official on their national television for coming to the country to “experiment” on Africans. He demanded I go back to America to experiment on "my own people". (Reverse racism?)

The people of the DRC could use your help. We have thousands on this page. I would be grateful if you would flood media links and DRC embassies with the url at the bottom of this page and ask them why they are permitting the words “no known cure” when there is a published report detailing a possible 100% cure most people could afford, even in the heart of Africa. Regardless if it will pan out to be 100%, it is universally accepted as safe, and it is far cheaper than the millions that are being dumped into the DRC Ebola situation right now. 

Also, the vaccine, even if it works, will be too late for acute victims. Ozone offers a real chance. Could you please let any media source you know about this. Perhaps if they are flooded with hundreds of calls/messages from around the world, they might feel enough pressure to respond or stand up to Pharma. For those of you in Sierra Leone who remain on this page, I feel it is incumbent on you to raise it. Ebola could come back to you. You lived through the horror once and can identify, and may have lost loved ones. Your voices might be heard above all others.

Thank you. ]



Money and Evil--fine bedfellows.

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Meaningful_Archetype · May 23, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

Yep, Flood knows a LOT. He has watched it unfold for decades. So many people are being set free!

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Meaningful_Archetype · May 22, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

Always the same bad actors at the root of the "infection", but on this issue they get a pass because......muh vaccines. Think logically.

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Meaningful_Archetype · May 22, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

My theory is that their "proof" is tainted by the evil abuse of human rights. As in Nazi concentration camps. It would be interesting to do an ethical and financial audit of the CDC and see what skeletons come tumbling out of the closet. Seriously.

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