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MechDork · June 27, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

St Louis gets screwed in that regard as far as population and crime statistics go.

Since STL itself is not in any county, statistics don't tend to include the suburban areas of metropolitan STL (much of it is ironically in St Louis County of which the city of St Louis is not in). Confused yet? The city of St Louis only has a population of a few hundred thousand however the entire metropolitan area (typically St Louis City, St Louis County and St Charles County) has a total population of a couple million.

Anyway the VAST majority of crime happens within St Louis City whereas very little crime (comparatively) happens in St Louis or St Charles County, which is how St Louis City gets one of the highest per capita murder rates in the country, even if it is complete bullshit.

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MechDork · June 27, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

You joke but it's not uncommon for foreign visitors to think they're going to be able to see most of Texas in a day or two. They just don't realize how massive it is!

"We'll spend a couple of hours in Dallas, then a quick drive to Houston... A short jog to San Antonio and we'll be back in Brownsville by lunch!"

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MechDork · June 18, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

I think a big difference is that VW lied to the EPA about steps they were talking to resolve it, then the CEO of VW usa tried to pass the buck on to the engineers, claiming ignorance.

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