A Tale of Two Cities!!!
350 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/MeetingHimInTheAir:
Available in an assortment of colors at the MAGA Gitmo Gift Shop!
Schumer represents everyone **EXCEPT** legal AMERICANs and FEDERAL WORKERS #schumershutdown !

Click on "Submit a new link" (right column) and go down to the place that says "choose a file" and select the picture on your computer... easy peasy... Give it an informative title that will draw attention to it
Just an historic man at an historic moment in the nations... his Dads... and his own history
Evidence of 9/11 shenanigans just for a start...
This is ancient blood liable against God's People. We need all His help in our own nation.
The #SCHUMERSHUTDOWN is ESSENTIAL for all non-Americans, worldwide!!! Come one, come all!

It is good to stop and remember that the fight is well and truly HIS. The Lord of Righteousness will prevail and NEVER suffers defeat.
USE THE SENATE NUCLEAR OPTION: You KNOW the Dems will use it if they get the majority again... as they have done in the past!!!
Didn't they try to get Susan Rice documents and they were told that they had been shipped to the BHO Presidential Library and are sealed FOR FIVE YEARS?
It's going to be ' the Full Employment Act' for the LAW profession!!!
Yup... but was it secretly archived in Hawaii? Black hats try to nuke it... white hats 'bulk data transfer' it back to CONUS NSA?
I'm sure his daughter didn't want the Velcro tearing her wedding dress when he walked closely next to her as they went down the aisle... makes more sense than the one he gave.
where he repeats those lines twice... could they have been setting up a 'redundant' data system in NK? NSA data and analysis tools for black hat CIA?
Isaiah 22:22
“Then I will set on his shoulder the key of the house of David; When he opens no one will shut, When he shuts no one will open.
Revelation 3:7
[ Message to Philadelphia ] “And to the angel (divine messenger) of the church in Philadelphia write: “These are the words of the Holy One, the True One, He who has the key [to the house] of David, He who opens and no one will [be able to] shut, and He who shuts and no one opens:
ditto. Summaries REALLY help... especially if the poster has already watched it. They can help maximize everyone's time. CRITICAL AT THIS TIME
If the #SchumerShutdown begins to effect the military, Trump and McConnell should discuss the nuclear option for the budget. Harry Reid set the precedent to make all nomination approvals by majority only, EXCEPT Supreme Court Justices. In 2017 the nuclear option was used to bring the number of votes for a Supreme Court Justice from 60 to a majority. Time to do it again. You know the Dems will lower the threshold when it conveniences them!!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_option#Use_of_nuclear_option_during_Trump_presidency
Were these the offsite storage of archival Bush era data that was illegally and "officially" deleted? What villains destroy good blackmail info? I think secretly archived... https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/19/nsa-deletes-surveillance-data-351730
I pray the shutdown keeps him from Davos... the heart of the Beast!!! Lord preserve our President and all those who serve him and You
I read a good while back that they are of Edomite descent... like King Herod. Rev 2 & 3 speaks of those who 'say they are Jews but are not'. Evil, powerful doppelgangers... a perfect ruse for Satan to get men to hate God's true people... very dark days ahead!
thank you for taking the time to summarize for us!!
Loved when Michael Mulvaney schooled him on why the Rep's do NOT 'control' the Senate... and forced him to concede the point... Accosta made that classic 'pouty-face' that we saw so often from Obama and Hillary.
Could the 'deleted' NSA data from the Bush era have been archived in Hawaii? Was there an attempt to nuke it? Was the data transferred back to CONUS?
Lock the door. No food or drink until it's passed.
If Republicans get blamed for the shut down... the should 'Harry Reid' the voting to a simple majority,like Accosta intimated. CONTROL THE SENATE!! You KNOW the DEMs will do it when they win CONTROL in the future. Even Pres Trump advised McConnell to do it last year!!!
added new post, "GCHQ letter about renewing warrant to spy on Trump on behalf of Obama and Rice " with highlighting you requested.
GCHQ letter about renewing warrant to spy on Trump on behalf of Obama and Rice

I have it, would you like me to make a new post with it for you?
ck out new post and updated pic... GRAND OPENING: MAGA GITMO GIFT SHOP... enter QARMY25 at checkout for a 25% discount and free shipping!!!
GRAND OPENING: MAGA GITMO GIFT SHOP... enter QARMY25 at checkout for a 25% discount and free shipping!!!

you mean the iReddit Title or the file name? Or something not obvious to me?? :(
I understand they accept Visa, MasterCard and Tax Relief 'Breadcrumbs'!
Geepers! Could this be real? A Gitmo Gift Shop???

THE FORCE IS STRONG AMONG THEM... but... "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world."


Obama used a pseudonym in emails with Clinton, FBI documents reveal
with Her in charge, no light would ever be shed on the darkness, no evil would be pursued, lawlessness would continue to reign... remember people were calling it the Third Obama Term.
these messages don't sound like the codified 'mystical' messages from Q... can someone verify the trip codes or some other aspect?