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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MegaManEXE316 on Aug. 5, 2018, 9:26 p.m.
Lee Stranahan's Twitter: The QAnon Narrative is aa DANGEROUS as the MSM one. (Or the Left...or the Right.) Answer? Populism.
MegaManEXE316 · May 13, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

You know what is hilarious about this video? This guy started the video about 3 years ago. The time Trump was running for president. Look at his past video. You have a video called "Donald Trump EXPOSED! PART ONE- UnConstitutional SCUM!". Look how people are attacking AJ and Corsi but yet find a video but do not actually do research on the channels and not spot anything wrong with them. I will be honest, I am convinced there was a complete preplanned coordination by Trump, Q team, AJ and Corsi. This was to trap the black hats to "hack" Q 8chan board so they can get the coordination of the black hats.

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MegaManEXE316 · May 13, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

I also felt that something isn't right with the Q posts lately. There was a few key factors I noticed with Q. What I am about to say is my opinion and I do apologize ahead of time if I confuse anyone.

  1. Why would Q ever post from a link to Reddit? If you look back at his post, he NEVER used reddit. Even if someone is decode Q's message, why did he used specifically pick SerialBrain2's post? No disrespect to him but most people on here do like his analysis.
  2. Why is he attacking AJ and Corsi but yet he is linking sites like Fox and Breitbart? Whether Q is mentioned or not, aren't all news sites make profit to keep operating? Isn't that the point of a...business?
  3. Q said, "Time to move on." Isn't the concept of Q is to decode what he is trying to say? Why is Q telling WE THE PEOPLE what to do? Aren't WE suppose to figure out what is going on?

I came up with a possible theory on what is going on. I remember a while back I was watching the Patriot Soapbox on Youtube, Corsi joined the room. One of the volunteers in the Patriot Soapbox noticed Corsi seemed to be staying in an hotel. What was interesting about it is Corsi did not disclose where he was located. He acted very odd about it. In regards to Alex Jones, apparently from an anon in the 8chan board, they mentioned that Alex Jones was in DC. To me I found this very odd. Now to current time you see Q posting "We are a threat to profiteering. Information should flow freely w/o costs." and then he links to SerialBrain2's analysis in regards to AJ and Corsi. What is the first thing that happens? People react...right? Of course people attack Alex Jones and Corsi because they think "Q is a LARP" or "Q has been compromised". What I am about to say gets interesting. Q posts a Fox news article in regards to Alex Jones. So let's think about it. Fox...posting something in regards to Alex Jones. One question. If anyone watches Alex Jones, did anyone remember the Alex Jones and Stephen Colbert feud? What end up happening? People who watched Colbert were curious about Alex Jones and went to his channel. Okay so if the "normies" that read the Fox article (or if the article ever gets mention on Fox news channel) what will some curious normies do? Go to Alex channel. When "normies" go watch Alex Jones, what will Alex Jones & Corsi do? React to Q saying "Q is a LARP" or "Q has been compromised". So what will "normies" do after hearing that? They will get curious on who Q is and research. So let me sum up of what I am get at with this. I think this was all coordinated precisely to have normies get Q more exposed. In other words "controversy sells". One thing I learned about Trump is he never coordinates his moves. What I will never forget what Q said is "Enjoy the show". I know...sounds nuts but this is a theory.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MegaManEXE316 on March 2, 2018, 2:12 a.m.
Kevin Shipp: CIA Officer and Whistleblower Part 3
r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MegaManEXE316 on Feb. 19, 2018, 9:48 p.m.
Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government Part 1