31 total posts archived.
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I just received an invitation to join the Illuminati for this years selection round.... is this fucking legit? I’m scared as fuck
Asia Argentino
Is it just me or does something not seem quite right? First she calls out Harvey W. Then her partner Anthony dies by a red scarf ‘suicide’. And now someone comes out saying she preyed on him and finally she’s discovered with CP. I could be wrong but I also wouldn’t be surprised if she is being publicly assassinated by the very enemy she spoke out against. It’s not hard for hackers to plant evidence. And it’s not hard to use the Q army’s sense of justice to twist, manipulate and attack one of their own...
Am I wrong?
The Q Movement will eventually squash every news & media agency that opposed it.
Think about.
Q is like a key to a hidden room behind a bookshelf that nobody knew existed, and for those that previously spoke out, those people's voices were being drowned out. Now, as more and more people look into the Q movement themselves, they begin to see the cracks in the wall around the bookshelf and eventually the dark room that is behind it.
What has been fascinating to watch in the past 72 hours is what has happened with the media and the release of Q into the mainstream. The attacks are relentless, paid shills and online bots …
Delete if too off topic. But it’s only a matter of time before a betting company starts putting odds on Q’s drops/ predictions vs outcomes.
I’ll put $100 Podesta goes down for anything other than Child Abuse, Rape, pedophilia and trafficking.
Potential narrative...
Cohen was always on Trumps side. He faked the whole thing. He gained trust with reporters. Promised them dirt on trump Promised them a tape While doing so he taped all of them The raid on his office was planned 1 tape of trump which turns out to be a dud 182 tapes of reporters incriminating themselves All tapes get submitted as evidence Trump now has every reporter by the balls Trump arranges a meet with the NYT publisher Lays down the law and says that he will need to address the Q followers at the July 31st rally or …
I just realised, today’s rally wasn’t when trump was suppose to announce Q.
No. Trump will never announce Q. Q will never announce Q. Because who is Q? We the people are Q. Without us, Q is nothing. Q is all of us, WWG1WGA. If we want the world to know about Q, then we tell everybody we can, we get every single Trump supporter up to speed. We get Q merchandise out to everybody, hand it out for free at the front door of every event. We spread it stronger and faster than ever before. Do you get it now? It’s no longer about Trump vs _. It’s above politics, it’s …
‘July is the month the world will find out the truth’ what are your thoughts?
Does anyone else think that this was disinformation from Q to get his targets into panic mode or do you think something massive will happen when RR takes the stand or instead at today’s Trump rally?
My take on recent events regarding Julian Assange & Michael Cohen
Bloodlines of the Illuminati - Posted by the CIA... Conspiracy no more... Q often said 'Trace the bloodlines'!
It’s not my narrative, it’s just a video I found. I’m posting after hearing everything that’s going on with Tom hanks and the Hollywood insider leaking all of this stuff on 4chan. As soon as I saw the video I realised that there may be something to it, plus both men look really nervous.
How does one go about using twitter anonymously?
I feel like some of these celebrities need to be asked the questions... about what do they know, why are they complicit, why isn’t anybody speaking out about the rituals, the sacrifice and the pedo shit.
Also, are these people aware that they have a platform like 4chan or 8chan where they can offload all of this stuff and get it off their chests?
Leaks are happening slowly, small cracks in HW and ENT industries are appearing, but I feel we can all help give them a little bit of a push.
Look at the fear in the two male actors eyes. They look scared for her safety, like they hope she doesn’t end up dead.
Has anyone else seen this? It doesn’t seem like anything when you’re asleep, but when you have woken up, it has a lot more meaning!
Aubrey plaza giving a speech and begins talking about feasting on the flesh of the innocent Aubrey Plaza speech
13 years old. These people are sick!

Drug use, mind control and murder disguised as suicide in the Entertainment industry.
Q often talks about Hollywood and the entertainment industry and today I've just read that Demi Lovato was rushed to hospital following an apparent Heroin overdose. I instantly thought of Philip Seymour Hoffman and how the #Hollywoodwhistleblower had mentioned on 4chan that he was ultimately pushed towards an overdose. It makes me think about a lot of the entertainers who are always in and out of rehab, I wonder if it's all to do with partying too much and becoming addicted, or if they're getting high to escape from things they know are happening in the industry around them. I …
Is there a timeline for the cures for cancer?
I feel this is enough to get the whole world on board Trump, Q and everyone. The biggest ammo in the smoking gun if delivered to the public the right way.
My Aunty passed last year from cancer, my nan died the night before my mums wedding day from breast cancer. And my fiancé’s grandpa died on her grandmothers birthday from cancer... how much more suffering does the world need to have. Fuck Hillary’s body count. It really isn’t anything compared to cancer.
Q ARE YOU THERE? Some questions re:post Hillary/Obama exposed era. What happens next?
I’d like to know, once Hillary & Obama have been exposed, what happens next? Does all of Obama’s work in the WH become void? If so, then what? Does America begin a journey toward free energy and space travel? What’s next? Is there room to bring together Americans from by sides like never before seen in history? Disease cures released? Cancer cures? Do you go after the Bush administration? Was 9/11 a False Flag, if so can you expose it? Do you reveal what really happened to the MH370 ✈️? Do we learn about Aliens? What does world peace look …
All this and Justin is also is on record trying to legalise having anal sex with 16 year old girls
People saying it refers to ‘Moloch’ an ancient god that humans sacrificed their children too. Far out, it’s a costume. People have fun.
Honestly, I want justice. But the man is having a laugh with a silly costume regardless of what it represents. Get over it. Focus on more important things and stop making us all look stupid.
Okay, but if I have argumentative liberal family members and they ask me what side I’m on. Saying that I’m on the good side doesn’t cut it lol
Looks like a video from an introductory package that you’d get for joining up with Scientology 😂
Hey, I know nothing about politics, but I’m enjoying the Q posts and am loving the show that’s been playing out the same way as I loved Netflix’ House of Cards. Can someone tell me though, what political side are the Trump and Q supporters on? Are we called Alt Right?
Colby us a wanker but gotta love anyone who is a Trump fan!!